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Bored Greyhound?

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Ever since we adopted Batman a few months ago, he has exhibited sporadic destructive chewing when we are not home, generally pieces of toilet paper, paper towels, socks, etc. Recently he has started "counter surfing" and we come home to find pens, pencils, paper bags, and other plastic items chewed up. It doesn't look like he's eating much plastic (if any), but we are worried about injury and that this might increase to more dangerous items.


This doesn't seem like separation anxiety, because we've caught him trying to chew plastic items while we're home (when this happens, we offer him an appropriate toy, praise him for taking it, and then remove the chewed-up plastic), and this does not tend to occur when we leave for shorter periods of time. It also occurs more often in the evenings when we go out after he eats but before his walk, so I tend to think that maybe he's just high energy and bored? He has lots of toys and we give him a Kong to lick, but that doesn't seem to be enough. My husband suggested getting a second dog, but we're still settling in with the first one! We are also going to clean off all the counters that he can reach, but due to our schedule it is difficult to straighten up every time we leave the house (although that's definitely something we're going to work on), and I'm afraid of what a high-energy grey will get into without an easy target.


I'd appreciate any advice! I guess I should be thankful that he's not countersurfing dirty dishes that we leave in the sink!


Batman (racing name CTW Battle Plan) adopted May 2011, passed away July 2017

Buffy (racing name CTW Bathsheba) adopted Oct 2012, passed away March 2022

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Guest sweetpea

If you think he's bored, he probably is ;)


How many walks does he get each day and for how long?

Is it possible to squeeze more walking in?

Tired dog = happy dog (plus also happy owners too!).


Good luck!



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What about putting his muzzle on when you're gone?


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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He gets a 20-30 minute walk in the morning, and we try to do a 20-30 minute walk in the afternoon but we live in Texas and it has been very hot well into the night this summer, so sometimes it is only 15-20 minutes. He is generally pretty hot and tired after each walk, so I'm leery of adding more time, but maybe we can squeeze a third one in at noon.


I forgot to mention that we considered crating him, but during the first month he was home, he broke out of his crate and injured himself while attempting it, so we'd rather not. He can chew items through his muzzle, but I've heard that there are muzzle poop guards that block the holes? Would he be able to drink water through the guard?

Edited by muddgirl


Batman (racing name CTW Battle Plan) adopted May 2011, passed away July 2017

Buffy (racing name CTW Bathsheba) adopted Oct 2012, passed away March 2022

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I clicked on his link. He's a beautiful pup! He's only slightly over two years old, and greyhounds are commonly considered puppy-like until they're three! (Some never seem to change, lol!) So, yes, he probably has much more energy and curiosity than are being constructively channeled. Not only may he need more exercise, but it might also help to give him a Kong filled with kibble or peanut butter when you leave so that he has something to work on.


Best of luck with your gorgeous boy!


ETA: Seeing your last post now. I wouldn't walk a black dog at noon in Texas in the summer. Can you make that morning walk earlier and longer?

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Yeah, Beth chews plastic or other stuff too, especially if I've stepped out or am not with her. She gets plenty of exercise. But she gets bored, or slightly antsy, or just thinks chewing plastic is fun. She's five, I've had her three years, and she still will do it. There's no way I can police all the stray pens that might be around. It's one of the many reasons I still crate her when I'm gone. I'd use a muzzle if you don't want to use a crate.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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It's one of the many reasons I still crate her when I'm gone. I'd use a muzzle if you don't want to use a crate.


Thanks for the reality check, PrairieProf. In addition to more exercise we will probably try restricting access with baby gates or ex-pens (we have a semi-open floorplan, so we only have doors to the bedrooms). If that doesn't help then we will try a muzzle, and as a last resort we'll get an "escape-proof" crate.


Batman (racing name CTW Battle Plan) adopted May 2011, passed away July 2017

Buffy (racing name CTW Bathsheba) adopted Oct 2012, passed away March 2022

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He's handsome!


If it's too hot to walk more, perhaps spend additional time in quick training exercises and games in the house? Working his brain might have much the same benefit as walking more.

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Guest Adrianne

I don't have any advice, just wanted to commiserate with you.


When Chevy gets bored, he becomes Mr. Destructo too. Books seem to be his item of choice, and he doesn't care if they're library books or books we own. Like Texas, Georgia has been suffering miserable heat, and walking as often or for as long just isn't an option. I've definitely noticed an increase in his destructive tendencies during this time. Hopefully, cooler weather will be here soon, and we can get out more.




