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The Bottoms Just Dropped Out Of Our World...

Guest Balfie

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Oh no... I am sorry! I hope the dx is something very treatable! And don't forget that sometimes it is just an infection. Blasto and Lyme, for example, can cause whole body lymph node swelling, and occasionally allergies can do it - but of course, there are usually other symptoms with those, sometimes quite severe ... we can only hope that in your girl's case it is something fixable. :hope


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest Balfie

Thanks for all your replies and for thinking of us, its a comfort. We are in the UK, so wont be able to consult with OSU, but our vet is very good and we trust him. She has gone in this morning for her biopsy, and they are goint to take bloods from her as well to check those all out as well.


The house is very empty without her, she always sticks very close by you and follows you around the house so I miss her being here. She is a real character! The good thing is that she does not seem ill in herself and if it wasnt for the lumps we wouldnt have thought anything was wrong with her.

So we are counting our blessings, that (if it is cancer) it is a cancer where the growths were noticeable so we picked it up on it, and also that it is something that we hope can be treated. Our vet said he has another dog on his books who has had this for 4 years now and is being maintained on a low dose of chemo (a weekly tablet I think) so we are trying to be positive, and hope and pray with everything that we've got that she will be ok.


Arlo's mum, sorry to hear Arlo has thyroid cancer, I hope he continues to do well with the chemo and can fight it off. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.



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Guest FreddyGirl

Xrays and most tests can be sent electronically. Please send your results and ask for Dr. Cuoto's opinion. It can only help you make the correct decision for your baby.


Xrays and most tests can be sent electronically. Please send your results and ask for Dr. Cuoto's opinion. It can only help you make the correct decision for your baby. Best of luck.


His email address is:


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Thanks for all your replies and for thinking of us, its a comfort. We are in the UK, so wont be able to consult with OSU, but our vet is very good and we trust him. She has gone in this morning for her biopsy, and they are goint to take bloods from her as well to check those all out as well.


You can still ask Dr C for an email consult, I believe, but don't forget that in the UK there are many specialist centres - within my area we have the Cambridge vet school, and also Davis in Higham Gobion (Herts) and Newmarket (Suffolk). Over the years we've used them all for different dogs and different problems.


We've been down to Newmarket for neurology, and we've been to Davis (when it was Davis White) for cardiology, but any of the vet schools will be able to offer a more specialised opinion that pretty much any local vet. Good luck!


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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no advice, just hugs :( :( :grouphug:hope

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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I'm so sorry you've gotten this terrible news. Lymphoma (if it is that) often responds well to chemo.

What is your sweet girl's name? How old is she? I'll keep her in my prayers.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest Balfie

Thanks QueenWinniesMum, her name is Monica and she will be 11 this September.


Thanks for that link, thats very helpful. And its a free service is it? Can we send the info, or does it need to be the vet?


He said the biopsy went well, he got good samples from two sites. She has a wound check tomorrow and the results should be back in about a week. As soon as the results are back he will get her on the chemo. She is getting back to normal today, she always gets very stressed being at the vets and takes time to settle afterwards, and worst of all for her was having no food all day! She's asleep in her bed next to me as I write this, she's a lot happier now she's in her own bed with a full tummy. :wub:

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Thanks for that link, thats very helpful. And its a free service is it? Can we send the info, or does it need to be the vet?


He said the biopsy went well, he got good samples from two sites. She has a wound check tomorrow and the results should be back in about a week. As soon as the results are back he will get her on the chemo. She is getting back to normal today, she always gets very stressed being at the vets and takes time to settle afterwards, and worst of all for her was having no food all day! She's asleep in her bed next to me as I write this, she's a lot happier now she's in her own bed with a full tummy. :wub:


The service is free. Either you or your vet can submit the consult request along with all available test/biopsy results. Your vet can also talk to them by calling Stephanie (see the website for details).


Gentle hugs for you and your pupper.



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Fingers crossed for good results. One year and one month ago Shilo was diagnosed with lymphoma when we found his glands swollen one day. He underwent chemo for 25 weeks and has had a year in remission and another birthday! He's 13 now and doing well cancer wise.

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Don't worry yourself too much yet. While it may still be cancer, it could be a type that is treatable. Ace was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia over a year ago and she is doing just fine. She takes an oral chemotherapy drug (Leukeran - generic name is chlorambucil) every other week and takes 10mg prednisone every other day. At her last checkup, her blood values were good and she's in remission! :yay

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Hi; sorry you and your girl are facing this. Sending prayers that whatever she has responds well to treatment and you have lots more time with her!

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