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Augie Came In From Playing With A Limp

Guest avadogner

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Guest avadogner

Hi GT friends,

My sweet goofy boy Augie came in the dog door after doing zoomies in the backyard limping. He refuses to put his back left foot on the floor and continues to limp hours later. There are no cuts, the pads do not appear injured. Palpating his toes did not elicit any yelps just panting. He lets me touch it and move the toes but jerks away when pressure is applied to toes. I gave him two dog asparin and applied a cold compress to the foot. He is asleep on his dog bed now. I am taking him to the vet in the morning to check it out. I am totally perplexed. We walked a mile today and he had a great time. My goofy boy ran right into a tree playing at the dogpark a couple days ago and limped with his opposite foot for a couple of steps and them took off again like it was nothing. It didn't bother him then but whatever he did tonight hurts him. My poor boy. I am having surgery Monday and worried about my poor sweet boy. Any ideas? It doesn't look like a dislocated toe. My ER RN experience is thinking soft tissue injury or sprained foot. Please pray it's not broken!


ava and augie's mum

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Every RN I know gets a little OCD over minor injuries. :lol Is that you, too? My guess is he zoomed over/under something, maybe even stubbed his foot. Or fell and maybe it's actually a pain in his hock or hip or something. Summer occasionally comes up limping on a hind leg when she runs. I've gone through the X-ray thing (you know how we all panic at the infamous and unwanted limp!) and ended up at a canine chiropractor, who determined she had fallen within the last several months (and she had) and her hips needed adjusting. Now I stretch her hind legs before running and she's GREAT and she gets a monthly chiropractic adjustment. It may be from the tree thing still, affecting him when he gets going. THAT would be exactly what Summer did.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Guest JillinMichigan

I have two corn dogs (lol) that have small limps after playing because their corn pain "flares" up sometimes when they've been running and playing at the dog park. You can tell it's their corns bothering them because they won't put weight on their foot and pull back their feet when I put a little pressure on their pads. I am having Birch's and Elysia's teeth cleaned tomorrow, and they are getting their corns hulled - for Birch it is the umpteenth time, Elysia it is the first time. Birch has one corn on each of his front paws and Elysia has one corn on each of her rear paws. I bought the Murray Avenue RX serum/cream combo, and I am going to use it on both of them after they are freshly hulled to prevent them from coming back (I hope for good, especially in Birch's case).

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Guest avadogner

Hi everyone,


Sorry that I haven't updated Augie's condition sooner. His accident happened around 6 pm Thurs. He went out the dog door for about 10 minutes and came in limping. By 10pm his left foot near the hock was swelling and he started whimpering in pain. He couldn't walk on it all. Then he made the GSOD when he stood up on it. We called the ER vet hospital and took him in. After 4 hours and $300 later, he was diagnosed with a soft tissue injury/sprain. They did xrays which they went over with me. We saw a tiny area that could possibly be a tiny hairline fracture but the Dr said even if it's a hairline fracture, it wouldn't change his treatment. They read me the riot act over giving him a doggie asparin. I gave it hoping it was just a minor sprain and using it and ice would keep from getting worse. I should have called them first and will if anything like this happens again!


They gave him a shot of Buprenex and Famotidine (because of the Asparin I gave hime) and sent us home with Tramadol, Carafate and Zantac. They wanted us to crate him and only let him out to potty. That wasn't an option due to Augie repeatedly vomiting in his crate and then fipping it on it's side the first night he was home. We use baby gates to limit access to areas. We came home about 3 am and I pulled out the DH's camping mattress and made a bed by his bed so I could watch him and keep him off the foot as much as possible. The pain med shot really knocked him out. I was worried about how slow his HR and Breathing were. I am nurse and used my stethescope to listen to him. I was so worried about him I stayed awake all night and all the next day. Immediately after the injury occured (still have no idea what he did) I began applying ice to the site on and off for 15 minutes each time. Desptie keeping him rested and icing the site, by morning his leg from the hock down was bruised purple and so swollen. It looked like a golf ball was under his skin. I spent another day and night sleeping on the camping bed in our living room (where our hounds usually sleep if not in our bedroom). Today it is more bruised and so swollen. He can't bear any weight and I escort him out for potty breaks to limit his time on it.


Last night he had a horrible night. He just moaned and cried in pain all night long. He needed to poo but since his back left leg is the one injured, he couldn't get balance enough to go. When he urinated he did it standing up and ended up soaking his front legs. After 5 trips out, he finally was able to relieve himself and poop. I tried to keep him off the leg but he wasn't the most cooperative. He finally crashed out at 8:00am so I bedded down by him. I finally fell asleep around 10 am for the first time in two days. The DH said when he came back from running errands, I was holding Augie's front paw and his head was resting on my hand. I was out cold asleep and so was he.


They said he didn't need a splint or anything which is weird to me. I guess vet medicine is just different then human. I plan to sleep with the hounds again tonight to keep an eye on him. I go in for surgery Monday at 8. We have planned to board Augie with our rescue group. I updated them on his injury and they said he could still come. I am glad because both our hounds won't crate at home but just jump right in when they go for a visit. I think being around so many greys will cheer him up too. Being crated for a few more days will hopefully give him time to heal the damage. I pray it gets better soon. I've been so worried about him and having him and Ava not feeling well is really stressing me out.


