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Dew Toes With Pads?


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Had noticed this a while back & it struck me again today. One of my Greys has dew toes that are much more developed than those on my other Greys. Though quite small his dew claws are attached to what are clearly toes complete with tiny pads. My others have claws attached to bones but these are less toe like & have no obvious pads. Sol's soles that go with his dew claws are really quite small but I find this difference between his dew toes & the others mere dew claws to be interesting.


Anyone ever notice this?

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Can we see a picture?


ETA: my Great Pyr has pads on his double dewclaws on his back legs, but I don't believe I've ever seen it on a greyhound.

Edited by Brindles

| Rachel | Dewty, Trigger, and Charlotte | Missing Dazzle, Echo, and Julio |

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Brindles, these are nothing like the development many Pyrs show with their 4 primary dew claws but is comparable to what I saw on some of the secondary dew toes on rear feet. I did have a med sized, white, hairy spaniel mix with double dew claws but the secondary dew claws were attached only by soft tissue, no bone. The primary dew claws were attached to bone but I don't remember seen pads on those.


The term "toe" might be too dramatic sounding but these are much more like real toes than what the girls have. They have the dew claw & boney structure along with a bit of webbing. On Sol it's really just more developed with a lot more webbing plus that obvious, though still very small, pad that strikes me.


Using new PnS camera isn't working too well. Macro feature is lacking a lot to be desired but let's see if this comes out at all.




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George has pads with his dew claws. I thought all dogs did. Every dog we've ever owned (except the show dog, whose were removed) of all breeds has pads up by the claws.

My girls have the tiniest spot that might be a pad but it's just a dot. I honestly don't remember seeing pads on any of my other dogs except the various Grt Pyr foster dogs.


ETA To be honest though I was not looking on prior dogs. Not really looking on any of them. Sol's soles just pop out at me.

Edited by kudzu
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Ohh, yep. A lot of greyhounds with dewclaws have a teeny pad like that. For some reason I was thinking they were a lot more developed like they are on my Pyr. Thanks for the pictures!

| Rachel | Dewty, Trigger, and Charlotte | Missing Dazzle, Echo, and Julio |

Learn what your greyhound's life was like before becoming part of yours!
"The only thing better than the cutest kitty in the world is any dog." -Daniel Tosh

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I think most dogs have pads on their dewclaws. All 5 dogs at my house right now have their dewclaws and have pads right under the nail. Sometimes the pad is very tiny and hard to find under the hair, especially in dogs with longer hair than greys. The dewclaw is a toe, the equivalent of our thumb, just less developed.


Dogs that don't have dewclaws on their front feet had them removed as puppies. And they shouldn't have pads because a properly done dewclaw removal takes the entire toe, including the pad. And yes, even in 3 day old puppies, you can see the tiny little pad under the dewclaw.

Edited by jjng

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