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Pathology Is Back - Fibrosarcoma

Guest greytkidsmom

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Guest greytkidsmom

Just sitting here in the waiting room at NC State. We were very quickly taken back to a consultation room that was nicer than our living room to meet the radiation oncologist. They have taken Kebo back for lymph node aspiration, blood work, and chest x-rays for staging purposes. After that, they will have the surgeon see him and decide whether or not they can just remove the rest of the cancer. She said that there was only one edge where the margins were dirty and sounded fairly optimistic that the surgeons could resect it. Just have to wait and see...

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I so know what it's like to wait. And wait. And wait.


One of my girls had a splenectomy of her fibrosarcoma at OSU. Her sister had a leg amputation there. I spent the entire day in their waiting room. Those were probably the longest days of my life.


Luckily it seems that you at least have access to GT. Maybe we can help keep you company.

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Guest greytkidsmom

I so know what it's like to wait. And wait. And wait.


One of my girls had a splenectomy of her fibrosarcoma at OSU. Her sister had a leg amputation there. I spent the entire day in their waiting room. Those were probably the longest days of my life.


Luckily it seems that you at least have access to GT. Maybe we can help keep you company.


Thanks and thank goodness for laptops and wireless internet. I have never been more current on everyone's Facebook statuses. My DH is sitting beside me with a copy paper box full of work he brought from the office. We have to be a sight to see.

Chest x-ray is done - no mets. Lymph node aspiration is done - awaiting results. He is apparently with the surgeons now and they will come get us afterward to talk about options.

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Guest greytkidsmom

Well, we're finally home.


Bloodwork was fine, lymph node aspirate negative, chest x-ray negative.

They are going to have their pathologist review his slides to look at the margins again and to see what grade it is (she made it sound like it was on the low-grade side).

She had the surgeons look at him and said they think they can get the rest out with wide margins.

We have to make an appointment for a formal surgical consult which will be followed by another CT scan and then (hopefully) surgery. That should mean only one more long round-trip car ride for him.


Kebo is exhausted. I think he has been awake since we left the house at 5:30 this morning. His eyelids look so heavy. He will definitely get a good night's sleep tonight.

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That sounds like good news all around. thumbs-up.gif I hope Kebo slept like a baby sleeping.gif & is back in form today.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest greytkidsmom



You know how thoughts come and go through your head when you really have a lot going on? If he really only has one car trip - the trip to take him for surgery, why shouldn't we think about taking him to OSU. There is something comforting about all of that greyhound specific knowledge in that one place. Is there anything nice to do around town to keep busy?

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Well, I try not to be bias but, IMHO OSU is the place to be--esp with a GH! There is LOTS to do while in Columbus--busy college town. When in town I stay at the Varsity Inn North--very close to the veterinary hospital and they are also pet friendly. There is also the Red Roof--honestly that would be my second choice but, they are even closer to the hospital. You might want to contact Jane (joejoesmom) as she knows the lay of the land very well. She also might be able to meet you at the hospital or be able to find you lodging with a fellow GH owner that lives in the area.


Oh, I wanted to add that I can really recommend a resident there--if possible ask for Dr Urie--she was amazing with my girl.

Edited by tbhounds
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Glad to here that surgery went OK. Best of luck as you move forward with your baby.




Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Sounds very encouraging that all the preliminaries look a-ok and that surgery seems to be a good option.


Joejoesmom posted lots of Columbus-area info in this thread about the recent OSU conference:




Her first post has hotel info, and #17 a long list of restaurants, shopping, and other activities.

Edited by EllenEveBaz


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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You know how thoughts come and go through your head when you really have a lot going on? If he really only has one car trip - the trip to take him for surgery, why shouldn't we think about taking him to OSU. There is something comforting about all of that greyhound specific knowledge in that one place. Is there anything nice to do around town to keep busy?


