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I've Been Going To The Vet So Much

Guest Clawsandpaws

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Guest Clawsandpaws

they stopped charging me for regular visits and now just charge me a "recheck" exam... Even if it's for a new issue! Am I just overly paranoid? This is the first dog I have ever owned, but not my first pet... Almost once a week I end up spending 100's :( I love my hound, but when should I just wait it out? He has had soft stool since I adopted him in feb, and I heard Greys are notorious for soft poops, but lately he has been having bouts of terrible diarrhea, at one point it was liquid.


The vet has done almost all testing possible besides exploratory surgery, which he doesn't think is necessary yet... So far we're on our third major food change :( Sir Dudley is just confusing us because he is still acting like his normal, goofy, hyper self!


Anyone have any advice for what signs should indicate a vet visit?5

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

I go to the vet once every few years... with five dogs. Most of mine have never needed to go. BUT, I do a lot myself.


What have you done so far as treatment? Does the dog have any mental/stress issues going on (Like SA?). Has he been treated mulitple times for all possible parasites, even if the screening came up negative?

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Sorry Sir Dudley is having some problems. Like FastDogs mentioned, the first thing I'd try is worming again. Sometimes those suckers are hard to catch on a fecal. And if he's had them for a while, they can take quite a while to clear. Good news is he's feeling good.


There are lots of threads here on foods. I'm a raw feeder & feel it's a good option, especially for hounds with belly issues. I don't think greyhounds should be known for having stool issues. It's finding the right input to get the right output. :flip For me, that's raw.


Welcome to GT! Looking forward to meeting your boy. :digicam


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

My newly adopted ten year old girl has great poops, I am lucky. BUT she wouldn't gain weight, in spite of eating like a horse. Well, on a road trip, the stress of traveling caused her to "reveal" she had worms, even though at home, I never saw them, and tests were negative. Treated her again (the group did it once before I adopted her)- viola! So sometimes the worms can be stubborn.

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Guest zombrie

Sorry Sir Dudley is having some problems. Like FastDogs mentioned, the first thing I'd try is worming again. Sometimes those suckers are hard to catch on a fecal. And if he's had them for a while, they can take quite a while to clear. Good news is he's feeling good.


Agreed. Doolin was really sick the first 8 months we had him. We didn't know what was wrong with him. Cost a lot of money to go to a specialist just to find out he had a bad case of hookworms. It took several months of worming to make him better.


Also, I wouldn't be doing all this food changing if he has diarrhea. That in itself will cause an upset tummy. Have you tried the old hamburger and rice diet to try to get the diarrhea to stop? I swear adding a sweet potato to Doolin's diet is what caused him to "firm up" if we run out and don't give it to him, his stools go soft again.


About your question, it takes a lot for us to go to the vet. If they have diarrhea, I try to fix it myself first. But keep checking for dehydration. The only times I take them in is if they are injured or are sick beyond my control. Then again, I'm not a huge worry wart. I get sick all the time and I hardly ever go to the doctor, I just get better on my own... I guess I feel the same about the dogs!

Edited by zombrie
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I'm sorry to hear that you're at the vet so much. I find that it comes in bunches for my dogs - I won't go for a few months and then it's one thing after another and then calms down again.


As to the diarrhea, it could be worms, it could be nervousness about being in a new situation - it could also be food allergies, not enough fiber, or maybe food too rich.


I might suggest switching to a "bland diet" (easy to digest) which is cooked hamburger and rice for at least 1 week and see if the diarrhea improves - this diet helps to soothe irritation. If it's either rich food or food allergies causing the diarrhea then this diet might help make it less liquid.


After a few days try adding in some cooked oatmeal (has plenty of fiber) and see if the stool starts to firm up. If you are not up to cooking oatmeal - pick up some "Science diet lite", it has to be the lite because it is has at least 10% fiber which should start to firm up the poop.

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Guest Clawsandpaws

Thanks guys... So far we have done multiple fecals, blood tests (vet says they aren't usually very helpful) all negative, doing broad spectrum deworming now. I have read a lot about food and have tried to change his diet, but so far, he only does semi well on the stuff they gave him at the kennels (hills science diet) I don't know too much about SA, but I don't feel like he has any, he appears to be extremely relaxed and happy....



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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

He is a really cute boy! What's his racing name? He reminds me of my baby! She does the same thing! LOL


The worming may help, or just plain time. Feed once, maybe twice a day, and relax... and if his weight is staying good and he seems happy, try not to worry too much.


You could try a track style diet (kibble and raw beef and water mixed), or just add some canned pumpkin.

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With dogs that have 'liquid poo' more often than not I always recommend the Green (Proactive) bag of Iams Kibble.

I worm regularly with the broad-spectrum 'Milbemax' and there is always an improvement after using it.


In the summer stop the dog drinking outdoors water or eating grass under tress that birds might have pooped on.


