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Whining Has Caused A Problem For Us

Guest bonscoby

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Guest bonscoby

We have had a complaint from the president of the condo association here that Free to Run is whining when we leave her alone. I've already thought of the tv as a distraction for her. Is there anything else I am not thinking of? I can't take her everywhere we go. It will get hotter here soon and it will be a major problem....Any suggestions?



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Are there any drop-in doggy daycare places?


Did she do this at home when left alone or do you think it's this new place that's put her in whine-ode?


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Guest widowcali

When I leave the girls alone in the hotel I make sure they have lots of stuffies, the tv is on, and I make sure I have just walked them. Of course, they are only alone in the hotel for, max, 2 hours. Can you leave her some treats, like a frozen kong? Just to keep her occupied. And I usually put the show on something odd, like history channel or cooking channel. That way there are no animal noises coming from the tv.

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Guest bonscoby

I don't know if she does this at home or if this is new. If left alone at home, no one would hear her, so I've never had a complaint. I hope she doesn't spend her day whining, though.


Good idea about the history channel or the cooking channel. I never would have thought of that. Thank you.


I'll check around for doggy day care too. I hate to do that to her since she isn't used to it.


Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try them all.

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Guest Swifthounds

Couple of suggestions:


1) leave the TV on something "chatty" like Food Network or History - my hounds always seem to like that more than sitcoms or movies.


2) leave a radio on


3) Try leaving her with a kong with peanut butter, yogurt, or ground beef frozen in it.


4)There's a product called Content-Um that can help take the edge off. Unlike other supplements, it doesn't make the dog drowsy. It's just a supplement of amino acids that gives the dog a sense of calm.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

DAP diffuser, another Greyhound, anti-anxiety meds, another Greyhound... most dogs with even mild SA have a flare up when in a new environment. My oldie still does every time we move, and I could never leave him in a motel room. He can't be crated, and in his younger days, he's gone through plate glass to follow me. After a week or so, he's fine anywhere. No SA behavior at all, except trembling and looking sad when I put my shoes on, and leaping for joy if I bring out a leash for him too, and he realizes he's going! The calmer you are, the calmer she will be. The more tired she is, the better too.

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Guest bigbrindlebunny

Dear Ms. Not-So-Free to be Fabulous


I am sorry not everyone in Florida appreciates your beautiful singing voice. Of course you need to practice, I saw on Entertainment Tonight that you're recording a new CD in the spring, and are planning to make a film. Hello? Hasn't the condo association ever heard of Madonna? You ARE a material girl.



But look around, you're on vacation now. Warren Beattie must be there somewhere, maybe at the dog park? You need to relax, and rest your vocal chords for your upcoming performance.


The DAP diffuser never worked much for me, but it's worth a shot. I think it's called Comfort Zone at PetSmart. There's always a refresh on alone training, remember to hold out for the good stuff like peanut butter in your Kong for putting up with that crud, assorted toys and diversions like more exercise. Personally, none of that ever did squat for me. All that happened was that my owners were just exhausted from dragging me around for miles. What finally worked for me was not being locked in the crate. My owners are nice, but a little slow on the uptake. Believe it or not, they also tape recorded some of my time alone to find out when I was whining, to see if there was a pattern, and how much I was doing. What can I tell you? I've got these people wrapped around my Thera-paw.


Pete withstupid.gif

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I never heard of content-um till now , very interesting and Jeffers pet has it on 75% off due to overstock.


If i leave something on I find PBS works well, it is chatty all day long and they have those calm voices the majority of the time, the tones change every so often with the programs too which sometimes helps.


With my nervous nelly who whines and barks in anxiety i find i just have to do his little ruitine before I leave and he is fine. I get all ready to go, make him sit, give a treat that will take a minute to eat to distract and go out the door without making eye contact (this is key!) and i always say the same thing as I leave. If i do this ruitine he knows i am leaving and will be back later and is fine. Maybe with teh cahnge in environment you jsut need to get him in a ruitine so he knows you'll be back?

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If you are near Port Charlotte my son owns a dog day care (PAWS Dog DayCare) and he definitely knows how a princess houndie should be treated since I raised him. Free, my first greyt Ivy had to stay at a Pet resort in Atlanta for awhile and loved it. In fact there were documented cases of dogs escaping from their owners (one even jumped out of the car) and RETURNING to the pet resort! Are you doing this on purpose so you can go to a resort everyday instead of staying at the condo? Love ya girl!