I would be very happy to help you out. We have several people here who are willing to havegreyhound owners and their dogs as guests in their homes. I would need to know the expected dates to get this arranged. If you prefer to stay in a hotel, Varsity Inn North and the Red Roof Inn near the hospital are reasonably priced and close. The Varsity Inn now charges a non-refundable pet deposit. There are a couple of others that are more expensive but also nicer. You can also stay at a motel 6 about 15 minutes away for less than $40 a night, if cost is a significant concern.


Columbus is a city of over 1 million with a lot of things going on. The Columbus Zoo is excellent. There is also the Center of Science and Industry. It all really depends on your individual interests. Go to the following website to get more info on events in Columbus:



Please let me know how I can help.



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Guest greytkidsmom



You know how thoughts come and go through your head when you really have a lot going on? If he really only has one car trip - the trip to take him for surgery, why shouldn't we think about taking him to OSU. There is something comforting about all of that greyhound specific knowledge in that one place. Is there anything nice to do around town to keep busy?


I would be very happy to help you out. We have several people here who are willing to havegreyhound owners and their dogs as guests in their homes. I would need to know the expected dates to get this arranged. If you prefer to stay in a hotel, Varsity Inn North and the Red Roof Inn near the hospital are reasonably priced and close. The Varsity Inn now charges a non-refundable pet deposit. There are a couple of others that are more expensive but also nicer. You can also stay at a motel 6 about 15 minutes away for less than $40 a night, if cost is a significant concern.


Columbus is a city of over 1 million with a lot of things going on. The Columbus Zoo is excellent. There is also the Center of Science and Industry. It all really depends on your individual interests. Go to the following website to get more info on events in Columbus:



Please let me know how I can help.




Thanks Jane.

Right now I'm not sure what to do.

I know that he needs a full rostral maxillectomy.


I thought that our referral to NC State would bring closure - a visit with the oncologist, a visit with the surgeon, and then surgery during the same visit. All we got was proof that there was no metastasis (highly unlikely since this type of tumor is slow to metastasize), affirmation that surgery was the preferential treatment, and another credit card charge.


Basically, we need a surgeon who can do the job properly and an institution who won't make us drive up for the consult and then drive back for the surgery. I don't know how rare or common the procedure is to know if we should try to find a someone special to do it.


So do we A ) make the appt with NC State to see the surgeon, get a CT scan and have surgery B ) go back to VA Tech (I guess) for repeat CT Scan and surgery or C )try to see if OSU can do it? Each place has it advantages - NC State isn't VA Tech, VA Tech is only 45 minutes away, and OSU are the greyhound gurus.


This seems like such a simple problem to fix, why has it gotten so complicated?

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Sorry you are faced with such a decision--I know it's difficult to try to make the correct one for your pup. I'm sure all 3 clinics would be an excellent choice as I'm sure they all have residents and senior surgeons involved in the surgery. I hate to repeat myself but, hear I go--personally I would head to OSU. You could bring all of the prior work-up material (path reports, Dr's notes etc) and present that to the Dr's there. Mostly likely after your consult if the Dr's agree that surgery is the direction to go your hound would be admitted for the CT scan and if it still looks surgical he would go right to surgery. Of course this process may take a day or two depending on surgery's already scheduled. Hopefully, Dr Couto's in town--he usually oversee's all of the GH admits (bless him--he's a busy guy). Keep in mind that if money is becoming a hardship--there might be help in that department--but, I must admit I find them very, very reasonable but, keep in mind I'm from NJ were everything is pricey!

I have found that every single employee at OSU has been wonderful to engage with--caring and professional. I don't believe you would regret your decision if you choose to make the trip. Feel free to pm me if I can help further. Keep in mind Jane always extends her help too. You should call the front desk and talk to a recep about scheduling--tell them you have a hound and would ideally like to consult with Dr Couto. I do think, however, what ever you choose to do you should most likely move forward on it. Fibrosarcmona is a rapidly growing cancer--don't give it a heads start. Keep us posted OK??

