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What Can I Use For Brushing Their Teeth

Guest jettcricket

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Guest jettcricket

Hi All...just was wondering what can I use to brush my greys teeth with. Just had dentals done again (done 8 months ago) on my pups teeth. So I'm going to try and start brushing their teeth hopefully to keep that tarter down.


Any suggestions what I can use other than doggie tooth paste.


Also...I know there are people who give their dogs turkey necks. Does it really help???



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Have a look at the many threads in which people (myself included) have raved about Petzlife spray or gel. It is amazing at not only preventing but reversing tartar. Despite daily brushing Beth's teeth were getting dingy in a few spots, but now with Petzlife added to the mix they are virtually flawless.


What's your objection to doggie toothpaste??


And yes, turkey necks or other raw bones do help.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest jettcricket

Have a look at the many threads in which people (myself included) have raved about Petzlife spray or gel. It is amazing at not only preventing but reversing tartar. Despite daily brushing Beth's teeth were getting dingy in a few spots, but now with Petzlife added to the mix they are virtually flawless.


What's your objection to doggie toothpaste??


And yes, turkey necks or other raw bones do help.


Oh, it's not that I have an objection to using doggie toothpaste. I was just wondering if there were any other options. I've heard of Petzlife....will try it.


You can also use biotene veterinary formula. It comes as a gel, spray or water additive. I have been pleased with this product-- I use the maintance gel.

I do have biotene.....just purchased it from NGAP. So it's too early to see if it makes a difference.


With the maintenance gel do you put it on their teeth or in the water like the biotene?

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I have trouble using a toothbrush and paste with my dogs. They turn their heads this way and that and slobber all over and it's just messy. Is that the case with you? I know they make finger brushes for dogs but I've never tried them. I have wrapped a washcloth around my fingers and used toothpaste. It's a little easier, but still a bit messy.

I gave Kiowa a turkey neck a day and he never needed a dental in all the yrs I had him. Another good thing that works here is raw bones and occasional rolled rawhide. When I got Jane in December her teeth had never been touched (she turns 6 next month) and her teeth looked kind of icky especially the upper back teeth. The vet said he would recommend a dental by this summer. However since I've been giving her bones and rawhide and even the worst of her teeth look nearly perfect. I don't think she's going to need a dental after all.

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Guest Energy11

We have switched to the Biotene Veterinary Gel... both the maintenance and the stuff for bad gum infections (antiseptic). I have noticed a HUGE difference in the two of mine who need dentals, and the rest as well. I use a cosmetic pad to apply. The finger toothbrushes make their gums bleed.







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i use a child's battery operated soft toothbrush...lol..yes Lexie lets me use that..It works well. I use the petz life stuff and sometime gazue with biotene for the gums. My vet said her teeth look really good for 5 yers old. she hasn't had to have a dental yet. :rolleyes:

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest jettcricket

We have switched to the Biotene Veterinary Gel... both the maintenance and the stuff for bad gum infections (antiseptic). I have noticed a HUGE difference in the two of mine who need dentals, and the rest as well. I use a cosmetic pad to apply. The finger toothbrushes make their gums bleed.







hmmm...maybe I'll try the gel. More so than the tarter and plaque on their teeth, is that I notice gingivitis is more the problem.


And, yeah, toothpaste is messy.


I guess I was very lucky with Jett and Cricket...Jett was maybe every 2 years and Cricket had naturally good teeth and gums and no mouth ordor. I only had 2 dentals done on her and she was almost 12 when she passed.


i use a child's battery operated soft toothbrush...lol..yes Lexie lets me use that..It works well. I use the petz life stuff and sometime gazue with biotene for the gums. My vet said her teeth look really good for 5 yers old. she hasn't had to have a dental yet. :rolleyes:


I just bought them kids toothbrushes....a battery-operated toothbrush sounds like a really good idea.


Don't even use one on myself....but hey, if it can cut down on the amount of dentals done on my pups, plus not crazy about having anesthesia done on them, I may consider it. :P

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Guest handpicked

I found that using the toothpaste was just too expensive, so I switched to using chlorhexidine rinse (1 shot glass to 1 liter of water) as my formula to brush the greys teeth with. Since I brush 8 greys teeth in one night this is so much more cost effective!!! Good luck!!

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We use extra soft kids toothbrushes. We tried the battery operated ones. They were fine for Ian, but Bella's mouth is too small. We use petrodex enzymatic toothpaste. We used to give the CET chews but Ian got them stuck in the space between his teeth and gums. The piece was large enough to cross the roof of his mouth . We couldn't figure out what was wrong. He was bleeding profusely from scratching at his mouth so we took him to the er where they removed the chew. That being said, CET has veggie chews that serve the same purpose but are a different texture so they don't get stuck. Apparently this is common. Anyway, I'm going to try the washcloth or maybe those gloves that are like a washcloth on Ian. His gums are sooooooo bad. He bleeds a lot when I brush his teeth and I am very gentle.

Edited by IansMom

Lisa & Chris with Bella and Little Petey

~Our sweet Ian forever in our hearts~

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Raw turkey necks are great for the back teeth. They don't make much of an impact on the dogs' front teeth.


Meanwhile, what raw turkey necks can do to the inexperienced greyhound tummy is not always pleasant.


