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Icky Question: Pre Vulva Tuck Pics?

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Brees is a three year old spayed female (11/11) who has never given birth. I don't know if she was ever allowed to come into heat. She developed what seemed to be a UTI a few weeks ago, just before GIG. It was treated with 2 weeks worth of Zeniquin, and she seemed to get better. Last night, she woke us up twice to go outside, which is what she was doing before the antibiotic.


Ok, now I need to get skeevy! Her girlie parts seem really small, almost buried. Nothing looks irritated. She isn't licking. No discharge. I just spent a good chunk of time trying to take a picture, which was really disturbing. My camera doesn't want to hear about it. (I don't blame it! :lol )


I'd like to see pics of girls who needed the surgery so I can smack myself upside the head for being a paranoid loon.


She probably just had to pee last night, right? Or I'm a munchausen's mommy. Or she's a manipulative twit who wanted to go chase squirrels!


(Before Joe and Brees, I last lived with dogs when I was a teenager -- almost 15 years ago. I didn't pay much attention to their nether regions then!)


At any rate, the vet is open late on Tuesdays. If she needs to potty a lot the next couple nights I'll haul her in.

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Normal female vulvas are fully exposed. It's individual to each dog as to how much recession produces a problem - from recurring UTI's to discharge to bad infections. Some people do the surgery, some people can get by with using a cleansing wipe of the area every day, or after every pee. Depends on what you and you vet feel is appropriate. I currently have two with recessed vulvas - one doesn't ever have any issues, the other is going to need surgery.


Sorry, no pics though. :blink:

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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I hope there is no issue with your girl, but I sorta laughed reading how you think of girlie parts as skeevy but we alll talk about poop as if it's not yucky. :lol :lol Given a choice, I rather talk about female parts, which are not skeevy, than poop! :rolleyes:

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I hope there is no issue with your girl, but I sorta laughed reading how you think of girlie parts as skeevy but we alll talk about poop as if it's not yucky. :lol :lol Given a choice, I rather talk about female parts, which are not skeevy, than poop! :rolleyes:


Yeah, but I don't usually try to takes pics of either one to post on the inter-webs! I felt like such a wacko! :lol


She asked to be let out at 5 when I got up to use the bathroom. When I got up for real at 6:30 she threw a complete tantrum while I made coffee before letting her out of the crate. When I did let her outside, she ran right for the fence to look for kitty-across-the-street. No potty action. I think I'm being punk'd.

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If it makes you feel better, I'm almost certain there are pictures of which you speak on GT already. wink.gif


She may just have a stubborn UTI that needs a longer dose of abx. Was her urine cultured before she went on zeniquin? Has she had other UTI's in the past? You may be jumping the gun with thoughts of surgery....


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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I just want to see what one that needed the surgery looks like. She's not red, sore looking, or oozing anything. I just don't think she looks like she should back there!


The urine wasn't cultured. I got her in to the vet right before they closed, and she'd been screaming to be let out of the crate when I got home. Ran straight out and peed. I should've chased her around with tupperware that day. She hasn't had a UTI before that I know of. Diagnosis was based on behavior.


I'll give her a couple more days, and put my glasses on so I can see what she's doing when she asks to be let out at night. She is a very bossy, very smart little girl, and it's quite possible she learned a new "trick" when she had the UTI.

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speaking of photos... sorry to side-rail the subject. My new foster had the big D for tooooo many days. After a course of deworm,slowly changing foods nothing worked. Allergy testing proved everything is bad to eat! except Kangaroo and fish. After weeks of antibiotics and some oops in the house,the foster coordinator asked me to describe the output. I shot her a pic and she asked me never to do that again! So, he remains on "Honest Kitchen" for life.

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I just want to see what one that needed the surgery looks like. She's not red, sore looking, or oozing anything. I just don't think she looks like she should back there!


Here is a thread on K9Cookies' Gracey (no before shot): Gracey


Here are a couple of befores (links via Eaglflyt): linky 1 & linky2.


