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Cali Ate A Brownie

Guest BooandCalisMom

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Guest BooandCalisMom

While we were outside handing out candy Cali ate a chocolate brownie. It was a boxed mix and doesn't say which kind of chocolate was used - it just says cocoa powder and fudge syrup. Should we induce vomiting? It was probably a 2x2 inch square.


I swear this dog is trying to kill herself!! Thoughts??

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You could call the vet to be sure, but that doesn't sound like enough chocolate to really hurt her just once. A brownie is more flour than straight chocolate.

Edited by SusanP
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Guest BlueCrab

I would think you're probably fine with that small a quantity, but you can call the Pet Poison Hotline or your closest E-vet for an opinon if you think. Years ago Duke & Otto got into a gift basket and ate a tin of hot chocolate mix. I went nuts when I found it. Called Poison Hotline and they said with the size of the dogs vs the make-up of the ingredients, there was no worry. Messy poops and lots of diarrhea, but no induced vomiting. I would think with a single brownie, the quantity of flour and other ingredients would offset the chocolate. I think bar chocolate that is almost all a single ingredient might be more worrisome.

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emily has eaten an entire pound of trader joe's chocolate cat cookies.....chocolate poops and that was it. also, light years ago....like 35+ a room mate's borzoi stripped the christmas treee of chocolate foil wraped ornaments....unwrapped them and binged. no problems....guess it was cheap chocolate!

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Guest GreytfullDad

I would think she will be fine. The main problem as i understand it is with longterm continued exposure to chocolate.

Call an e-vet for a consult if it eases your worries, but except for a bout of diarreha i wouldn't expect any complications.


PS I once had a non-grey who devoured a whole box of chocolate covered cherries from under the Christmas tree. some tummy upset was the only negative result. That and advising all relatives to tell me if candy was involved in the gift giving B)

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I wouldn't worry too much...a little 2x2 pice of brownie should be fine..They use a milk chocolate and the darker purer chocolate is really bad. The pup may have a little D or become a chocoholic. :lol


I made the mistake of giving my pups a couple of M&Ms and now they know the sound of the bag.. :lol


Just keep an eye on her and see if she starts acting strange..I mean stranger then normal for a greyt.



Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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Guest IrskasMom



Now is n't it greyt to have GT'ers up and lessen some of your worries ??? No honest, it isn't enough chocolate to worry .

Cali might come back for more :lol:lol:lol

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Guest FireHorse

Last Christmas Jet ate more than a pound of M&M's. (A wrapped gift from MIL-I didn't know that's what was in there, or I'd have hidden them.) We induced vomiting based on sheer quantity, then called Dr C. She said that the cheaper the chocolate, and the lighter, the less to worry about; the ones she worries about are when somebody's good Godiva Dark gets eaten. She also told me to watch for the Big D, that sugar in quantity can cause some GI upset.


Other than being mightily unhappy with me for recreating The Exorcist in the back yard, Jet was fine.

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Guest Maddison

Our spinger spaniel ate a pound of valentine's day heart candy every single year on us growing up. We couldn't put it up high enough since we were just kids. We cried every year when we came into our rooms and found the wrappers everywhere. We never figured out we should close the door. :blush Come to think of it, she also got our chocolate easter bunnies too! She also got a dozen donuts every morning whenever we went on vacation in the summer. My parents would buy donuts, then the leftover dozen was on the counter and, yep, she would snag and eat them. She was not fat either. She survived the valentine's hearts, chocolate bunnies and donuts and lived to be an old gal without ever having to vomit.

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