To minimize vet visits learn to recognize the signs of dehydration (sunken dull eyes, gums not flushing back pink immediately after finger pressure, sticky saliva, lethargy). Recognize anaemia (pale gums, faster than normal pulse at rest, lethargy, blood in the poop - frank red blood is from the lower end, black from the top end.) Notice how much of their ribs is showing compared to their normal condition.


Get a good dog thermometer so that you can recognize elevations indicating infections.

Get in a supply of Pedialyte for helping with rehydration and lack of food uptake issues.

Get some scales... you can put front and back of the dog on bathroom scales and add it up.


If the dog has blood in the poop, if it is severely dehydrated or anaemic then it needs to go to the vet. Otherwise wait and see what your home treatments can do.

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Guest Clawsandpaws

He is a really cute boy! What's his racing name? He reminds me of my baby! She does the same thing! LOL


The worming may help, or just plain time. Feed once, maybe twice a day, and relax... and if his weight is staying good and he seems happy, try not to worry too much.


You could try a track style diet (kibble and raw beef and water mixed), or just add some canned pumpkin.


He was CL Snow Beast, Just not a fitting name! His brother, CL Snow Drifter is also up for adoption if you're interested ;D But thank you for your advice. It's hard not to worry about him!

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Guest Clawsandpaws

With dogs that have 'liquid poo' more often than not I always recommend the Green (Proactive) bag of Iams Kibble.

I worm regularly with the broad-spectrum 'Milbemax' and there is always an improvement after using it.


In the summer stop the dog drinking outdoors water or eating grass under tress that birds might have pooped on.


To minimize vet visits learn to recognize the signs of dehydration (sunken dull eyes, gums not flushing back pink immediately after finger pressure, sticky saliva, lethargy). Recognize anaemia (pale gums, faster than normal pulse at rest, lethargy, blood in the poop - frank red blood is from the lower end, black from the top end.) Notice how much of their ribs is showing compared to their normal condition.


Get a good dog thermometer so that you can recognize elevations indicating infections.

Get in a supply of Pedialyte for helping with rehydration and lack of food uptake issues.

Get some scales... you can put front and back of the dog on bathroom scales and add it up.


If the dog has blood in the poop, if it is severely dehydrated or anaemic then it needs to go to the vet. Otherwise wait and see what your home treatments can do.


Thank you, he has had blood in his stool (I posted on the forums for that too!) But there hasn't been anymore since the first incident. It's hard being a first time dog mom. Lol

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

No small wonder he looks like my dog! His grandpa is her daddy!!! (Star Wars).


Your dog's Daddy, Lonesome Cry, is the daddy of many of my former charges in the racing kennel... all were PIGS who inhaled their food and had to be fed first in the kennel or else they'd bark and cry while I was mixing the food for everyone...


The biggest pig of all, and also same daddy as your dog, is the dark brindle in my siggie pic... ;-)

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Guest Clawsandpaws

No small wonder he looks like my dog! His grandpa is her daddy!!! (Star Wars).


Your dog's Daddy, Lonesome Cry, is the daddy of many of my former charges in the racing kennel... all were PIGS who inhaled their food and had to be fed first in the kennel or else they'd bark and cry while I was mixing the food for everyone...


The biggest pig of all, and also same daddy as your dog, is the dark brindle in my siggie pic... ;-)


Small world! Sir Dudley is a huge pig. I have never had an animal that acted like he was dying if he wasn't fed EXACTLY the time he is used to. Everytime he sees food in his bowl it's like the first time he has seen food in his life.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Sounds like a Lonesome Cry pup to me! LOL We had a bunch, and like I said, total pigs. I would feed them first just so I could hear myself think.


My girl, I guess would be your pup's auntie :) She just loves to snooze with her tongue sticking out! lol



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What brands of food have tried? We went through this with our when we first got her, always liquid poop! It is very frustrating. We took her to the vet it it all checked out ok. We tried 4 different foods. I was on here one day reading and someone mentioned giving their dog Pedigree and had solid poops. So we tried it and she had has had solid poops ever since. I know its not the standard food to give a grey, but out vet had no problem with us doing it. She has the same amount of energy as she did on the high end foods. It sounds like you just need to find something that is gonna work for him.

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With dogs that have 'liquid poo' more often than not I always recommend the Green (Proactive) bag of Iams Kibble.

I worm regularly with the broad-spectrum 'Milbemax' and there is always an improvement after using it.


In the summer stop the dog drinking outdoors water or eating grass under tress that birds might have pooped on.


To minimize vet visits learn to recognize the signs of dehydration (sunken dull eyes, gums not flushing back pink immediately after finger pressure, sticky saliva, lethargy). Recognize anaemia (pale gums, faster than normal pulse at rest, lethargy, blood in the poop - frank red blood is from the lower end, black from the top end.) Notice how much of their ribs is showing compared to their normal condition.