In other words, if you try a neck, do it when you'll be home the next day to deal with any intestinal disasters. Sometimes (more than half the time), my dogs were fine. But I finally decided that a day or more of liquid poop from one or both dogs wasn't worth the dental results, and my guys' stomachs never got accustomed to the turkey necks.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest jettcricket

Raw turkey necks are great for the back teeth. They don't make much of an impact on the dogs' front teeth.


Meanwhile, what raw turkey necks can do to the inexperienced greyhound tummy is not always pleasant.


In other words, if you try a neck, do it when you'll be home the next day to deal with any intestinal disasters. Sometimes (more than half the time), my dogs were fine. But I finally decided that a day or more of liquid poop from one or both dogs wasn't worth the dental results, and my guys' stomachs never got accustomed to the turkey necks.

Oh....ok. Thanks for the heads-up. Maybe I'll pass on trying raw turkey necks. I will order the biotene gel...sounds easier to use.

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Guest jettcricket

We have switched to the Biotene Veterinary Gel... both the maintenance and the stuff for bad gum infections (antiseptic). I have noticed a HUGE difference in the two of mine who need dentals, and the rest as well. I use a cosmetic pad to apply. The finger toothbrushes make their gums bleed.







....thank you on the link for the gel. I just ordered 2 tubes. Hopefully with brushing and applying the gel, it will cut down on their dentals. :)

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Guest Energy11

We have switched to the Biotene Veterinary Gel... both the maintenance and the stuff for bad gum infections (antiseptic). I have noticed a HUGE difference in the two of mine who need dentals, and the rest as well. I use a cosmetic pad to apply. The finger toothbrushes make their gums bleed.







....thank you on the link for the gel. I just ordered 2 tubes. Hopefully with brushing and applying the gel, it will cut down on their dentals. :)

I think you will like it, and you will see a difference! Good Luck :colgate

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Guest Sunset123

I do toothbrushing with Vanilla Tea Tree Oil toothpaste by Cain & Able (I get it from Amazon as a 4 for 3 deal), because the meat flavored toothpastes were too gross. This stuff smells really good and has a really good texture. And yes, I admit that I tasted it and it's delicious.


I also add ProDen PlaqueOff, an algae tooth and breath supplement, to her food. It seems to work really well.


To keep the back teeth clean, I give one giant bully stick a week.

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We've tried Petzlife (both gel and spray) and it didn't do anything for our crew (maybe the Canadian version is different, but I certainly can't justify the $50+)

At this point, our regimen is Petrodex Peanut Flavoured Natural toothpaste for dogs and a "baby" toothbrush. They also get Colloidal Silver added to their water. For the dogs with active problems in their mouths, we spray the Colloidal Silver directly on their gums after brushing. It's helped keep dental issues to a minimum.

Edited by Jiffer

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Raw turkey necks are great for the back teeth. They don't make much of an impact on the dogs' front teeth.


Meanwhile, what raw turkey necks can do to the inexperienced greyhound tummy is not always pleasant.


In other words, if you try a neck, do it when you'll be home the next day to deal with any intestinal disasters. Sometimes (more than half the time), my dogs were fine. But I finally decided that a day or more of liquid poop from one or both dogs wasn't worth the dental results, and my guys' stomachs never got accustomed to the turkey necks.


with Kiowa I gave him just about a 4" piece of neck 2x a week at first for 2 wks, then every other day for about a month, and gradually worked up to a whole neck daily. The only reason I no longer feed them to my hounds is because it became almost impossible to find a reliable source for them.

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I brush with doggy toothpaste, but have in the past also brushed with Wysong's Dentatreat (brushing with it is more cost and tooth-effective than putting it on food). Just moosh a little of it up with a bit of water and brush away.


We have also just started using a product recommended by our dental specialist called Healthy Mouth - very benign ingredients, you add it to water. Here is a thread from when I was first looking into it:


Healthy Mouth


Based on this thread, I am going to look into Biotene for brushing as well.

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We've tried Petzlife (both gel and spray) and it didn't do anything for our crew (maybe the Canadian version is different, but I certainly can't justify the $50+)

At this point, our regimen is Petrodex Peanut Flavoured Natural toothpaste for dogs and a "baby" toothbrush. They also get Colloidal Silver added to their water. For the dogs with active problems in their mouths, we spray the Colloidal Silver directly on their gums after brushing. It's helped keep dental issues to a minimum.


Pretty much the exact same routine here (although Max prefers poultry flavour :) ). Max has awful teeth; even with daily brushing, he's lost most of them. We're fighting to keep the lower canines (the top two had root canals shortly after we got him). He goes to a dental vet for his work; he said that it doesn't matter what you brush with, as the paste doesn't make much differenece - it's the action of brushing that does it, so technically you could use something homeopathic (ie - without fluroide) that your pups find tasty. That would probably be cheaper than the pet stuff.


We've started adding colloidal silver gel to the toothbrush,with a bit of doggie enzymatic toothpaste on top (Max loves the taste - he thinks it's a treat :rolleyes: I love my goofy boy). Because his teeth are so bad, he also gets 1 ml of doxy, twice a day.

Edited by maximum

My boys, together again...




A hui hou kakou, my loves

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Guest jettcricket

Ordered the Biotene Gel and have been using it on my kids for about 5 days now and have noticed a difference already!!! The redness on their gum line is not as severe. It looks almost cleared up.....amazing. So their teeth and gums look nice and healthy. I'd definitely recommend it.

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