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I think what I would do is call OSU & tell them all of your concerns, especially about Kebo's travel troubles. From other peoples stories with OS at OSU, it seems like you'd make an appointment, have an exam & a review of all the tests already done, then he'd be admitted & have surgery. Lots of folks travel from significant distances & can't be going back & forth for one appointment after another. I think they've streamlined the process. Worth a call to them IMO.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest LindsaySF

I don't have any advice to offer, but it sounds like you've gotten some good advice here. Just lots of hugs and good wishes sent your way! :grouphug

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Thanks Jane.

Right now I'm not sure what to do.

I know that he needs a full rostral maxillectomy.


I thought that our referral to NC State would bring closure - a visit with the oncologist, a visit with the surgeon, and then surgery during the same visit. All we got was proof that there was no metastasis (highly unlikely since this type of tumor is slow to metastasize), affirmation that surgery was the preferential treatment, and another credit card charge.


Basically, we need a surgeon who can do the job properly and an institution who won't make us drive up for the consult and then drive back for the surgery. I don't know how rare or common the procedure is to know if we should try to find a someone special to do it.


So do we A ) make the appt with NC State to see the surgeon, get a CT scan and have surgery B ) go back to VA Tech (I guess) for repeat CT Scan and surgery or C )try to see if OSU can do it? Each place has it advantages - NC State isn't VA Tech, VA Tech is only 45 minutes away, and OSU are the greyhound gurus.


This seems like such a simple problem to fix, why has it gotten so complicated?


I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner. My computer totally died and it took me a while to get it running again.


OSU is very used to people coming from a long distance. You typically see oncology/greyhound medicine first. They run any tests needed to determine the best treatment. (Sounds like this has already been done and won't be needed. You had mentioned a CT. If this is needed, they will likely do it just before surgery, saving the dog two anesthesias.) Then they talk with surgery and you meet the surgeon (occasionally the surgeons are all tied up in surgery and you don't meet them until surgery). This all happens the first day. If everything is a go for surgery, you are placed on the surgical list for the following day. They prefer to keep the dog overnight so they can do pre-surgical tests that evening or first thing in the morning. If you have an objection, you can bring the dog back early in the morning; usually between 6 and 7 am. If your dog is expected to stay overnight (I assume that this would be the case with this surgery) your actual surgery will likely be in the afternoon. They like to do surgery on the dogs that can go home that night first, so they have ample time in recovery before the daytime staff leaves and the owner's pick up.


After surgery, the dogs go into recovery. From there your dog will likely be moved to their intensive care unit. They have two levels of intensive care. Post-amputation dogs usually go into the lower level of intensive care. My guess is this is where your dog would go. But it is nice knowing they have a higher level if needed. There is a fairly significant difference in price between the two.


When your dog is ready to be released from intensive care, they go to the step down unit or directly to the regular ward. So essentially, they have 4 levels of care (and price).


Followup can be done at your regular vet.


I'm not sure how this compares, but the price for an amputation is usually $3000 to $3800. This includes everything but the pre-op tests: surgery, anesthesia, ICU for 3 days, step-down for 1 day and medications while in the hospital.


Please feel free to call me. My number is 614-523-0754. My email is finewhipador-drool@yahoo.com.



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Guest greytkidsmom

Well shoot. The NC State oncologist called and said that their pathologist reviewed the slides and thinks it could be an amelanotic melanoma. No special stains were used. Gonna have them do whatever stains they need to do to figure it out and ask the OSU folks to do the same for a confirmatory opinion. It is apparently really hard to tell the difference between the two. If it turns out to be a melanoma, that might change our plan a bit.


All I know is that our sweet boy is on the couch snuggled up with his purple bear looking ever so handsome and sweet. I just want this all to be over and either have him fixed or know that we should just enjoy every day that we have with him.

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