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Won't Sleep In Her Bed

Guest Iceman41

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Guest Iceman41

We started having our hound sleep in our room in her bed next to our bed.

She use to sleep in my man cave on a fouton

She was very happy to sleep in mom and dads room till my son banged his head on the wall right next to were she was sleeping .

His bedroom is the room next to ours and his bed is on same wall under stand?

Now she wants nothing to do with sleeping there and she is back over on the fouton

I can't put her bed on the other side of room to cold in winter

Any help would be grateful

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Wish I could help. Our girl stopped sleeping in her bed for no apparent reason, and now she'll only sleep on the guest bed in the other room. Also, we've tried moving her bed around our room, and it doesn't matter. I'll be watching this post for advice...

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Does it really make any difference if she sleeps on her dog bed or on the futon?


If she's sleeping quietly and content, I'd let her be. Eventually she'll forget about the scary noise and may go back to her bed on her own.


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Guest KennelMom

Does it really make any difference if she sleeps on her dog bed or on the futon?


If she's sleeping quietly and content, I'd let her be. Eventually she'll forget about the scary noise and may go back to her bed on her own.


I agree...

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We never know where Rocket will sleep. One night it's in our room, the next night he's on the rug by the front door. He can't get out and he knows where we are, so not a big deal.


Could be your pup is cold and it has nothing to do with the other things. Try some PJ's or a lightweight coat and see if they return to their normal spot. We have already started using PJ's now that weve had some Fall weather and the floor is chilly. He sleeps through the night without getting up when we use the PJ's or a housecoat.


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I agree: Does it matter where she sleeps. It's kinda like having children: We have to pick our battles. If your girl is happy sleeping, that isn't something about which to be concerned. If she got nasty and started biting people, that's a concern.


My Annie Bella won't do a lot of stairs so does not climb the 14 stairs up to the bedrooms. In the beginning I wished she would, but the positive side is I'm not woken by her playing in the middle of the night (the evidence is there in the morning when I get up) and she's never asked me to go pee at 3 AM!

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Ive had Lila for about 15 months and in that time she has had many different sleeping spots the kitchen, my bedroom, the living room. She didnt want anything to do with my bedroom when I first got her. At first I was disappointed that she didnt want to sleep by me but I got over it. It was more important that she was content and comfortable. She was sleeping in the kitchen but stopped that when a greeting card fell on her. Now she has a bed in the living room and one in my bedroom and she uses both of them based on criteria only she knows. :huh

I guess my point is that it really doesnt matter where the dog sleeps and its very likely that it will change again.

Edited by Jerilyn
Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Does it really make any difference if she sleeps on her dog bed or on the futon?


If she's sleeping quietly and content, I'd let her be. Eventually she'll forget about the scary noise and may go back to her bed on her own.


I agree...



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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

I am of a different mindset, partially because I foster, and another reason is that I want to be sure to know where my pups are during the night (what happens if there is a fire, or break-in, etc). My hounds, including foster are in the bedroom with me. No if, ands or butts. When its time for me to go to bed, everyone knows the "go to bed" routine. I baby-gate the foster into the corner next to my bed, and my three have their choice of beds on the floor, or as Bart has decided, the foot of our bed, on top of our legs.

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I'm of the mind set that if it isn't broken, don't try and fix it. If she's comfortable in the other room and sleeps through the night, I'd let her sleep where she wants.


She obviously was scared by your son's head hitting the wall. Forcing her to stay where she isn't comfortable could just lead to more issues such as panting and pacing in the room instead of settling down for the night.

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Guest Iceman41

I have to agree with let her sleep ere she wants.

See when I first brought her home I took her straight back to my man room and showed her the futon. Her and I and my little dog spend many long hour there an she slept there for the longest time.

I did use a crate at first but she would howl and whine to go back on the futon or her big large room crate.

She was very afraid to venture out in the main house.

But now after 6 months she very comfortable any were in the house except her bed. I'll just let her go she will be fine

Folks thanks for all the reply's


Replying to time4anap

She was Nicely covered up on her bed

She was not cold but I did order PJs for her and a storm coat gets real cold her in the Pitts area

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Guest beemico

Hi! As much as I agree with letting her sleep where she wants, if it's an issue of fear, you could do a little practice with her everyday so she does realize that it's a safe place.


You could help her realize that the bed is a nice place with treats or petting when she's there and help her overcome her fear. Then little by little she'll realize that it makes you happy too, and you'll have shared a nice bonding moment. :)


I've helped my own greyhound who is pretty skiddish overcome certain fears, and it helps him trust me more. :)

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Guest IrskasMom
Does it really make any difference if she sleeps on her dog bed or on the futon?If she's sleeping quietly and content, I'd let her be. Eventually she'll forget about the scary noise and may go back to her bed on her own.
I agree...

I agree :) :) :)

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Guest buttonwillow

I just got a new Big Shrimpy bed for Josie and she won't sleep in it! :angry:

She likes the flat rectangular coleman bed we've had for a while... but the cat keeps peeing on it... and it won't wash properly. :angryfire

I love the Big Shrimpy. I have even taken it apart and put blankets in the outer ring part and she still just stands there and stares at me. Sometimes she whines.

The other bed is in the other room and she has the option of going there or sleeping on the couch or a human bed, but she prefers to standd in the room where i am and stare. Sometimes she will wander over to the new bed and glare at it and then come back to staring at me.

I guess I just bought a giant cat bed. :blink::angry::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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I see no reason not to let her sleep where she wants.


Girlhound sleeps either in her closet, on the dog bed by my bed, on the couch or stretched out across the doorway to my bedroom (always handy in the middle of the night)...sometimes all 4 in one night. She and Poodle both will sleep in or outside my door if they are hot as the air intake is in the hall there...if I find Poodle sleeping on the tile in the bathroom I know to lower the thermostat a notch or two.

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I just got a new Big Shrimpy bed for Josie and she won't sleep in it! :angry:

She likes the flat rectangular coleman bed we've had for a while... but the cat keeps peeing on it... and it won't wash properly. :angryfire

I love the Big Shrimpy. I have even taken it apart and put blankets in the outer ring part and she still just stands there and stares at me. Sometimes she whines.

The other bed is in the other room and she has the option of going there or sleeping on the couch or a human bed, but she prefers to standd in the room where i am and stare. Sometimes she will wander over to the new bed and glare at it and then come back to staring at me.

I guess I just bought a giant cat bed. :blink::angry::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I've discovered when I add a new bed it takes them a while to accept it. I just leave it there and usually within a couple weeks it is just like all the rest of the beds ;)

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