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Guest betheab199

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Guest betheab199

Throwing this out there about digging....

We are not uptight yard people, but the re-landscaping drives my husband nuts. And I really don't love twisting my ankle in the holes either.


We had 2 greys, one went to the bridge in January. We THOUGHT she did all the digging, but we have been catching Carol the greyhound digging now! (Carol always the lazy one, was actually digging while lying down today. Only Carol!)


Do your greys dig? Do you try to stop it or do you accomodate it?

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Guest Scouts_mom

I once did a survey of everyone I knew that had greyhounds. About one third of the greys liked to dig.


My Tia was a champion digger--she thought my flower beds were designed for her digging enjoyment. I managed to keep her under control with a mixture of wire fencing and placing large sticks and rocks in her favorite places.

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Guest Giselle

Giselle's greatest joys were digging holes and running into massive puddles :)


It's a natural doggy instinct. Just buy her a sandbox or designate ONE allowed digging area and fence off the rest of the yard babygate/supervise it somehow.

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As a pet sitter and a dog park visitor, I can tell you it's all breeds. I agree, designate an area. Supervise constantly for awhile and if she starts digging in an area you don't want her digging, bring her over to the area you do want her to dig in. When she digs in the right spot, praise her. You can also bury some goodies in the designated area to entice her and reward her. Good luck.

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All dogs dig-they make a nice cool space to flop into. I have one hole that is deep enough that they have a chin rest so they can still watch what is going on but don't have to hold up their head. I have old hole that were dug by non-greys & some were joint ventures! At my DDs 2 of the non-greys are the major diggers with the greys using the holes to rest in.

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Guest KennelMom

We've never had a digger...at certain times of the year, some'll scratch back the grass to eat dirt :rolleyes: But all breeds are capable, of course, There are certainly some breeds that are more prone to it, but I'd say generally as a breed, greyhounds are not "known" for digging.

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Guest RichardUK

Depends on the dog.


Our paddocks have at least one deep hole in each - where they lay in the hot weather - roughly a third do it. Mine like to dig up my flower beds. Tried to designate an area without much success. Though they all use the designated poop area without fail.

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One of my two is a big digger. We have a 3x4 foot crater in the middle of the yard that is the preferred spot as well as a couple other small areas. I let her dig in these areas and she hasn't been starting others. She seems to really enjoy digging and laying in the hole, so I don't mind.

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We've had a couple try but I've stopped them as soon as I caught them because I'm afraid one of my older dogs will go running, not see it and break a leg. I've had a couple who stepped in small holes I had not seen and hurt their legs so I usually stop the culprit as soon as I catch them in the act.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest betheab199

We do have part of the yard sectioned off, and we have a sandbox buy is is waaaaay in the back. I keep telling my husband we need one where the pups like to hang out, and the back 40 is the potty place, let's face it!




The only time I have ever had another dog dig is a little terrier I had once. He jumped into a decorative planter and started digging.


We have always owned multiple dogs and never had this before. Guess we beat the odds for a while! I personally love the greys and think they are totally worth it.

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Guest Ashleigh

There's a no dig policy in the yard. Hank will only start to dig when he gets riled up and playful with the other dogs. Once he starts, a sharp "HEY" usually breaks him out of it. I've done it enough now that I can feel confident to leave him in the yard by himself. It sucks though! When they start, it only takes a split second for those hooked nails to do sone noticeable damage! I let him get away with a lot, but digging is a huge no no. I can't even give him a little on that rule! Good luck!

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Guest BrianRke

I saw on Pet Keeping with Mark Marone once: put chicken wire over the places you dont want them to dig then cover that up with mulch. I havent tried it yet but I plan to soon.

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I saw on Pet Keeping with Mark Marone once: put chicken wire over the places you dont want them to dig then cover that up with mulch. I havent tried it yet but I plan to soon.


Interesting theory--but I can easily visualize them ripping out a toenail and ending up at the e-Vet.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest CampWhippet

Mine dig to get to the cooler ground to lay on, even though they are basking in the sun by their own choice and can go inside to the AC through a doggy door.


See siggy pic...... after they have a nice hole Sammie likes to lay in it after a good rain. what you can't see around this mud hole is the nice green grass. silly dogs.

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Passion is my digger. Sparks loved to dig as well.

Lucky and Diamond do not dig.

I make Passion stop since I don't want the holes for them to get hurt in running around.


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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I wonder if the location/soil makes a difference, too. At my old house, none of the 5 greyhounds there ever dug. The soil was hard red clay, and we were surrounded by little yappy dogs who started barking the instant either the greys or me stepped into the yard.


New location has no yappy neighbors (as of yet) and I think the greyhounds are hanging out longer in the yard. Also, the soil is looser. Both greys, who never showed signs of digging before, have excavated some big holes at one side of the house.


Chelsa digs for worms to eat
Reminds me of that song, "Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, think I'm gonna go eat worms. Big fat juicy ones ... " :lol


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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I saw on Pet Keeping with Mark Marone once: put chicken wire over the places you dont want them to dig then cover that up with mulch. I havent tried it yet but I plan to soon.


Works wonderfully here.... I put it in my planting gardens this spring where they LOVE to dig. They tried once and have left it alone since.

Edited by Finnsliz


<p>Finn, Wink, Birdie, Snap and SmokeyJG Quicknfast 7/25/99-5/16/08, JG Quickwink 7/25/99-9/22/13, Iruska SweetDuv 7/19/03-11/9/16, Delbar 6/11/11 and Catahoula Smokey
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House and Stella are my diggers. Now that it's getting hot, House is usually trying to dig up a cool space to lay down in. However, like FullMetalFranks's Chelsea, they've all been known to dig for worms or whatever it is down there. Every so often one of them will dig a deep hole (deep enough that I don't want any of them breaking a leg in)...when that happens, I fill it up, cover it with a piece of deer fencing (like chicken wire, but it's plastic) and cover with more dirt and pin it down. Works like a charm. They don't mess with my potted flowers on the deck but I've given up on planting anything in the ground. I planted a butterfly bush a couple of years ago and within 24 hours it was gone....rootball and all.


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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Guest Tequila

My girl was a major digger. We ultimately ended up sectioning off the yard -- one portion is rubber mulch, and the other is nice green grass. She is only allowed on the grass when someone can supervise her. Otherwise, she will dig a hole, lay in it, get muddy, and track that mud into the house and onto the carpet. A total mess.


The rubber mulch is AWESOME because it doesn't attract any bugs. Also, no mud. She continued to dig for a little while after we sectioned off the yard, so I would fill in those holes with stones (too much trouble for hir to re-dig those same areas when packed tightly with stones) and then cover the stones with mulch. Ta - da!


The rubber mulch area is a great "turn out / potty" area, and the grassy yard is a nice place to play and relax.

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