Get a good dog thermometer so that you can recognize elevations indicating infections.

Get in a supply of Pedialyte for helping with rehydration and lack of food uptake issues.

Get some scales... you can put front and back of the dog on bathroom scales and add it up.


If the dog has blood in the poop, if it is severely dehydrated or anaemic then it needs to go to the vet. Otherwise wait and see what your home treatments can do.


Thank you, he has had blood in his stool (I posted on the forums for that too!) But there hasn't been anymore since the first incident. It's hard being a first time dog mom. Lol

He may have blood in his stool from his colon being irritated by the diarrhea.

I'm with John. Try the IAMS Pro-active Health in the green bag small-sized kibble. It may ot be high-end but it's not a junk food. Mine always got runny poop when I tried the better-for-them-stuff. Do a gradual switch, from old to new food.

It also is not unusual for the first poop of the day to be firm and for subsequent poops to be softer.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Guest Clawsandpaws

Thanks for all the tips, I will definitely have to be switching his food, going to look up the iams :) Dudley and I appreciate it!


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Guest Clawsandpaws

Weight looks good! He looks a lot like my former foster Starz Jameela (same sire).


His racing weight was 69 and he is now at 74, trying to keep him there :)

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Agree with de-worming again.

And again.


I don;t think the Big D is a 'greyhound thing'.

None of mine have ever had it, nor have any of the Greys we are friendly with.


Switching food frequently can be hard on the digestive tract.


Good luck with your handsome boy....He doesn't look skinny to me, either!


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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I feel your pain. My vet gives me free stuff all the time as I'm one of his best clients. I moan "but I don't WANT to be". Bella's neurological problems and Poodles diabetes had us in there a lot for a while -- maybe twice a month.


I wasted a ton of money at vets and e-vets as a new adopter. Then I took the stance that as long as the dog was drinking, not bleeding (from more than a minor owie that stopped soon) and was not in distress I'd wait it out until the next day. Often times a day would force me to reassess what might be wrong and take a calmer approach.


Out of my six greys Rex was the only one that had any loose poop and it took a long time to fix it. I had him fecaled, wormed, tested for everything on earth, and put on Flagyl - I'd still come home to bloody runs. Diagnosis was severe colitis. I tried lots of high end food and spent 487 hours in stores and on line researching foods...novel proteins, one meat - one grain and many other things.


I was at the end of my rope and was so frustrated that I decided I'd just try what all my dogs did well on before I joined greyhound message boards and forums where people preach about the demon corn and the evils of by-products. **drumroll** Then I tossed a green bag of Iams in my cart. Problem solved.


Good luck with your boy.

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My girl had the same problem when I adopted her. Loose stool for 2 + months (really annoying to clean up on walks) and tried a couple different foods, pumpkin, antibiotics, fecal tests, etc. The vet also recommened the flavorless Metamucil (tablespoon sprinkled on top each meal) to add more fiber. Finally, either the dry food I stuck with or time, solved the problem. I suspect she just needed time.

Qui me amat, amet et canes meas...et felem.

Olivia (RDs Merrygoround, b. 4/6/07, Gotcha 12/19/11

Chloe (PAR Candice, b. 5/22/08, Gotcha 12/18/12)

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No small wonder he looks like my dog! His grandpa is her daddy!!! (Star Wars).


Your dog's Daddy, Lonesome Cry, is the daddy of many of my former charges in the racing kennel... all were PIGS who inhaled their food and had to be fed first in the kennel or else they'd bark and cry while I was mixing the food for everyone...


The biggest pig of all, and also same daddy as your dog, is the dark brindle in my siggie pic... ;-)


And I've got a half-sister of y'alls pups--Silver Hornet.



Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Have you tried Prescription I/D yet? Especially if Hill's is already working better than some other foods. If he's having all this digestive trouble it might help at least in the short term. It proved so wonderful for Beth after a bout of pancreatic inflammation I've kept her on it as her regular food for over a year now (kibble with some canned on top) -- finally no more poop issues, her coat is like silk, etc. There are other dogs here on GT who need to be on it long-term. Or Science Diet Sensitive Stomach is sort of like a non-prescription version though it is not the same. I'm not saying your dog might not have a medical issue, but I thought I'd mention it.


I am also one of my vet's two best clients, though at present that is based on a cat with serious issues as well as my greyhound and her various issues and injuries (she's healthy over all though!).

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Something else that I don't think has been mentioned yet is trying a good probiotic, to help rebalance the good bacteria in the GI tract. The veterinary brands include Proviable, FortiFlora, and Prostora. I know others here have had luck with other brands as well.


And I can't find much scientific backing to this, but something else that might help is vitamin B12 tablets. A few members of our group have had some luck using this this for chronic diarrhea. Not sure if it was actually the B12 that helped, or just time, but it's a water-soluble vitamin, so won't hurt to try. Dose is 200-250 mcg/day.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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