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Stairs In An Emergency

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We're currently under a tornado watch in Southeast PA. The house has a basement but Magic doesn't do stairs any longer. I figure we should be OK if I can get him inside the basement door on the small landing at the top of the stairs. But does anyone have a suggestion to get him down the stairs so we'll be even more safe?

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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Can you pick him up and carry him? Harness to help him down the stairs? Both my girls do stairs, but Rainy is iffy with them and getting older. In an emergency I would carry her or just throw a leash/harness on her and keep her at my hip and pull her down.


And stay safe! We are under a tornado watch until 10pm tonight too. We don't even have a basement though :(


Keeping leashes on is a good idea anyways. A friend this past year had to make a run for her basement and her dogs panicked and ran to the bedroom upstairs! The winds sound scary to them and they just wanted their safe spot.




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Not even windy here..... I'm trying not to pay to much attention since there's not much I could do anyways. No basement. I could stack us all in the downstairs bathroom. And I do mean stack! Not even sure 1 dog could turn around in there




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That sucks, warnings are scary! I would suggest you carry Magic down the stairs. If Magic isn't into being carried as is, perhaps you can place him (her? sorry!) onto a nice blanket and have a friend help carry the dog down that way.

Hope you make it out safe and sound.



Bri and Mike with Boo Radley (Williejohnwalker), Bubba (Carlos Danger), and the feline friends foes, Loois and Amir

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Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, no one was home last night to help me with him. I did get his travel harness that I could have used to help him on the stairs. As I said, if worse came to worse, I could have gotten him inside the basement door. There is a small landing there. Fortunately, we usually get smallish tornadoes (EF0 or EF1) and we live in a big hold stone house so getting him on the landing would have protected us from glass and other debris.


We didn't get much more than a little wind and a heavy downpour and very little thunder. It was just a watch. As far as i know no one in the area actually had a warning.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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He doesn't do stairs because he CAN'T or because you won't let him?


In an emergency, you can be damn good and sure I could carry George down the stairs, one way or another! I've done it before. Adreneline takes over and you might surprise yourself.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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If you have a very large dog and no harness (so this is for people other than the OP), you can do what veterinarians and staff do for dogs with leg weakness or injury and use a towel under the belly (and potentially another around the chest) to support some of the weight when going down stairs after you start him. Then you aren't carrying all of his weight but are reducing resistance and helping brake (so it doesn't end up in a tumble down the stairs).

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