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Carprofen - Danger To Greyhounds?

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Hi All,

Zero's daddy here. Zero fell off my bed about two weeks ago and later had some pain behind his ear. I thought it was an ear infection and took him to the vet. The vet I go to is "greyhound friendly". She looked at Zero and didn't find an ear infection, but thought that he might have hurt his neck from the fall. She prescribed Carprofen (otherwise known as Rimadyl) (100mg), 1/2 tablet every 12 hours. I gave him one dose last night, one this morning and one this afternoon. This afternoon Zero was very dizzy, staggering around and almost unable to climb the stairs. I looked it up on Wikipedia and found that this is a side effect of Carprofen. It also says that liver and kidney damage and even death can be a side effect. The vet never told me this, in fact I asked them specifically if dizziness was a side effect and they said no!! I'm taking him off this. Has anyone else had any experience with this drug? It amazes me that I took Zero back into the vet today because he was staggering around and the vet suggested that I keep him on the Carprofen.


I hope Zero is ok and that severe kidney or liver damage or death is not a side effect here. Help.


-Zero's Daddy

Edited by aryon92

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What your giving is generic rimadyl. It's dispensed to all breeds of dogs including greyhounds everyday (and cats in Europe). NO drug is without side effects. Gi tract symptoms - vomiting and diarrhea are most likely the most common side effect, however, liver and kidney issues are also mentioned. Usually kidney and liver issues are seen with chronic use but, I'm sure there has been noted cases of acute on-set of symptoms. I must admit I never heard or seen neuro side effects.

How did your vet explain your dogs symptoms if he/she doesn't feel it's from the medication?

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I don't know anything about carprofen, but generally the liver and kidney damage for meds come from long term use and not just 3 doses, so you probably (I can't promise, but I personally wouldn't worry too much if it were Bu) won't have any of those. As for the diziness, your vet should have immediately taken Zero off the med if he was having a severe side effect.


I hope Zero feels better soon.

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Carprofen, and any NSAID, can have that effect on dogs and people - my mother can't take them at all as she has the same reaction that Zero did. Poor Zero sounds like he's sensitive to it. I've had all of mine on it at one time or another with no problems.


Is Zero limping or showing signs of pain? If it's a neck muscle problem you might try alternating warm and cold compresses as you would for a muscle strain in people. If it's not a muscular issue the nsaid won't help much anyway, and might even mask a larger issue.


Hope he feel better soon.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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What your giving is generic rimadyl. It's dispensed to all breeds of dogs including greyhounds everyday (and cats in Europe). NO drug is without side effects. Gi tract symptoms - vomiting and diarrhea are most likely the most common side effect, however, liver and kidney issues are also mentioned. Usually kidney and liver issues are seen with chronic use but, I'm sure there has been noted cases of acute on-set of symptoms. I must admit I never heard or seen neuro side effects.

How did your vet explain your dogs symptoms if he/she doesn't feel it's from the medication?


She said it could be "old dog disease" because his eyes are darting back and forth. Odd though how all this dizziness, eyes darting back and forth suddenly came on after I started giving him Carprofen. I think it's a side effect to the drug personally. Zero is a very healthy seven year old grey.


Carprofen, and any NSAID, can have that effect on dogs and people - my mother can't take them at all as she has the same reaction that Zero did. Poor Zero sounds like he's sensitive to it. I've had all of mine on it at one time or another with no problems.


Is Zero limping or showing signs of pain? If it's a neck muscle problem you might try alternating warm and cold compresses as you would for a muscle strain in people. If it's not a muscular issue the nsaid won't help much anyway, and might even mask a larger issue.


Hope he feel better soon.


Zero just yelps if I press just the right spot behind his left ear. The vet thinks he may have hurt the area after falling off the bed.

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Guest BiancasMom

I have never heard of neurological side effects in dogs from Carprofen (Rimadyl or any NSAID for that matter) before either. But every dog is different. Are you sure it isn't his neck issue that is getting worse and it is just coincidence? I would be more worried about that than it being a side effect. Encephalitis or Meningitis can present as a stiff neck or neck pain. I would take him to a neurologist if his symptoms don't get better.

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

I have used Rimadyl many times with my hounds and the only side effect i have ever seen was with Vegas, he got an upset belly/indigestion and puked.

You said that your Vet is "greyhound friendly" so i assume they have some knowledge of greyhounds but they said it might be "old dog disease", im sorry to break it to you but 7 isnt old for a greyhound, they dont have the same short life span as other large breed dogs. I would talk to your vet and find another medication to try and see how that goes.


Good luck and hopefully everything clears up quickly.

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One of mine had neurological side effects for four days from a carprofen injection after surgery. If he needs a painkiller now, he either has a herbal yucca/devils claw preparation or tramadol. Like you, I had to look up the side effects of carprofen myself as my vet seemed unaware of any except the gastrointestinal ones. We have a different vet now ;) .


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Sounds like you dog has vestibular disease-- nothing to do with the medication, however, agreed when in doubt stop the meds. Vestibular disease usually has a sudden on-set and may stop as fast has it started or may linger for some tine. Some dogs will always have a slight head tilt. I was always told if you treat it it will resolve and of you don't treat it it will resolve. Sometimes it helps to put them on benedryl. It's like having non stop bed spins- ack. It's key here that your dog continues to eat.

