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Does Your Grey Talk?

Guest TexasGreytMom

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Guest PhillyPups

Runner was a conversationalist, with facial expressions and ears for emphasis. We had many a conversation.


Zeus gives a whoo whoo whoo when he is happy along with his dancing pony routine.


BarbieJade was quite a talker, when I lost her the sounds of silence damn near killed me. She would roach on the loveseat and start a roo, all the boys would jump up, stand around her, throw their heads back and start a roo. Maybe they were all singing All Hail The Queen. :lol


There were times when Judy and I were on the phone between BarbieJade and Saint she and I couldn't get a word in.


TigerPower only talked to get what he wanted. If I ignored the first time, he would slap his right paw as if to say "woman I'm talking to you".


Gremlin is quite the talker but I think it is all salty talk telling me off!! :lol

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Asta rarely barks (just a few times a year when VERY excited by an invitation for a walk or ride) and I've only heard her roo once -- on her first full day home with us 6 years ago. She does chatter, though; she enjoys whining and squeaking; and she "laughs" when we descend upon her bed to start petting her. She also likes to come find one of us when she's about to burp -- burping is for sharing. She certainly uses her own language!



Dog mama to angel-boy Ewan (racing name Atascocita Ewan), 3/26/10 to 8/23/20, and angel-girl Asta (racing name Pazzo Asta), 6/16/01 to 9/7/13.

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Robin never talked, except for the occasional whine, for over 5 and a half years. A few months ago (no more than 6), he suddenly became a talker! Now he talks all the time to try to let us know his needs and wants. Mostly wants....


It really is a new thing for him. Strange, since he just turned 8. I swear, this boy just keeps on evolving and changing on us!

Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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Of my five, three of them are big talkers....Stel, House and Kevin. Stel talks when she wants something or when something isn't going her way. It usually happens when her favorite spot on the sofa is taken...she'll stand there and whine like it might make whoever move. She is "The Queen" so sometimes it works and she gets her way. When it doesn't she goes off in a huff. House and Kevin are my morning talkers...."GET UP MOMMA.....WE'RE HUNGRY!!!!!". House has done it since Day One and has now taught Kevin. Sometimes I can hush them up for a few more minutes of sleep but most times that doesn't work at all and it's better just to get up. As soon as I come down, they get their morning loves and kisses and usually go back to bed until they here the bowls rattle!!!!!


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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Dessi my 10 year old retired broodie is our talker....whines,barks and does a cute "whannawnnna-wwhanna-oooo' thing when really excited (she sound like Wookie from Star Wars).....Mac whines to go out and will sometimes (rarely) bark if someone rings the doorbell...he's my strong silent type...

Dogs and small children are the only people I really get along with....MacDaddy

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Guest IGmom4now

My grey started "vocalizing" as soon as he realized that humans were actually listening to him. My whippet, on the other hand, is quite the talker. Sometimes she sounds just like she's saying "I love you mommy," or maybe it's "I really want some of your breakfast"...

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Gracie is my communicator. Body language to vocalizations she gets her point across. If she thinks she's being ignored she will bounce and shake her head to flap her ears and jangle her tags. She keeps doing this until you pay attention.


She and I have amazing conversations; she has quite a vocal range from soft yips, grumbles, whines, to almost barks. She will stare at me with her ears all the way flat and back, her whole body so tense, chattering a bit a times, and whine, groan, yip, grumble a bit and then pause for me to answer. If I don't seem to be "getting it" she will bounce, flap her ears and stare at me and try even harder ... I can almost her her thinking why can't you understand you idiot! She talks and roos in her sleep too!


Carl, on the other hand, is the strong silent type an occasional eargasm, or a deep sigh when he puts his head in my lap.




Charla, Mom to Carl ( Bella Monsoon ) 5/2002 - 9/2016 and remembering Gracie Rose ( Cee Bar Xtreme ) 2/2002 - 1/2014

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"Eargasm." LOL. Yeah, both of mine experience multiple eargasms.


Daisy has a whole litany of "words," consisting of barks, growls, howls, whines, and woofs. All I need do is say "woo woo" to her and she launches into a spontaneous roofest. Snowy, on the other hand, screaches, yips, chirps, quacks, and clacks her jaws, probably from all the raw chicken and duck parts I've been feeding her.

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With sound, no. My dogs are normally silent. If I DO hear from them - I pay attention! :eek If Sobe barks - I know something very odd is happening. No necessarily bad - just out of the ordinary. I've never heard Diana bark. Ever. In 3 years.


Diana does chatter sometimes if she's overwhelmed with joy. Sobe occasionally whines when he lays down if his legs are aching.


I only hear a peep out of either of them - maybe once per month. And I ALWAYS pay attention - because it's not normal for them.


But they talk all the time. Their movements, body language, ear position, looks. They're constantly "talking", and I usually can tell what they mean.

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