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Boss Wants A Dog

Guest houndog990

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Guest houndog990


my boss, Fr Doug is seriously looking for a dog. he is the pastor at our catholic church, very very busy, travels a lot (overnite stays and such)and is inquiring about a dog. i am steering him in the direction of rescue (which he is in favor of) but i am unsure the best dog for him. the dog must be

People friendly

confident when left alone

not small, but says greyhound are too big

shortish hair

there is not an area to fence, so would have to be leash walked


doesn't have to be cat safe


he has thought about a cocker spaniel or a lab???


oh wonderful GTers please HELP :colgate

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Even though you describe his activity level as "high", I wouldnt stear him towards a lab or other breed that is high energy and needs constant maintenance. If he is out on business on a regular basis, doesnt want anything large, and doesnt have much time to commit to a dog, tell him to get a cat. I am not trying to be rude, but it doesnt sount like his household is the best for a dog, of any kind.

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Guest KennelMom

labs are big and shed a lot. cockers are NOT short hair...require a lot of grooming and $ to have them groomed/trimmed. I grew up w/cockers and they can have temperament problems (ie, can be biters).


A rescue would be a good option, though smaller dogs can be harder to find in rescues (esp in the Northeast, I've heard).


Two of my favorite smaller, short haired breeds are whippets and boston terriers. whippets b/c they're still in the sighthound family and I love the sighthound temperament...and BTs because they are such incredibly fun dogs!

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Guest houndog990

not a cat person sorry....

Fr. has an assistant who would be the caregiver when Fr is gone...not to mention me all day long :rolleyes:

so it is not that the dog would ever ever be alone...just the opposite there would be someone 24/7 ...just not Father Doug.

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My friend has a pug, she snorts like crazy - even when she's still, she's still very noisy - snores when sleeping. She also sheds a lot. Very friendly breed though. What about a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever? They are very friendly, medium length coat, medium build, easily trainable.



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I like the idea of a Boston Terrier, though I don't know them intimately, though my vet has one. Maybe too small? They're cute, and the black and white would look very spiffy alongside, um, priest gear.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest houndog990

I like the idea of a Boston Terrier, though I don't know them intimately, though my vet has one. Maybe too small? They're cute, and the black and white would look very spiffy alongside, um, priest gear.


...never thought to color coordinate.... :rofl

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a bit obscure, but what about a Basenji?


Can be very unfriendly - AND stubborn & hard to train!! (I wanted one for years till I learned what their personalities were!! :lol:rolleyes: Decided greys fit me much better!)



NS Duck Tollers are REALLY nice dogs - smaller than Golden Retrievers but similar in personality, I think...


A priest when I was growing up had a Great Pyrenees!! Gorgeous dog!!

Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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Bullmastiffs have great temperament, but probably too big according to your requirements. I know a few people who adopted female bullmastiffs. You couldn't get a better dog... I know, I feel like I'm cheating on timo by saying that. :-)


I've also had 2 boxers in the past. Great dogs but tend to be one owner dogs and can get separation anxiety.

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... i would say yes. he is a type A personality. likes things in neat organized boxes, so a mutt might be out of his bubble.



Huh? What does neat and orderly have to do with a purebred vs. a mongrel?


Please let him know that Cocker Spaniels are FAMOUS for ear problems. They also require a fair amaount of grooming. Their hair gets very long on their legs and around the "skirt" area, and they don't look particularly attractive if you let it go. Labradors are great dogs, but I would consider that a dog that needs a fair amount of exercise to be happy. They also tend towards terrible allergies as well as hip and elbow dysplasia.


Have you explained to him that Greyhounds are really not that big, and very happy in small places like apartments?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest sweetpea

I mean no disrespect when I say this but, I'm confused by the "thought of a cocker or a lab",

but "thinks greyhounds are too big", aspect of this.


Has he met either a greyhound or a lab? I've met Labs that are 100# and greyhounds that are #50.

I'm not trying to hard-sell greyhounds at all, I for one don't believe they are perfect for everyone.

I do believe he needs to write down specifically what he wants in a dog, and then research which

breeds those traits are most likely to be found in.

(Which, incidentally is how I came to greyhounds for myself.)


The list of criteria in the original post is not all that specific. I could list at least 10 different

breeds that would fit. And somebody else could list 10 others.


If he really doesn't care about the size of the dog (which is what I would surmise if somebody said

"cocker or lab") that's fine.

But he should clearly define what he wants in terms of energy level, grooming needs, trainability and




hoping I haven't earned some bad juju by being impertinent....

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Wow. A cocker and a lab are wolds apart.


Pugs are great happy dogs and have been aptly called "the clowns of the dog world" but OMG do they shed!!!!


If I was gone a lot I wouldn't touch a Boston terrier with a ten ft. pole. Bostons and Jack Russels were hands down the most problem dogs at the day care. Terriers have to stay busy or they get in to trouble -- and especially those two terriers.

You don't have to be a mind reader to know that I'd suggest a mini poodle (not a toy) if grooming costs are not an issue. B)

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Guest jbbuzby

I'm partial to pugs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Both are exceedingly friendly, easy to train, and don't typically have the same behavioral issues that other breeds do...I just love them. However, you'd have to keep a Cavalier shaved down, and both types would probably need to be left at a pet boarding facility or with a pet-sitter when left since they both love people.


They may be on the small side, and medical issues could be a concern, but even mixes of these breeds might be a good choice. Just my opinion. There are also many many pugs available for rescue that are adults and have few problems.


A lab would probably not be a good choice...I know labs very well and do love them, but they are working dogs and need something to do or otherwise get destructive. They are also waaaay overly popular right now, so most rescues have "lab mixes" that are just downright nutty and need serious structure.


Or, maybe a whippet mix?

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I haven't been to Dewey for a few years but if I remember correctly the wonderful priest who did the Blessing every year had THREE GREYS and he used to color coordinate their collars to his vestments at Mass. I believe they would take turns attending Mass


Hope someone else remembers this. Do I need to check myself in to rehab of some kind????

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I have really fond memories of a whippet that lived at my Catholic high school. We had a rectory on campus and the whippet belonged to Brother Lucius. He didn't go to class with Br Lou when he was teaching but otherwise often followed him around, particularly when Brother was tending all the roses around the school. Everyone knew Tiger(the whippet) but he kept to himself and Br. Lou, leaving the student body alone when he was out and about(no he was never on a leash and never wandered far such was his tight bond with the good Brother. I'm not recommending this, just remembering).


Tiger was my first introduction to sighthounds and I"ll never forget seeing him the first week of my Freshman year...he was a brindle and I just stopped dead wondering what kind of dog he was.


Anyway, probably not helpful but your post just really triggered a memory! I see others here have suggested a whippet, too.

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... i would say yes. he is a type A personality. likes things in neat organized boxes, so a mutt might be out of his bubble.



Huh? What does neat and orderly have to do with a purebred vs. a mongrel?




This! It's what I get stuck on when I read this thread. Trying to sync a 'man of the cloth' being so....I dunno....excluding of a mutt just doesn't mesh well.

It also doesn't sound like this person has a lifestyle that suits having a full time pet of his own if it's primary care is coming from someone who is not him.

Then again, what would I know? I come from a line of Lutherans :lol

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