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It may not all be boredom. Dogs raised in a kennel environment haven't encountered all the cool "toys" that are found in homes. We often forget that they need to explore, and they experience things with their noses and with their mouths. We see a candle as a decorative and useful item, dogs (Grandy! :rolleyes ) may see it as a smelly chew toy. Hound proofing and muzzling is the way to go at this point, curious hounds can be a danger to themselves.


Grandy so far has shredded magazines, flyers, toilet paper and mail; chewed 2 CD cases, a bottle of shower gel, a corn cob (this one still makes me nervous) a large pumpkin candle, her muzzle and today she helped herself to an empty beer bottle. We go through periods where she doesn't touch a thing, then a few days when she'll take anything not nailed down or 5' up. :blush She keeps me on my toes. ;)

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest mirinaaronsmom

Sounds like my Mojo. He gets plenty of exercise - runs at the dog park, long walks with a backpack, jogging with me and still he chews everything (5' up also). He refuses to be crated or babygated. The only thing that has worked is the muzzle. For some reason he behaves as long as the muzzle is on. I hope you find what works for your pup.

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If you can't walk b/c of the heat can you play in the house. With your open floor plan sounds like a greyt opportunity to tire him out.


The floor plan in my house allows me to walk in a circle from room to room. I'll call the dogs and encourage them to follow me every once in a while slipping someone a small treat. One of the rooms we pass through is the bedroom and they all know the command "up" and will jump up on the bed and lay down until I give them the command to continue to follow me. Same thing with the couch. Also, I ask for sits and downs as we are walking (a small treat)vand quick reversals in direction. I'm sure you could come up with something that will work with your open floor plan. Have fun!


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Guest 4dogscrazy

It is true they will behave more if they are muzzled, for some reason that settles them. When mine are getting wild in the yard I grab the muzzles and show them to the little buggers and that usually puts a stop to any overly wild behavior. I always muzzle them when they are unattended in the yard, but I do not muzzle them when they are being supervised so they can play with the jolly balls. Have you tried to muzzle him and he still chews? I would hesitate to use a poop cup unattended, they are hot to breath in and I would worry about the occaisional throw up. Just my opinion.


I would buy him some new toys, he is still a puppy. I know you said he has a lot of them, but keep searching for the ones he likes. My older girl likes to gut stuffies, Jesse likes the lure pole and LOVES the Jolly Ball and great big stuffies, and Piper likes the Jolly Ball too. They all like something different.


I did notice it seems to happen after he eats but before he goes for his walk? I have to let mine out before I leave, is he trying to hold it in and getting edgy? Do you have a yard? Does he need to go out before you leave? I also would not walk mine in really hot weather, any more than you are now. When it's really warm in the summer, I take mine out at 10 pm to let them run.


And just a side note, my Tempe is almost 8 and still chews up random stuff, sometimes when we are HOME! Piper loves tissues, Fancy eats any sweet left out within 5 miles, including a 5 pound bag of blue tootsies once! Jesse is the only one who really doesn't chew up stuff. Good luck!


ETA another greyhound will not help, mine don't play together much unless they are racing around the yard, other than that they mostly ignore eachother!

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There are some excellent interactive toys that I saw on "It's Me or the Dog" with Victoria Stillwell. I have the tug-a-jug (Premier) and the hide a bee (Kygen). I think they're wonderful. It gives the dog something they have to work hard at in order to actually get the treat/toy. The thought it that the busier they are, the less destructive behaviors they develop. Both of these items got excellent reviews on Amazon. You might want to give something like this a try.


Hide-A-Bee by KYGEN

Premier Busy Buddy Tug-A-Jug

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Gracie used to go after books and magazines if I was gone for a fairly long time. She loves to shred paper! So I purposely leave several folded paper towels around the living room and the occasional toilet paper core ... the inside of the roll ... if I'm going to be gone longer than usual. Keeps her busy and she doesn't go after other stuff. Of course I do come home to teensy tiny little shreds of paper towel. :lol




Charla, Mom to Carl ( Bella Monsoon ) 5/2002 - 9/2016 and remembering Gracie Rose ( Cee Bar Xtreme ) 2/2002 - 1/2014

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blue, who was about 10 mo. old when i got him, used to chew, he liked books & magazines, mail, cork placemats, wood picture frames (they were 6 ft. + off the floor), toilet paper & the wood toilet roll holder, chess pieces, (his fosters said he chewed the bottom off a kitchen door), and to top it off he de-stuffed all the couch cushions. he carefully removed the covers, stripped off the polyester filler surrounding the foam core, and arranged the polyester fibres in a near circle on the floor (chewed paper/books also got arranged in neat circles). he never ever counter surfed.


he stopped this behaviour suddenly after about a year & never chewed anything else. maturity and/or the reduction in testosterone after being seen to?


the only thing millie has ever chewed was the ribbet sound maker from blue's froggy. blue would play with it w/o damaging it, mille snatched poor frogger a few days after she moved in with us & it was kilt in a few minutes & retired to the stuffy grave yard. squeekers never provoked the same response. she also has never counter-surfed.