I could have sworn there was a before shot here somewhere but I couldn't find it.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Here's something that's been REALLY helpful for my cats with their old-cat UTIs: homeopathic Cantharis. I use it myself, and all of us can attest that, if you hit it as soon as you see signs, it can knock down the UTI without having to resort to a long course of antibiotics (and all that implies). Not every single time, but MOST times. That said, I have long since added pure cranberry juice to their wet food, and they not only like it, but the combo (wet food + cranberry) seems to have taken care of the problem all together. :) Not sure how this would translate to a dog (yet), but it's worth a try!


As for being played, that too is possible! :lol Good luck!


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Here's something that's been REALLY helpful for my cats with their old-cat UTIs: homeopathic Cantharis. I use it myself, and all of us can attest that, if you hit it as soon as you see signs, it can knock down the UTI without having to resort to a long course of antibiotics (and all that implies). Not every single time, but MOST times. That said, I have long since added pure cranberry juice to their wet food, and they not only like it, but the combo (wet food + cranberry) seems to have taken care of the problem all together. :) Not sure how this would translate to a dog (yet), but it's worth a try!


As for being played, that too is possible! :lol Good luck!


I have a friend who is dealing with some urinary issues with one of her cats, so I looked this up... it's made from beetles? And it's an.... aphrodisiac? :huhhttp://beneforce.com/informationfaq/homeopathic/cantharis.htm

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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blink.gif Beetles??? I did not know this! Ack! :P Ptui!

Why did I not know this?


Well, for those who are not vegans, or whose pets are not vegans, it still works. Me, I will now confine myself to cranberry, ACV and cream of tartar. :rolleyes:


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Here is a thread on K9Cookies' Gracey (no before shot): Gracey


Here are a couple of befores (links via Eaglflyt): linky 1 & linky2.


I could have sworn there was a before shot here somewhere but I couldn't find it.


Aww, poor Gracey! That doesn't look fun. I'd looked at the pics on NGAP's site -- but a dog all splayed out on the table looks a lot different than one belly-up on the sofa! That other link was what I needed. Thank you. That's pretty close to how she looks, but she's not all red. So I'll buy some baby wipes and try to figure out which bark means "Gotta pee!" and which one means "Want a kitty!"


My little hellion:




blink.gif Beetles??? I did not know this! Ack! :P Ptui!

Why did I not know this?


Well, for those who are not vegans, or whose pets are not vegans, it still works. Me, I will now confine myself to cranberry, ACV and cream of tartar. :rolleyes:



:lol :lol :lol Brees wouldn't mind! She catches flies!

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Here's something that's been REALLY helpful for my cats with their old-cat UTIs: homeopathic Cantharis. I use it myself, and all of us can attest that, if you hit it as soon as you see signs, it can knock down the UTI without having to resort to a long course of antibiotics (and all that implies). Not every single time, but MOST times. That said, I have long since added pure cranberry juice to their wet food, and they not only like it, but the combo (wet food + cranberry) seems to have taken care of the problem all together. :) Not sure how this would translate to a dog (yet), but it's worth a try!


As for being played, that too is possible! :lol Good luck!


I have a friend who is dealing with some urinary issues with one of her cats, so I looked this up... it's made from beetles? And it's an.... aphrodisiac? :huhhttp://beneforce.com/informationfaq/homeopathic/cantharis.htm



Youth these days!!! You've never heard of Spanish Fly?

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While I don't have any photos, Idol's vulva area looked exactly like linky 1 (NGAP website) prior to her surgery. For two years, I cleaned her with baby wipes and then it just got away from me. She didn't have any uti's, but, she was red and sore looking. It became a matter of taking care of her situation before it became something worse. She had wonderful recovery, with no issues and is all the better for it.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Youth these days!!! You've never heard of Spanish Fly?

:blush: That's why I'm so amazed I didn't connect that this was made from insects! I certainly have heard of Spanish Fly, and knew that Cantharis was a homeopathic based on it. I guess somehow I assumed it was ... an herbal thing. :P Duh!!!


Enough hijack though! :P


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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