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Bea-e-vet Last Night....attacked At Boarding Kennel - Long

Guest LeanneSchatz

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Guest Energy11

No matter what you signed, they were totally negligent! Also, there as no reason for them not to notify you at once. Even when we had people on cruises, etc., we used to get a LOCAL emergency number, just in case.


Also, there was no reason the wounds shouldn't have at least been cleaned and dressed by the kennel personnel. They are ALL supposed to be trained in pet first aid. (or should be, God knows)!


Let us know how this all comes out, but, by all means, DO NOT back down!


Hugs to your puppers :-)

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I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this and am sending healing thought to Bea. I see you've already been given excellent advice but I wanted to add that all 3 times that my dog was bitten by another dog, he did not bite back, so I do think it's possible that Bea didn't either.


I'm sorry this happened to your poor little Bea. I have to agree with the quote above. About 3 weeks ago my non-grey (14 year old blind girl) out of the blue attacked Carl (while I was at the other end of the room) and Carl never ever tried to fight back. I was there like a screaming banshee in two steps after it registered in my pea brain what was happening. No one was hurt, but he never ever attempted to fight back, just hid his head.


I agree with the other posters, the place where you board them went against your explicit instructions, now they need to pay the e-vet bills along with all the follow up bills. Ask them to pay, if they say no, I'd tell them I'd see them in small claims court. Make sure you write everything down that they said, if you still have the email, print it out and save it and take pictures of Bea right away.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest greytexplorer
I'm astounded. To put it mildly.


And I would expect the boarder to pay the vet bills. Get a lawyer if you need to.


Can't believe a conscientious animal person -1- wouldn't follow your instructions, and -2- wouldn't get care immediately for an injured dog. -2- especially. That BOOM you hear is the sound of my jaw hitting the floor.


Hugs and best wishes for complete healing for your sweet Bea.




Agree with Batmom.........The worst part also is the outright audacity of someone who clearly was in the wrong to turn it around to make something out to be your fault! I used to allow these types of people to win but now it's fighting words! Make them pay and take responsibility.


Oh no they didn't, they turned it around to make it BEA's FAULT!

She brought it on herself. Yeah, that's the ticket. She's too lethargic. :blink::angryfire


I would also sue for "pain/suffering/sleep deprivation" (or *whatever*)


good luck! and gentle hugs for your sweet Bea :kiss2


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Guest Tenderhearts

I also agree this was all completely unacceptable. I will be keeping sweet Bea in my prayers for swift healing!


:hope :hope :hope :hope <------for Bea

:grouphug :grouphug <-----for you :)

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Guest LeanneSchatz

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I am feeling sick over this. So, my two greys were at a boarder that I have used in the past. I have one girl Bea, who is 7. She has a thyroid issue, she's pretty mellow and another girl, Sizzle who is 5. Sometimes Sizzle has some space aggression and if she feels threatened, she'll snap at others. Well, when we went to pick up the girls last night, Bea was ravaged with bite wounds. Old bite wounds. We took her home and started cleaning them up and noticed her front leg was twice the normal size so we took her to the E-vet. The E-vet said that the wounds were at least 24 hours old, maybe more and the swelling is due to an infection from one of the wounds. So, all in all, we spent half the night at the E-vet who was amazing. They cleaned all wounds, gave some IV antibiotics and pain meds and sent us home with more. Bea is expected to be ok. So this morning, I get an e-mail from the boarder saying that Bea has issues and that she's unstable. I know that she is a little shy, she has some issues but I found this e-mail to be unnecessary. She also said that she also must have an underlying health issue and that is why she is so mellow. Also she says that wounds just happened two hours prior to our arrival when Sizzle and Bea were in the same kennel (they were seperated the whole time, or so we thought). What blows my mind is that the boarder called me on Saturday to say she thought Bea was acting more lethargic. Well, I am sure it was because she had all those wounds and infection was starting. I am sick over this, the poor girl must have been scared out of her mind and in pain and no one noticed. Now, here's my question, she had 8 wounds on both sides of her body. Could my other grey have done all that at once and not have a scratch on her from poor Bea trying to defend herself? I am baffled. Please pray for my bumble Bea and that she makes a full recovery. And please give me some thoughts on if this was all possibly done by one mildly, space aggressive grey!


Thanks all!


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Guest 3greysinPA

Many prayers for Bea... and healing white light... hope she feels better soon and the swelling in her paw goes down.. ouch... thats got to be painful for her... I'm so sorry this happend.


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Guest KennelMom

As someone who's dealt with injuries in our own crew of varying degrees and someone who used to board dogs, I must say that I'm gobsmacked by your post. For that many injuries to seemingly have received no care is appalling.


Yeah, sometimes things happen at a boarding kennel and dogs get injured through no fault or negligence of the kennel staff. 8 bite wounds is not a little thing. And it's fairly easy to tell a wound that's 2 hours hold vs days old. I would hope that a vet would be able to determine the difference if a pet person like I can.