Ava will be staying at her grandparents house since she went on a hunger strike last time she boarded and has been so frail. She is doing better since our vet changed up her meds. She is moving better and seems happier. Between my sick furbabies and my parents divorcing, I am so stressed out. This will be my 7th surgery and I'm a little nervous. I coded post op after my last surgery. My mom was in the room and watched me be resuscitated. I only remember feeling disoriented and asking the nurse to check my BP and oxygen level. It went downhill fast and my mom refuses to let me spend a minute alone in hospital. I hate adding more stress to her now.


I would appreciate any prayers said for my pups and extra for me would be very much appreciated. I am more worried about Augie and my mum than me now. I wish I could postpone this surgery but I can't. I know the wonderful staff at McGregor have far more experience with injured hounds and he will be in good hands. I just wish I could be with him. Between this injury, going back to his old frat house and me being laid up 6 wks post op, I am worried his SA will worsen. He was doing so much better with the talking and whining. He still likes to hear himself talk but the crying when I leave the room had improved. I know being at his side constantly is making him more attached but since he does totally crazy in his home crate, I just dont' want to risk him further injuring that leg.


His leg is swollen about 3 times his normal size. I called our vet's office to let them know about our ER visit but our vet doesn't work Fridays. They said it would look worse before better and to call it anything changes. I've been applying cold compresses to it for 15 min intervals which seems to have kept it from swelling even more. He's been a good sport about it but I know it hurts him. I would rather it be me in pain than one of my babies. I'm used to pain and can handle it. My sweet, goofy boy is so accident prone. He isn't the smartest grey I've ever met but he sure is one of the sweetest. I told him this is his one and only ER visit. I pray this is it but he's so darn goofy. He just doesn't realize he's a giant 90 lb boy and isn't the most graceful greyhound. Ava is so smart, elegant and ladylike. Augie is always doing goofy things like rolling off his bed roaching. He always has this "Well how did this happen look?" He makes me smile and laugh every day.


I'm totally pooped and crawling into my sleeping bag on the DH's camping foam mattress. It is surprisingly comfortable. If I wasn't next to Augie, he would just get up and hop around tripod all night. Goofy boy doesn't get he could hurt himself worse than he already is. Goodnight everyone!

-ava and augie's mum

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Guest avadogner

I just remembered something funny the ER vet said to me. During our visit, we were talking about greys and their unique med issues and I was peppering him pretty hard with pointed questions. The nurse in me never rests. We did end up talking about how great they are as pets. I started going on about how wonderful they are and he just gave me this funny smile. I immediately knew he was about to say how grey people are a bit cult like in their love of the breed so I beat him to it. I told him "yeah, we drank the greyhound Koolaid". He just busted out laughing so hard. It was a light moment in a stressful night. He did say he finds it funny how we have our lingo and seem to have our own culture that other breeds don't have. I said "well, the Egyptians treated them like the gods and once you have been loved by one, you can easily see why they were worshiped like gods and treated thus" By the end of our 4 hour visit, the whole clinic was in love with Augie. Perhaps we will have some new greyhound adoptions from our visit. I always tell my dogs that they are ambassadors for their species.


aka ava and augie's mum

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Guest HHHounds

Mel will take good care of Augie, Ava will be spoiled rotten by her grandparents, and we will all be sending prayers for you during your surgery! Take care of yourself and keep us posted!

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My goodness you have had a lot on your plate. Sending prayers for you and Auggie.

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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Your Augie sounds like my Sam...and I slept on the floor with Sam Friday night.


Take care of yourself. Augie will be fine. (Sam often surprises me with how well-behaved he is with other people.)

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest avadogner

Hi GT friends,

First and foremost, thank you so much for all the kind wishes and thoughts. It's been a horrible week here but it will get better. I just know it will. Slept on the floor with my Augie for the 3rd night and was happy to see leg has stopped swelling bigger and the cold compresses seem to have actually reduced the swelling a little. I could tell he was feeling a little better today too because he wanted to lay in his special spot in the yard. It was a pretty day so I pulled up a chair and let him enjoy the sun. I spent the next four hours finishing packing their travel bags, writing out care instructions and getting them to the track (Augie) and grandma's (Ava). I was relieved to see my momma's boy go right into the crate. The sweet staff at McG (Crystal) was kind enough to put his foam bed liner, blanket, one of my pillowcases that smells like me and his favorite toy/pillow in his crate. I feel better knowing he will have a good time with his old frat brothers and sisters and also have a comfy place to rest. I cried after dropping them off in two seperate trips but the kids were fine. I'm feeling a little over emotional but that's just from the poor sleep, injured babies, concern for my parents (my mom was crying every time I called today but swore she was fine) and the anxiety of going under for my 7th surgery. I would really appreciate continued prayers for all of us. As soon as I can get on my computer again, I'll send an update on our crazy life.

Thanks again,


aka ava and augie's mum

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Take care of yourself, now. The kids are fine. Give your mother your Greytalk password, if you like, so she can post updates or contact someone here if she has Ava-questions.


(Sam's having a bad night. He's standing by my bed and whining. He can't understand why Mom won't fix his universe like she usually does. I'll be sleeping in the floor with him again tonight. I'd really like the tramadol to kick in for him soon...)




P.S. Mothers cry. It's just what they do. They cry--and pretend they aren't worried.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Just seeing this update; sending prayers for your surgery to go smoothly and your pups to handle their little vacation with ease! Hoping Augie's injury heals quickly, too.

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