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Things We Can Do, Other Than

Guest lanielovesgreys

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Guest lanielovesgreys

Sol's got some stinky breath. It takes about a week after a dental, or a meaty bone, for sol's breath to be bad again. But, every time I give him a raw bone, he gets diarrhea or he throws up. He's got a sensitive tummy. What other things do you feed/treat that can help between dentals?


disclaimer: I know that brushing is best, and we're working towards that. He gets aggressive if we hold him down or if we handle his muzzle. Both of which we have to do in order to teach him it's ok to brush his teeth. AND to make matters MORE difficult, we just had a mast cell tumor removed from his face, which has just made him even more sensitive to his muzzle. It's going to be a while before brushing his teeth regularly is even possible.



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Guest RocketDog

Bully sticks or dried beef tendons are big hits here, and seem to do a good job of cleaning teeth. Easier on the stomach than rawhides or dental chews, in my experience.

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I swipe Kasey's gums once a day with Biotene on a guaze pad, really helps. You can buy Biotene at Wal Mart in the people mouthwash section. Someone here on Greytalk recommended it to me after her Vet said it was fine for dogs. Might not work for everyone but I have been doing it for months on mine and it really helps.

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Guest myIrishlass

Beef tendons, bully sticks, cow trachea, etc. My girl demands a chewy every evening, and the vet said she had some of the best greyhound teeth he's seen in a while.

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Guest lanielovesgreys

Can't do biotene. He gets really angry. I have no doubt he'd bite me if I put anything on his teeth or gums. We're taking tiny tiny steps, but it's going to take a while.



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He needs to have crunchy and/or chewy things to help clean off his teeth. Lots of suggestions for chews above - bully sticks, CET chews, hooves. We use a variety here and everybody gets one every night.


Some other things to think about and try:

>Are you sure it's his teeth? He could be having gastric issues that would manifest in a bad smell coming from his mouth that's actually from his stomach/intestinal track.

>More kibble and less wet food will also help clean off his teeth. If he actually chews his food that is - mine tend to swallow most kibbles whole.

>The Large or Extra large Milk Bones will be crunchy enough to help keep his teeth clean. Just one a day or a 1/2 of one a day would do. New on our store shelves is a product called Crunchy Bones from Hart's, that's similar. The Hart's bones are thicker though and take longer to eat. They also come in three sizes.


Getting them used to teeth brushing can take a while. Start slow and just show him the toothbrush while giving him a treat, until he's comfortable. Then put some flavored toothpaste (dog-safe NOT people toothpaste) on the toothbrush and let him smell and lick it for a treat. Then just try and touch his teeth with the toothbrush, and increase one tooth at a time until you can brush all his teeth without him protesting.


Good luck!

greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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our dog loves to chew on Flossies. They are made by Merrick and it's a dried tendon shaped into a spiral chew thing. They come in different sizes; we get the Phat Flossies. She loves them SO much, and they scrape the tartar off. No stomach problems. Good luck with Sol. (love that name...it was my grandpa's)


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I have been giving Wendy Proden Plaque Off for about a month now and I must say that the results are astounding! Although her teeth and breath were never terrible, the plaque she did have has disappeared. It just flakes off! I also give her raw meaty bones such as turkey necks and chicken feet at least twice a week along with Bully Sticks.


Here's where I get the Plaque Off.



Irene ~ Owned and Operated by Jenny (Jenny Rocks ~ 11/24/17) ~ JRo, Jenny from the Track

Lola (AMF Won't Forget ~ 04/29/15 -07/22/19) - My girl. I'll always love you.

Wendy (Lost Footing ~ 12/11/05 - 08/18/17) ~ Forever in our hearts. "I am yours, you are mine".

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I have an old girl that never, and I mean never chewed anything, heard about bully sitcks here on GT, she loves them and takes a good long time for them to chew them, her teeth have improved greatly, even though I have always brushed them, these made a difference

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This is a good topic, thanks all. I try to brush my pups' teeth as best as I can and give them chewies of various types, but the plaque is building up. I ordered the Plaque Off stuff today. Hope it works!

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Have you tried Bristle Bones? They are similar to a large nyla bone on each end but have rubber nubs and bristles in the middle. Unscrew the ends and add a rawhide chew in the center. Available on Amazon and Fetch Dog. Bachi loves them - make sure the ends are tight to prevent coming apart. Out vet likes his clean teeth and healthy gums.

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Have you tried giving a large raw or smoked/roasted bone for just 20 minutes on 3 or 4 consecutive days? That's what I have always done with mine so they don't eat enough in a single day to upset their tums but over the few days they do gnaw enough to clean their teeth.

Sue from England


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Guest paulamariez

Our vet gave us a spray to use on Bueller called chlorhexadrine (sp?) in addition to his brushing. Although it sounds like you hound may not even let you do that. But it's way less invasive than brushing or even wiping something on their teeth. You just push up one side of their lip and give a quick spray, then go do the other side. But the stuff works great at keeping the plaque and tartar off the teeth and helps keep all the bacteria out.

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Guest Energy11

I am lucky. Mine LOVE to have their teeth brushed (do it every other day), and use Clorhexadine rinse, too. No bad breath, and a lot of the plaque is coming off. I also use a drinking water additive.


Good Luck with the toofers!

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Guest MJandthe6

I use Hill's TD big bites--they're like a round dog biskie but they splinter when crunched and "floss" their teeth. I also give Enzadent rawhide chews. Both have chlorhexidine in them and my Bonnie's teeth seem to be maintaining fairly well. They are pretty bad--she had to have a bone graft last year after having a molar pulled. She also likes the Petzlife salmon flavored gel. I brush her teeth but I think even if they just lick it some bacteria are killed.

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maybe check out houndstooth on the internet. quite a few people around here use the services of dali and her sister who travel the country and do anesthesia free dentals. they are always on the move and do a lot of greyhound groups from what i have been told. she manages to do not so happy or cooperative cats and dogs w/o any problems.

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You've already received lots of good suggestions. One I didn't see yet was Oxyfresh. I just recently started using Oxyfresh. I bought both the gel and the water additive. I've only been using it a week and a half now, and I can already tell the difference in their breath.


I rub the gel on their gums about 3 times/week. Use the drinking water additive all the time.



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