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Guest kydie

all meds have side effects,, and each med can effects each dog (person) differently,, all meds are detoxified either through the kidneys or liver or both,, maybe the dizziness is related to the fall,, keep us posted :)

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Guest BrianRke

I've given Rimadyl to all three of my hounds for one thing or another. They never experienced any bad side effects from it. I was just told to make sure they take it with 1/3 of their daily food intake.

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Well you just learned that you can't trust vets. Rimadyl must have great sales reps and high profit margins because some vets in my experience dispense it like it is a treat. I do know one vet though that will NOT use it because of the prevalance of kidney damage. I won't use it either. If they absolutely positively have to have a NSAID like that I have had success with Etodolac which I belive has the fewest adverse reaction reports of all of them. Also I would never use any of them on my hounds without a blood test first to make sure it is safe. I remember one GT'r lost her houndie because the vet prescribed Rimadyl without a preliminary blood test and the poor hound became violently ill and crossed over. Death is a listed side effect to them- thats why I try to use them as little as possible. I have had wonderful results with accupuncture and homeopathy/herbals so I tend to go that route. Like Hawthorn above said the herbals and even tramadol if req'd is probably a better option. Note their vet did the same thing and they now have a different vet. Your greyt needs you to double check on the vets because the vets sadly just really can't be trusted. Bless you for researching it and acting in her best interest- she is lucky to have a dad like you-you may have just saved her life by doing that.

Edited by racindog
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We've never had trouble (other than some mooshy poop) with Rimadyl here. It's possible that his dizziness is due to the fall rather than the med, but if in doubt it is best to discontinue the drug as you did.


Unfortunately, except in a very few unusual cases, preliminary bloodwork won't tell you whether a dog is going to have a severe adverse reaction to a drug or not. Most vets don't do prelim bloodwork unless the dog has no recent baseline, is ill (not injured), or is expected to be on the drug over the long term.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest CampWhippet


She said it could be "old dog disease" because his eyes are darting back and forth. Odd though how all this dizziness, eyes darting back and forth suddenly came on after I started giving him Carprofen. I think it's a side effect to the drug personally. Zero is a very healthy seven year old grey.



What you have here is Nystagmus. My whippet Sasha developed this from a tumor in her nasal cavity that spread to her brain. I got so I could tell when one of these attacks were coming on so I'd give her a Dramamine II, put her in a crate and turn the lights very low or off. She walked like a drunken sailor during the episodes otherwise.


I have a Youtube video on my page but here at work cannot access Youtube to share it. I'll add it tonight.


I think this is a coincedence that the day you began with the carpopen the nystgamus became noticable. If you read the link above you will see that there are a few causes of aquired nystgamus and one is head injury but I'd be surprised if a fall from a bed could be enough to cause it. I had an x-ray of Sasha's head done and discovered the tumor, which was her cause. They vet's gave her 6 months but she lived 2 more years.


Dramamine II helped shorten the episodes and lessen the severity of Sasha's episodes. Give it a try. You do have to give it to them as soon as you suspect one coming on, you'll get so you can tell based on behavior changes. Giving the pill after an episode started didn't seem to help here, the episodes were not that long anyway.

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Guest KennelMom

All meds have side effects, including NSAIDs of which rimadyl is one. We've given it to many greyhounds on a short and (fewer) long term basis with no bad experiences. And just because a dog experiences a side effect doesn't mean the drug is "bad" or "dangerous" or wouldn't work well for another dog. It just means it doesn't work for *that* dog. We had a greyhound become extremely ill and could have died from prednisone. Right now, we're giving prednisone to another greyhound for a completely different issue. We'll see how she tolerates it.


Before I leave the vet with ANY new medication, I *always* ask what the common side effects are and if there are any I need to be aware of that may warrant discontinuing the medication and/or alerting the vet. Same thing I do before I leave a human doctor's office with a new prescription.


I generally try to avoid NSAIDs in the hounds and in myself because they're all hard on the liver and kidneys.

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Sounds like you dog has vestibular disease-- nothing to do with the medication, however, agreed when in doubt stop the meds. Vestibular disease usually has a sudden on-set and may stop as fast has it started or may linger for some tine. Some dogs will always have a slight head tilt. I was always told if you treat it it will resolve and of you don't treat it it will resolve. Sometimes it helps to put them on benedryl. It's like having non stop bed spins- ack. It's key here that your dog continues to eat.

Yup, the vet and others have mentioned this. Zero is still eating, drinking, peeing & pooping normally. We went for a short slow walk today and he did well. He just turned seven in April. I've only had him for two years. I prey he's ok.

I just hope this doesn't get worse or is some neurological disease. Thanks all for your comments.

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Guest KennelMom

If it's vestibular "old dog disease" it usually resolves on it's own and dramamine can help the dog feel better. Our old guy Grandpa had an episode once...scared the crap outta me but he was ok in a couple days.

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Be aware that you cannot change Zero over to another NSAID without a "washout period." There are other pain remedies your vet can give you, but you must not mix NSAIDS--even something as simple as an aspirin--with what Zero has taken. If you wind up seeing another vet, make sure that vet knows exactly what Zero took, how much, and when.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Fritz acts like a zombie on Rimadyl, but it sounds like you are dealing with something different with Zero. Deramaxx is our NSAID of choice here...we have no idea why Rimadyl affects Fritz in such an odd way, but the Deramaxx handles pain without oddness, so we stick with it :)


Hope your buddy is feeling more like himself soon :)

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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