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I'm swearing by Melatonin. Carl gets 3mg when we come home from his walk in the morning, then a bit later he gets breakfast. He's my SA boy. I really think it helps a lot to take the edge off. The bonus, that I've mentioned in other threads, is that it's helping his fur grow back in on his formerly bald thighs.


FYI, I take it at night, too. It doesn't really make me sleepy, just keeps me asleep, though if I wake up, I don't feel drugged or anything like that. I don't see that it's making my thighs hairy, though. :lol

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest Swifthounds

Has Content-um been proven to be absolutely safe? Do I get it at a pet store or through a vet?




I hacrised it with 5 of my own hounds with good results. Its mostly composed of amino acids that stress tends to affect. Nothing in it that you wouldn't find in a dog's diet. You can get it from a pet store or online. I know most PETCO stores have it.

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Guest oldNELLIE

When Nellie was new to us and VVERRRY whiny (she is now only very whiny :rolleyes: ) our vet gave us this.




It seemed to work for her. She loved the taste anyway and would slurp it up!

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I'm swearing by Melatonin. Carl gets 3mg when we come home from his walk in the morning, then a bit later he gets breakfast. He's my SA boy. I really think it helps a lot to take the edge off. The bonus, that I've mentioned in other threads, is that it's helping his fur grow back in on his formerly bald thighs.


FYI, I take it at night, too. It doesn't really make me sleepy, just keeps me asleep, though if I wake up, I don't feel drugged or anything like that. I don't see that it's making my thighs hairy, though. lol.gif

Dr. Hammer, one of the few certified veterinary oncologist, recommended it to me for the same bald thighs on Ivy. I also take it occassionally and it just makes me feel rested like I got a good nights sleep. My thighs have not gotten hairy either. Maybe that part only works on houndies?

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Dear Ms Free:


Da only lojical solution is to swap houses wif us. Me, Momma and Daddyman will take yor condo in floiduh, and you and yor parents can come here to Illinoize. Be shore dat your daddyman shubbels da walk and dribeway when yoo gets here. eek.gif


Glad to be ob help. lol.gif


Rocket in Illinoize


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Has Content-um been proven to be absolutely safe? Do I get it at a pet store or through a vet?






Here's my 2 cents on supplements: I've tried that particular supplement on my old dog. Did NOTHING. And one of the supplements I gave George (Valerian Root extract) caused his liver enzymes to go through the roof. I will never again give my dog something that my vet isn't POSITIVE won't do more harm than good.


She's just not used to the place, and she may well whine at home. She'll no doubt get over it, but have you tried a Kong with peanut butter??? You may recall I had a HELLISH time with George when he was new. I do think the DAP diffuser may have helped, nothing I gave him to ingest did ANYTHING (except the above-noted liver enzyme problem!) and lots of exercise before you go out will probably help!


The other thing that might help is chatting up the neighbors! Charm them! Explain the situation. What they neighbors don't complain about, the condo board won't know about!!!


Susan, former condo board chairman!



Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest amlab2002

I never heard of content-um till now , very interesting and Jeffers pet has it on 75% off due to overstock.


If i leave something on I find PBS works well, it is chatty all day long and they have those calm voices the majority of the time, the tones change every so often with the programs too which sometimes helps.


With my nervous nelly who whines and barks in anxiety i find i just have to do his little ruitine before I leave and he is fine. I get all ready to go, make him sit, give a treat that will take a minute to eat to distract and go out the door without making eye contact (this is key!) and i always say the same thing as I leave. If i do this ruitine he knows i am leaving and will be back later and is fine. Maybe with teh cahnge in environment you jsut need to get him in a ruitine so he knows you'll be back?




my dog (had him 3 months now) used to howl and cry for 1.5 hours...now it's down to about 20 minutes..i leave him a frozen KONG or stuffed marrow bone and notice that the marrow bone seems to occupy him for longer periods and calm him a little better...does anyone have another 'long lasting' treat that works for them? looking for some variety and to try and get him to be busy long enough to get past the whining/ howling (he starts about 10 minutes after I leave, really intense for 4-5 minutes, then intermittent for the next 10-15 before finally settling down)...

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Guest lat41065

I swear by Melatonin also for human and furries !






Sorry about the siggie I ventured way out of my comfort zone and messed it up ;)

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