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Turkey Necks

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I have never given my greys turkey necks before. So, I bought 3 yesterday. These are hugh necks. I put them in the freezer. Do you give one per dog? Give them raw and frozen? It costs me $5.44 for the 3 necks. Is this a good price? Thanks so much for any information.

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Guest BrianRke

I've often thought about giving mine turkey necks too but was always kind of afraid to do it. They have no problem with chicken feet so they would probably be fine with the neck. Im interested to read others opinions on the matter.

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Guest WhenIGiveIn

I normally give mine mostly defrosted and pay around 60-80 cents/lb but I buy them by the case. Once per dog when I first started I was giving half a neck to get them used to it but not they are more than happy to eat a whole neck lol

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I bought Bella a turkey neck last year, it was about 1 inch + wide and 5 inches long, the next day her poops were bad, but I think it was simply too much, too soon.


Bought some this past week, and they are tiny! They are about 3 inches long and less than 1 inch wide, guess turkeys are shrinking lol. Poops are good now :)

Greyhound Collars : www.collartown.ca


Maggie (the human servant), with Miss Bella, racing name "A Star Blackieto"

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

I just throw them each one semi frozen or thawed. Outside or in crates, so they don't drop or carry them onto my bed.

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If it's a huge neck, I would cut it in half. If you're really concerned about the way your dog might eat it, you can always hang onto one end with a pair of vice grips or pliers. At least, until you're more confident. As to frozen or not, I feed them fully defrosted.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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My guy blows through Turkey necks in as little as 30 seconds for a small one. Bigger ones take longer. For most dogs half of a large neck is plenty. My guy is huge so he'll take whaterver I throw his way.


I feed them partially defrosted - so they are slghtly bendable. The size of some of the pieces he swallows whole is frightening but never a problem. Go for it and let nature take its course.

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Guest PhillyPups

Mine love em. Each pup gets their own. The poops the next day are perfect. Moe insists I hold her turkey neck for her while she chomps until it gets to a nub. If I put it down she drops it on my foot and looks at me with her big doe eyes, which I am a sucker for. Dang, 13-1/2 and she is still tearing into one, I will hold it for her. :lol

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Guest Vers

I feed them almost frozen; Stella prefers them that way (this girl does not like fresh raw, so this is how we win this one), and Simba chows them slower when they're still mostly frozen. Almost frozen doesn't seem to bother either of them, and only seems to help the benefit to their teeth. If it's a big neck, I do give them some bone-free raw to offset the amount of bone in the neck to avoid constipation. Can't buy whole necks here, just halves or thirds, and not sure why. Just glad I can get them!

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I buy a 30lb frozen case, thaw it, chop them in half, bag them for a weekly amount and freeze them. They are huge, but when cut in half are the perfect size for my two. I feed them frozen. My two never have any digestive problems with them, but that's an individual thing. My friend's grey eats half of one and it really binds him up and he cries when he poops, so she avoids them. He does well with duck necks, though.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest bluefawn

I have been afraid to give them to Penny. They are huge! I am afraid she will get choked (but then, she is tiny). I am sticking with frozen chicken feet. Even the whippet girlz can handle those. I guess if your hound is large, or is used to the turkey necks, they are fine to feed them. Others I have talked with say they give their greys a whole thawed turkey neck. I think I would try a half one and see how fast your grey eats it (holding on to the other end at first is a good idea). As for price, I think $5.44 is a bit pricey for 3 of them, but they may be the huge ones. I buy chicken feet for 98 cents a pound, which is usually 12-14 per tray.

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Guest june

Just recently found a place about 25 miles from here that carry them. Need to get over there to check them out. My girls have never had raw (intentionally, but that is another story) and it will be interesting to see how they do. Guess I'll start with half a neck each and adjust from there.


edited to add: any of you have dogs who have few teeth and how do they do with necks?

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Please tell me if I'm doing wrong but we have been having "turkey neck Fridays" for quite some time. Each dog gets 1 sometimes very large thawed out turkey neck. They really enjoy them and have gotten to where it only takes them only 5-10 minutes to finish, like I said they are big.Keeps their teeth great; poops great; dogs very happy. They knaw and chomp and just love them. Pretty cheap meat too from MyPetCarnivore.

Edited by racindog
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Guest poofmagk

I just found the turkey necks at the local grocery store in the frozen meats section. They had them cut into halves, so it is a great size. Both of our greys love them and I've noticed that it consistently makes for nice solid stools the next day. I've also noticed that they are more cautious with the turkey necks, and chew off smaller portions than they are with other treats.

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Guest barkdogs

Mine get (chicken) drumsticks, necks and feet. My Anna Lucia has about 8 teeth (none are big molars or premolars, just some little front premolars and the canines) and she manages the chicken necks pretty well. Feet and drums are too much for her. Nigel is too delicate for those big ol' turkey necks. . . and he has great teeth, go figure. ?That's just Nigel though. . .

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest evanderleeuw

So regular necks, drum sticks and thighs (?) (bone and all) are ok to give? Oh boy, Lukey is gonna love this and my MIL is gonna freak out or probably pass out. Can't wait to do it in front of her next time we're over there!


(I have a feeling other breeds don't get these treats like the Greys do?)

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Please tell me if I'm doing wrong but we have been having "turkey neck Fridays" for quite some time. Each dog gets 1 sometimes very large thawed out turkey neck. They really enjoy them and have gotten to where it only takes them only 5-10 minutes to finish, like I said they are big.Keeps their teeth great; poops great; dogs very happy. They knaw and chomp and just love them. Pretty cheap meat too from MyPetCarnivore.


O/T, but here we have "Sardine Saturdays". :thumbs-up


Seamus gets frozen chikken feet pretty much anytime he stands at the freezer and stares. We have KNOT tried turkey necks, however.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest BrodesMom

I give Brode turkey necks raw and defrosted and he loves them!! I get them in a case of 10 from my raw food supplier for $15.00. They are huge! I give him one for dinner--I alternate dinners with them and chicken backs--and he's a big guy so one big one is perfect, and his poops are like rocks.

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