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Wish She'd Get On Couch With Me

Guest mimikay

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Guest mimikay

It sounds like I have the opposite problem than everyone else. I would like my Raina to get on the couch with me but she never does. Any ideas? I always have to sit on the floor to cuddle with her.

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it took murray two years before he would sit on the couch with us. i think he realized that he could climb up there when he saw bee wiseman do it. :)


Tricia with Kyle, our senior mutt dog 
Always missing Murray MaldivesBee Wiseman, River, Hopper, Kaia, and 
Holly Oaks Holly
“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.“          -Bob Dylan

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I still have 3 that won't get on the furniture. I've never kept them off, they just choose not to get on it.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Kerri has been with me for 3 1/2 yrs, she is always on the couch, but as soon as I sit down next to her, she gets up and goes and lays on one the dog beds or another couch. She is not a cuddle bug, but I love her to death :wub: Abel on the other hand has been with me for 1 yr and as soon as I sit on the couch he is on my lap :wub:

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Maybe some are scared of heights? I babysat a male grey that would shake when I finally got him on our bed, he jumped off after 2 minutes. As for my Bella, she won't get off the couch/bed! :lol

Greyhound Collars : www.collartown.ca


Maggie (the human servant), with Miss Bella, racing name "A Star Blackieto"

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It sounds like I have the opposite problem than everyone else. I would like my Raina to get on the couch with me but she never does. Any ideas? I always have to sit on the floor to cuddle with her.

I have the same problem, but she won't even let me on the floor with her. The only place she will snuggle is in my bed, and she spends most of her time there.


ETA: She will get on the sofa when I am not there.

Edited by Lakota
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Guest shanesmom

Elton was here 3 1/2 years before he ever got on the couch. When we tried to put him there, he was scared. Suddenly one day he just went right up there and that was it. Now he is always on the couch. Same with my bed. Now he is always getting in bed when for years he was afraid to.

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Guest BlingDogs

Dory never goes on the couch or bed. She's 8 but she can still jump very high- The jump into the car looks effortless! She does seem to have a problem with claustrophobia, for example, when we go to the vets we always have to open a door on the far side of the room until she goes in so she can see that there's another exit. She just doesn't think the couch is big enough for her, but she's content to lay on her own pillow on the floor. And that's fine by me! ;)

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Guest Stripeyfan

Kelly's never tried to get on the couch... but his bed is the most comfortable place in the house - it's made out of a cushion and a folded duvet AND a thick fleece blanket – so why would he?! lol.gif

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Guest Swifthounds

Some hounds just aren't couch/bed hounds. (I know, shocking for a greyhound!) MY hounds are selectively allowed on furniture, but long ago they all slept in med with me. Everyone, that is, except my Danny, who never willingly got on a bed or any other people furniture from the day I brought him home. I did have an older full size futon that he would get on, so it wasn't the height. Anything else he would jump off of if you put him on it. I kept a small dog bed on the floor next to my bed. Some take time and some never do become couch hounds.

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Guest NahlaGreys2

At first, neither of mine would join me on the couch. Eventually they saw the error of their ways - but since they are both nesters, I had to ban them back to the mounds of pillows that are their beds when they started to tear up the couch cushions.

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Guest Patience

It took Bison months to get up on the couch with me. I enjoyed snuggling with Gracie so much that I wanted him to snuggle, too. I actually led him onto the couch with me a few times, and he would sit there, nervously, while I pet him. Then, one day, he slumped over onto my lap like a ton of bricks. Since then, he'll jump practically into my lap at the slightest invitation. :)


Gracie is now less likely to come up on the couch with me. . .unless Bison is already there, in which case she wants to be up on the couch in his place.

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Guest Jubilee251

Be careful what you wish for! :lol


I didn't think Molly ever got on the couch until one day, I came from dinner to Molly obediently on her dog bed...but white hairs on the black couch and a dent in the pillow. That little stinker had been getting on the couch while we were away! She still wouldn't get up while we were around, so I started lifting her onto the couch. Eventually, she got comfortable enough to lie down while we were sitting down with her.


Now she has progressed to climbing on the couch if there is even a sliver of space, and then curling up with her nose in someone's crotch. And god forbid you get up for a drink - she'll spread out completely and you'll lose your seat.

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Lexie won't go on the couches which is fine with us. It took her 2 years to jump on the bed...but beware..once they do it you will never have space again for u :lol:lol:lol:lol


Yup!!! :rofl :rofl :rolleyes:


I am usually relegated to the ottoman and DH sits on the rather gross second-hand recliner we found on someone's lawn with a "free" sign on it! :lol The dogs, on the other hand, take up the whole couch! :laughitup


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Neither one of mine will get on the furniture. Gracie will semi-snuggle on the bed if I am watching tv there, but prefers her dog beds to sleep on at night. I am kind of glad that they don't though, because I have several friends who aren't dog lovers. I have even seen them push the dogs away when they come for pets :angry:

<p>Mom to Kyle (Diehard Kyle) & Angel Gracie (KB's Sankey) Foster Mom for AFG

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Guest Samantha

Maddison willingly gets up on the sofa with my son all the time, now and again she will with me. It took her awhile to figure out the sofa. One day it might just happen...then your sofa is gone forever!

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Guest Sweetreba

Kelly's never tried to get on the couch... but his bed is the most comfortable place in the house - it's made out of a cushion and a folded duvet AND a thick fleece blanket – so why would he?! lol.gif



Same here. Since I put my old duvet's in their beds, with a huge blanket they have not budged to go anywhere else unless at night they sleep in their crates in my room. Those are well padded too.

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I know how you feel. Claire won't get up on any furniture at home, not the couch or the bed, but when we are at my s/o's house, she has no problem getting up on any couch and even climbed up on a rocking chair (that didn't work out so well), though she won't get up on any of the beds - yet. I don't get it!

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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