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Zippy's Last Rabies Shot

Guest SusanP

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My Zippy Zappy :beatheart , age 11, had what I assumed would be her last rabies shot today simply because she is not likely to live to more than 14. But the vet said that even if she does live more than 3 years, they'd advise not doing any more rabies shots in a dog of that age.


I hadn't heard that before, though what she said makes sense, that the vaccine protects for more than 3 years in most cases and that at that age, Zippy may be at less risk of getting rabies, and that the vaccine would be harder on such an old dog.


Is this the advice those of you with senior hounds have also received from your vets?

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A vet vaccinated my 13 year old with the 3 year shot. I didn't feel it was a threat -she is very healthy generally- so in order to comply with the law I had it done. I wasn't going to but then I thought well- if heaven forbid there is ever one of those disasters then if I don't have proof of it then they wouldn't take her which means we would all have to stay since I'd never leave her. So I got it done basically so we could all evacuate together if need be since I didn't feel it was a threat to her. It didn't bother her at all.

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i had a really negative experience w/ my welsh terrier when he was 11 years old. he went into shock after his last rabies vac. my vet fortunately revived him and noted that that was his last rabies shot. there were no prior indications that he was going to react, he was the same weight, same dose, same manufacturer. we live in an area where pups are now vaccinated at 12 weeks, it used to be 6 months since rabies is on the rise.


your vet is being very careful, better safe than sorry. if you are worried you can have yearly titers run to see how his immunity is.


with my older dogs i always cont. dhl, lepto is not a fun disease to contend w/ and we haven't had any problems w/ the vaccine.parvo, bordetella since i usually board an older dog when i camp or travel, it's just too stressful traveling w/ them(for the hound).

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We stopped all vacs on the advice of my vet when Foxy was 12.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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My vet and I have already had this discussion. I will get Angel the Rabies and booster this year...(she will be 10). From there once a year when she has her bi-annual blood work...it was advised we run he titters(sp) and see what that shows. A normal healthy older dog, should not have any problems, but she understands my fear of over vaccinating in the older set.


Either way, research and decide what works for you...Not your vet, but you and Zippy.

Edited by GreyAcresMom

Sheila and CO

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