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Anyone's Greys Shaking Their Heads Over And Over?

Guest Paige12

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Guest Paige12

Two of our 4 have been shaking their heads for the last couple of weeks, off and on. Took them to the vet even though their ears are clean as a whistle, no gunk, no smell. He couldn't find anything and didn't have an answer for the head shaking. Any ideas? Also they do scratch their ears at times and Mimi will cry. As you can imagine I am very frustrated. Any experience with this is appreciated.

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I would have said ear problems but it seems you have already looked at that. What about fleas?

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Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Guest Paige12

no, no fleas thank dog. The afflicted have very light bellies and i would see any dirt or nasty bugs. We are pretty successful in keeping them away.

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Guest Paige12

He said there were no mites, but I insisted on him treating them with a dose of med anyways... no effect. We went through this about 8 months ago, but it was winter, and it was 2 different dogs.

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Guest TeddysMom

Maybe a couple of drops of mineral oil would help, it might just be an allergy or dry skin. If they shake too much and too hard they could get hemotomas on the ear flaps.

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My grey has had a yeast infection in his left ear since I got him in January. I have been to 4 vets about it. The ONLY medicine that has helped him is Zymox with Cortisone. And a vet did not prescribe it...Dee in Ellijay put me on it. Granted, it has not fixed him completely, but the vet said he was 60% better. I am taking him off of Confortis and Heart Guard Plus and trying him on Revolution because last vet said he could be allergic to thoses two drugs...time will tell. Took him off all grains about 6 months ago and stomach problems ended...Good luck.


Oh, I forgot to tell you. Two of the vets did not even look in his ears, one vet looked but that was all. Only one vet actually took a Q-tip and cramed it down his ear to get a sample and sent it off ..it took 3 of us to hold him down and he screamed something awful..So, did your vet actually take a sample out of the ears?Not all vets are the same..I get discouraged a lot with them..

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Oh, I forgot to tell you something else..LOL..My Grey's ears look GREAT. They have absolutely no smell nor anything coming out of them...clean as a whistle..So, something is making yours scratch and shake..and it is probably allergies.

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Guest greytbuds

Another culprit to head shaking can be a problem tooth, but I expect the vet would have checked for that too. Hope you get to the root of the problem soon!



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Don't discount something small like a grass seed down far in the ear. That's a common problem in the summer if your dogs are laying in the grass a lot. Allegies would be my first thought. You might try a couple daysof benadryl to see if that helps. Follow dosing on the bottle.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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My thoughts would be allergies. Maybe a some Benadryl might do the trick.

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Guest Dinabird

My Kay does that too several times a day, always has. At first I took her to vet, nothing. Then I tried cleaning her ears with PetMeds ear cleaning solution. During that process I discovered that she just loves for me to put my palm over her ear and just give a good old rub. She will stand there as long as I am willing to rub!


My theory is that her ear canal itches just like peoples do from time to time. Ever see some guy put his finger in his ear and just go after it!! Could be allergies, whatever, her ear itches and she wants it rubbed.

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Thanks, I will pick up some mineral oil today.


Please don't put oil in your dogs ears.


My father used to put assorted things down our Lab's ears, and no matter how many times the vet said "Don't do that!" he somehow felt that putting things in a dog's ear that have no business in a dog's ear was helpful.


I would never put ANYTHING in my dog's ear that the vet didn't tell me to put down there. I suffered for ears along with my last dog whose ears were terrible because of seasonal allergies.


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Another thing, besides allergies could be like Patches has. The vet mildly sedated him so they could really examine the ear canal & found a very fine hair that was tickling the canal, pulled it out and Patch was fine. No one could see this while Patch was awake as he moved too much. Shadrach had allergies had would shake & moan until I rubbed his ears for him. I feel for the dogs as my ears bother me like this too.

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