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Does Your Greyhound Give Kisses?

Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Greyhounds and Kisses  

375 members have voted

  1. 1. Does your Greyhound Give Kisses? Multiple Choice for Multiple Hounds.

    • Yes, s/he will kiss anyone, any time!
    • Yes, but only me/family members
    • Occasionally, but not often
    • No, never
  2. 2. Is your kisser a male or a female?

    • Male
    • Female
    • I don't have a kissing Greyhound
  3. 3. Does your Greyhound randomly lick your hands or arms, or feet?

    • Yes, what a weirdo!
    • Only if I have just eaten or something
    • Nope, sure doesn't!

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Guest Jacks_Human

Jack enjoys grooming my hands on occasion, and will pull my arm over with his feet so he can 'knit' the back of my hand (or sometimes he'll groom my toes/feet). He also knows 'give kissies', which means to touch the tip of his nose to mine (a substitute for a slurpy tongue kiss, though he does still give those on occasion).

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Guest psdirector

We've only had our boys for two weeks, so kisses might still be in our future. When I come home I don't get kisses, but I get huge greyhound grins from Mr. Tibbs and play bows, tail wags and soft hand nuzzles/ nibbles from both he and Hutch. Each will occasionally sniff our entire faces softly, but intently. They both have the endearing habit of coming to one or both of us for quick pats and head rubs when they awaken from a nap, then they happily go back to their beds, lie down, and get on with nap time. It's the move we call, "Just checking in, mom and dad!"

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Dakota gives kisses!

Let me clarify--Dakota gives ME kisses. Only me.

And I love it! :)

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Does this count?



Courtesy of Tricia!


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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Guest maidmarcia

My boy Licorice is constantly licking us all over. Arms, legs, feet, face. It's funny because our nickname for him originally was "Licky" (short for Licorice). Maybe it was self fulfilling, haha!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest juliewicz

Zip is not kissy... yet. When he was new (ha ha ha, we are just at 4 months together, so not like we go way back), he would not look at me, make eye contact, nothing, very aloof (as stated on his bio), often looking as far away from me as possible. So I was teaching him "eskimo kisses" to get him used to affection & lure him out of his shell. I'd just rub noses with him & try and make it fun until he was obviously done with it. Now, I get teeny kisses on rare occasion if I ask for them (I, too, believe he smells something delish, not really trying to kiss, lol). But I make a very big deal with lots of praise when I get them (and wait until he's not looking to wipe them off). I look forward to any signs that we're connecting! We're comfortable with eye contact now (still with lots of praise) and he's started doing the lean. I think in time, he'll fall in love with me, too! :)

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Guest Scarter55

Lady loves to kiss ears. When she is on her bed and we get up close to cuddle her, she will zero in on my ears. She is extremely gentle though, only occasionally do I feel teeth.

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Guest chickenpotpie

My girl is very kissy but only with me. Anytime I leave the house she wants a kissy. Anytime I come back she wants several kissys For us, a kissy is me kissing her nose or touching noses with mine or me kissing the top of her head, or her putting her nose on my neck. She is not a licker unless I have tasty stuff on my hands :hehe

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  • 2 months later...

Dane gave me a tiny kiss near the end of our very first M&G together, and I felt that was a good sign. (I was determined to steel my heart though! Because I couldn't possibly fall in love with the very first one you know!! I had to make sure this dog was perfect!) <3 <3 His foster dad taught him to kiss on command actually hahaha, so he'll jump up (without putting his paws on you) to lick your cheek if you tap your cheek/lips and make kiss noises or whatever.

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Guest k9soul

Rudy has been with me over 6 months now and he has shown to be a pretty kissy boy indeed. He gives small quick kisses to the face and big swiping hand/foot washing type licks to hands, arms and even sometimes feet/legs.


He does it with me more than other people but I've seen him give kisses to strangers he really liked too, especially to women :lol

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I have a leaning hugger, but not a kisser. My boy, Sambuca, is the hit at all meet and greets because he will saunter up to any available human and press his body up against them. He also does this to anyone we meet on our walks - men, women, children.


My little girl, Sprite, is as shy as they come. She watches from afar. If anyone comes near her, she flits away.


No kissers though. Maybe snorty smells, but that is it. :)

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Chase never kisses. He will lean, hug, lean some more and then rub his whole body against you just like a cat, but no kisses. We have only had him since march (6 months) maybe it'll come...who knows!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mr_Owski

Mine love to get their noses an inch from my face and smell like their lives depended on it, but the only time they've ever licked me is after coming in from outside with a bit of salty sweat on my face, arms, or legs. When that rarely occurs, it's only 2 or 3 small licks and then it's all over with.

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  • 1 month later...

Since we have 2 greyhounds we cant answer the poll properly.


Both give kisses. June especially, but Sidney will give a bunch of licks and is very affectionate at time.

He is a big leaner and blocker. If you start moving he follows. If he is moving and you touch him he immediately stops to let you pet him

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Guest HeatherLee

Gambler gives more actual "kisses" to other people.. he'll lick my mom more than me. But only because he knows I don't like to be licked on the face since I used to wipe my face every time. So now he just gives me eskimo kisses, he just bumps his nose against my nose (or nose area) and sticks his tongue out a little but doesn't really lick me. I was getting offended and thought he didn't love me until I realized that I accidentally taught him to do it that way!

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Guest Greysonsmom

Mine both kiss. Greyson gives me long kisses on my hand when I tuck him in at night. Jazzy gives quick kisses on the face any chance she gets. They both get lots of kisses from me on the tops of their heads. :kiss2

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  • 4 weeks later...

AJax is a hand-kisser, but I don't think it's weird (like the poll option says). It strikes me more as chivalrous! :lol


Capri just this past year (after having her for 4 years) started doing face kisses, and the last few weeks we've been doing mutual face kissing. When I sit on the window seat, she jumps up behind me. If I make kissy noises at her, she will reach over my shoulder and lick my nose/cheek. Lately I've been finding it a fun challenge to try to smooch the side of her nose (without holding her head with my hands - that's cheating!) :wub:

Edited by jetcitywoman

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Guest Divedet

Greta gives noses, like Comet above, and also occasional kisses. Not big slobbery kisses like other dogs I've had...dignified little "pecks" with her tongue!

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Guest janjohnson428

We have a pitbull/rottweiller mix who will lick the skin right off you if it is exposed at all, anywhere, and London our Grey gives little soft-what we call "butterfly" kisses. Yeah-I do prefer the butterfly kisses!

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