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Juicy Stomach Noises

Guest Trentsmom

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Guest Trentsmom

I'm reading old post on the juicy stomach noises and see several recommend Pepto. How much Pepto should I use for a 75 lb dog?

I give the yogurt every night, but about twice a week in the middle of the night his belly starts rumbling and he needs to go out 2 or 3 times in the night. Then he has a 'belly hangover' until about mid day. I wish I knew what caused it. I'm super careful not to change up the diet or give snacks, and the vet says he's fine

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Guest Energy11

When mine has gas, I give a generic Pepcid AC and a Generic Gas-X.


Here is the info for the Pepto.


Pepto Bismol Dosage and Side Effects for Dogs

Pepto Bismol is a safe medication for dogs who are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea.


The Pepto Bismol dosage for dogs is 1 teaspoon for every 20 pounds of body weight, given every 4 to 6 hours.


The most common side effect of Pepto Bismol in dogs is a dark, black colored stool. In a few cases, Pepto Bismol may be ineffective for dogs who are not tolerant of silicates.


Pepto Bismol is toxic to felines and therefore, this OTC drug should never be given to cats.


A similar drug called Loperamide (sold under names like Immodium) is safe for both dogs and cats with diarrhea. Immodium can be given to dogs and cats at a dosage of 1 teaspoon for every 20 pounds of body weight, given every 4 to 6 hours.




Read more: http://petcare.suite101.com/article.cfm/ho...n#ixzz0WK10VkMj


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When mine get the gurgles I give one Phazyme pill.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Personally, I haven't had much luck with pepto bismol. I like pepcid, gax x and immodium if they diarrhea.



Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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Are you giving a snack before bed? With a belly like that happening that often, I'd work on preventing it rather than settling it once its started.


With Jet, feeding a small snack before bed usually prevented the gurgling stomach overnight.



But we do give 1 tab of pepto or 1 tab of pepcid

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Guest Hollys2hounds

My vet recommended Immodium, or Pepcid or Pepto.

I asked if the Immodium was ok for just "gurgly tummy" and he said yes.

and it did the trick!

Over the years, I have tried each of them.

All have worked well.


Good luck!

Edited by Hollys2hounds
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I call it the belly rumbles, I usually give 2 pepto tablets a dose, it seems to help whenever one of my guys have the rumbles. I usually know it is an upset stomach because he wants to eat grass and will not eat any food or treats.

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With Rex and his grumbly tummy that would wake me up at night if I could just get a small amount of food in him they'd stop. It wasn't his stomach growling because he was hungry, but a but of food always worked. The problem was finding the bit that appealed to him at 3 a.m. ....bread? sardine? tuna? lunchmeat??????

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Oy- I cringe when I see headings with tummy grumbles. That's how it all started with Beau a million years ago.


It's actually a year now - he went through so much.


Hope it's nothing.


Our vet said no to pepto- yes to pepcid.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

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Guest FreddyGirl

Just gave Bobbi a Pepcid about 45 minutes ago. Out of the blue, her stomach is grumbly. It sounds like an alien crying out to be released. She hasn't eaten today, and ate 1/2 a meal yesterday. this is not a real area of concern however, as she is a lousy eater. I am hoping her stomach settles soon. I hate her being sick, my senior girlie!!!

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Just thought I would toss in the proper dosage for Pepcid as it seems to be a medication many are using. It's 0.5mgs/kg once daily. So, take for example you have a 70lb dog.

You would take 70 and divide by 2.2 that equals your kg--now times it by 0.5---that comes out to 15mgs :) So, it woud be 15mgs by mouth once daily--easy right???

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