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Our Anna is like Tempe and Grandy; she chews through a wide variety of items (thankfully not shoes). She has chewed up pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, plastic Dunkin' Donuts coffee coolatta cups (she ate the whipped cream too!), her muzzle, the t.v. remote, numerous paperback and hardcover books, plastic soda bottles, tootsie roll bags (we caught her) and boxes of tissues after removing half of the tissues one at a time!


Many of these items were stolen out of briefcases or book-bags/backpacks/purses. She stole the Tootsies from my husband's briefcase where the unopened bag was rolled in another plastic shopping bag. She steals and goes to her crate with things even when we are home. She stole my daughter's Coolatta the minute we got home with it while DD was in the bathroom!


Our vet has encouraged us to crate her when we aren't home for her own safety. I don't like it, but I don't want her to injure herself while we are out.

Taunya and her Supreme Grace, Anna - Sharsanna (Kiowa Sweet Trey x Camden Coming), Surge (no races), Kelsos Yorktown (Trent Lee x Kelsos Spotswood), Galgo Espanol - Valentin. Forever waitin' on Red (Kiowa Mon Manny x Bella Ionic).

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Um, well, I just had to update ... today is Beth's 3rd Gotcha Day on the calendar, and she just chewed up my cellphone. WHILE I was in the house. :blink: But I made the mistake of leaving it on my bed, and she was looking for something to get into because I was on the computer and it was time for her walk....


Off to the Verizon store now.... :rolleyes:

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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your in san antonio, right??? hot is not the word for the weather this summer- dd lives there. the humane society has an excellent & reasonable training school, Dog Taining Club of SA. My daughter took her rescue there and loved the instructors. Keeping his mind busy as well as his body will help. A young dog needs lots of stimulation both physically and mentally. maybe give it a try....


beware, you just might come home to a sink full of clean dishes. don't put anything past a clever or food focused dog, especially a long legged one :rolleyes:

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Guest LindsaySF

If he's already broken out of a crate I would not crate him again.



We are also going to clean off all the counters that he can reach, but due to our schedule it is difficult to straighten up every time we leave the house (although that's definitely something we're going to work on),

I would have 1-2 rooms that are kept dog-proof at all times, and confine him there with gates or ex-pens. Then you only need those rooms to be tidied before you leave, not the whole house.

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Guest LindsaySF

If he's already broken out of a crate I would not crate him again.



We are also going to clean off all the counters that he can reach, but due to our schedule it is difficult to straighten up every time we leave the house (although that's definitely something we're going to work on),

I would have 1-2 rooms that are kept dog-proof at all times, and confine him there with gates or ex-pens. Then you only need those rooms to be tidied before you leave, not the whole house.

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Guest greysmitten

I LOVE that you named your dog Batman! :lol


Arg, I remember the first few weeks (ok, it was probably longer) with Azi. I had to make sure everything was out of her reach and had to clean the counters EVERY SINGLE TIME we left the house. Sometimes she would grab something the minute we left the room. It was annoying and time consuming, but I had no choice if I wanted to keep my stuff safe. I'm thinking that she now realizes what's "hers" and "ours" after living her a while.


I did, however, take active steps to stop counter surfing and it was very effective (and entertaining!). If you're unfamiliar with the beer can & pennies trap, please read on :) After two attempts, Azi never tried again.

Take a couple of empty and rinsed beer/pop cans and drop a few pennies in each one. How many cans you use and pennies you put in totally depends on your hound's sensitivity to noise and "scary things". Set food traps by tying pieces of bread to the cans using thread or dental floss. Place bread by counter's edge. Get video ready and hide.

**** Make sure your hound doesn't see you set the trap; you don't want Sir Batman to distrust you or catch on to the scheme ****


I don't have much constructive advice other than that, except keep doing what you're doing so far.


Edit: One more thing - my girl is a fan of antlers to keep her occupied. You can buy them at most pet stores. They are a little pricier than regular chew bones, but they don't leave a mess and last much much longer.

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