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Another Pearl Update

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Oh Mary Pat, I have no words :( . I'm so, so sorry. I was just going to PM you today to check in on Pearl. Sending you both many hugs, good thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

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Guest mcsheltie
:hope Hugs & Prayers! :hope Marley had an aggressive fibrosarcoma. They told us radiation was the way to go and that it did not respond well to chemo. So we did the maximum radiation in the minimum possible number of days. Marley lived another year and a half before it came back. That year and a half was just like he had never had cancer. I hope the same holds true for Pearl!
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Guest Energy11

DArned pet insurance! "Supossedly" Trupanion (my insurance) covers all type of cancer and their treatments...hope I never have to find out! SORRY You are having to go thru this, in spite of everything else! Sending you all the love and prayers I can! Dee

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:hope Hugs & Prayers! :hope Marley had an aggressive fibrosarcoma. They told us radiation was the way to go and that it did not respond well to chemo. So we did the maximum radiation in the minimum possible number of days. Marley lived another year and a half before it came back. That year and a half was just like he had never had cancer. I hope the same holds true for Pearl!


:hope Hugs & Prayers! :hope Marley had an aggressive fibrosarcoma. They told us radiation was the way to go and that it did not respond well to chemo. So we did the maximum radiation in the minimum possible number of days. Marley lived another year and a half before it came back. That year and a half was just like he had never had cancer. I hope the same holds true for Pearl!


:hope Hugs & Prayers! :hope Marley had an aggressive fibrosarcoma. They told us radiation was the way to go and that it did not respond well to chemo. So we did the maximum radiation in the minimum possible number of days. Marley lived another year and a half before it came back. That year and a half was just like he had never had cancer. I hope the same holds true for Pearl!





What did he have cancer of? Pearl's cancer is now in her liver. Can you radiate the whole organ? I don't think they can.

But Dr. Couto seems to think I can get close to 9 more months with her if she responds to chemo.

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Guest Energy11

:hope Hugs & Prayers! :hope Marley had an aggressive fibrosarcoma. They told us radiation was the way to go and that it did not respond well to chemo. So we did the maximum radiation in the minimum possible number of days. Marley lived another year and a half before it came back. That year and a half was just like he had never had cancer. I hope the same holds true for Pearl!


:hope Hugs & Prayers! :hope Marley had an aggressive fibrosarcoma. They told us radiation was the way to go and that it did not respond well to chemo. So we did the maximum radiation in the minimum possible number of days. Marley lived another year and a half before it came back. That year and a half was just like he had never had cancer. I hope the same holds true for Pearl!


:hope Hugs & Prayers! :hope Marley had an aggressive fibrosarcoma. They told us radiation was the way to go and that it did not respond well to chemo. So we did the maximum radiation in the minimum possible number of days. Marley lived another year and a half before it came back. That year and a half was just like he had never had cancer. I hope the same holds true for Pearl!





What did he have cancer of? Pearl's cancer is now in her liver. Can you radiate the whole organ? I don't think they can.

But Dr. Couto seems to think I can get close to 9 more months with her if she responds to chemo.

I'd trust Dr. Couto's opinions, myself. You do whatever you feel is good for you and for Pearl!

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Guest mcsheltie

:hope Hugs & Prayers! :hope Marley had an aggressive fibrosarcoma. They told us radiation was the way to go and that it did not respond well to chemo. So we did the maximum radiation in the minimum possible number of days. Marley lived another year and a half before it came back. That year and a half was just like he had never had cancer. I hope the same holds true for Pearl!


What did he have cancer of? Pearl's cancer is now in her liver. Can you radiate the whole organ? I don't think they can.

But Dr. Couto seems to think I can get close to 9 more months with her if she responds to chemo.


Bladder. They can aim it anywhere. We went to an Oncology specialist in Detroit. Radiation is also used for human liver cancer.

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I so wish I could do more than keep you and Pearl in my prayers, but please know you are there every day.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest LindsaySF

I'm sorry to hear you guys are having a rough time of it. :( Hopefully the aspirin helps with the BP/stroke. Best of luck with the chemo/radiation and I hope Pearl feels better soon. Eat some food Pearl, your mommy is worried.





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Her appetite is worrying me. If I can't get her weight up and appetite up, we won't be able to do chemo, because that makes the appetite worse. She ate about 1/2 cup of ground beef at lunch today. That's it. Her breakfast wasn't much better.

And I don't understand the loss of appetite. She snarfed down food just 3 days post op. I had started her back on some kibble mixed with meat (roaster chicken, plain ground beef or momma's meatloaf....all of which she would die for when she felt good)last week, but then she just decided she really didn't like her food anymore.

I emailed Dr. Couto and team again. I'm guess they'll want me to bring her to Red Bank for some follow up tests. I just don't know who to bring her to. An oncologist? Internist? Dietician?!

And since this cancer is aggressive, I don't have that much time to find out what's causing her digestive problems.


I'm really beginning to doubt I did the right thing. I was so hoping she was one of the 50% with a benign tumor. When they confirmed cancer, I really should have just said 'let her go'.

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Guest Energy11

I am sorry to hear your Pearl isn't eating.


Deciding when to let them is so hard, so personal!


At this point, I would try getting whatever you can into her, ... low sodium chicken broth mixed with baby meat, ... you can also give this via a turkey baster (force feeding, little by little), just to get nutrition into her. They usually like yogurts when they aren't eating much, too, and it helps the belly! Vanilla Ensure is another thing to try.


When Max was dying from Osteo, we got the Science Diet Prescription AD food, which is made especially for sick and dying animals, and he LOVED it! You might want to get a can of that to try as well.


I'd ask the oncologist what he/she thinks about prolonging the chemo for a bit, and go from there. If you don't take this, day by day, it will kill you, I KNOW!


PM me if you need anything or want my phone number. Hugs! Dee



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I don't have any advice on how to help with appetite etc but I do want to say please don't doubt yourself. I have read all your posts about Pearl. You two are a team. You went ahead with the surgery out of love and to see if she would have more quality time. I hope this is just a bump in this road....There are no wrong decisions when it comes to love. I'm sending out lots of prayers for you both. Hang in there Pearl. We're all pulling for you.



Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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