It is possible for a dog to sustain several injuries in an altercation and the other dog receive none, or such minor ones that you don't notice or see them, esp if several days pass. And not every bite, scratch or nick needs antibiotics, but they do need proper cleaning and care. Without pics, it's really hard to say what I would have done be it my dog or a dog in my care (vet or try to manage in house)...but one thing I can assure is that communication with the owner is extremely important. 8 is a lot and I would probably err on the side of caution and have a vet take a look-see. With that many wounds, the owner definitely should get a call. There's just so many unknowns here for me to say for sure what happened or who's fault it was....but it wasn't your fault and it wasn't the dogs fault. The question is whether there was negligence by the boarder in putting the dog in harms way. Sometimes dogs from the same family are kept together in the same run and they can have an arguement, even if they never have at home. Different routine, different environment...stressors like that can make a huge difference. There seems to be little doubt that there was negligence in the care of the wounds and definitely lack of communication.


Did you notice the wounds when you picked the dog up or not till you got home? What was said while you were at the kennel?


This is why I had certain rules when I ran my kennel...dogs weren't crated together or kept together. Muzzles for greyhounds. For the most part, dogs from the same family are turned out together but not mixed with other dogs. Things like that. You can't wrap them in bubble wrap, but there are some common sense things a kennel can do to make sure dogs are reasonably protected and kept safe. This is also one reason I no longer board. Just didn't want the liability.


I hope Bea makes a full and quick recovery and the kennel steps up and is resonsible where they need to be. The don't seem to be honest and upfront with you so far, so you may need an attorney.

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:jaw I would be LIVID!!


If the girls were suppose to be in separate runs and they were put together...I'd be PO'ed that instructions weren't followed and the kennel would be paying the bills.


Hope Bea feels better soon.




I'm astounded. To put it mildly.


And I would expect the boarder to pay the vet bills. Get a lawyer if you need to.


Can't believe a conscientious animal person -1- wouldn't follow your instructions, and -2- wouldn't get care immediately for an injured dog. -2- especially. That BOOM you hear is the sound of my jaw hitting the floor.


Hugs and best wishes for complete healing for your sweet Bea.



Yep, again, I totally agree. I'm with you, Jey. :nod


You need to get out the form you signed - you should have a copy - and read it over very carefully. Sounds like their phone calls and emails were a post-event attempt to shift the blame from them to YOU or Bea. I would DEFINITELY do what retiredracers above said:


That's what I thought, too. A belated attempt to convince you that somehow it was all your fault.


I'm not suggesting that she is, not for a moment, but I don't care if poor Bea is 'unstable' or not. If the kennel accepted responsibility for her, they were legally obliged to deal correctly with her, whatever her problems. To allow her to be injured, and then not treat her wounds .. well, I'm near speechless. :blink: But if it had been my dog, they'd have felt the rough side of my tongue, and then got a letter from my solicitor (lawyer).


I would encourage you to fight this one. Tooth and claw.


I do hope Bea will heal well and not be traumatised by this experience. You might want to mention that to your lawyer and to the kennel. This could alter her willingness to be boarded, to trust people, and to relate to other dogs. :(


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest trevdog

I board my two with explicit instructions for them NEVER to be in a kennel together. It's too much stress on Ossie to begin with to be asked to share a run with Dallas. And I call and check on them several times a day and find out exactly what they have been doing. They also are not left unattended with any other dogs even in a play group and oftentimes are turned out with each other only although Dallas loves all dogs, Ossie does not.

I would document, take pictures and go after this place, that's just so wrong on many levels.

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Guest greycrew

I'm so sorry to hear about Bea. Hope she is feeling better soon. I agree with suggestion of a pet sitter if you can find one in your area. Luckily I have my sister to stay at my house when I'm away (I have 5 dogs) and a really good friend that's a pet sitter if she's not available. I think they're much more relaxed when they can stay at home.

Also, there used to be a website or posting somewhere that listed grey families that will watch your pups while you're away. does anyone remember where that list or website is?

hugs and kisses to bea

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Guest Ashley

I'm glad that there is some great advice for you here. What a horrible, wrong situation that should have been dealt with in a much better (and different!) way.

I hope that Bea recovers quickly and easily, and I hope that you get this all sorted out!

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No advice, but just wanted to offer some healing thoughts for Bea.

Please let us know how she's doing.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest LeanneSchatz
I am feeling sick over this. So, my two greys were at a boarder that I have used in the past. I have one girl Bea, who is 7. She has a thyroid issue, she's pretty mellow and another girl, Sizzle who is 5. Sometimes Sizzle has some space aggression and if she feels threatened, she'll snap at others. Well, when we went to pick up the girls last night, Bea was ravaged with bite wounds. Old bite wounds. We took her home and started cleaning them up and noticed her front leg was twice the normal size so we took her to the E-vet. The E-vet said that the wounds were at least 24 hours old, maybe more and the swelling is due to an infection from one of the wounds. So, all in all, we spent half the night at the E-vet who was amazing. They cleaned all wounds, gave some IV antibiotics and pain meds and sent us home with more. Bea is expected to be ok. So this morning, I get an e-mail from the boarder saying that Bea has issues and that she's unstable. I know that she is a little shy, she has some issues but I found this e-mail to be unnecessary. She also said that she also must have an underlying health issue and that is why she is so mellow. Also she says that wounds just happened two hours prior to our arrival when Sizzle and Bea were in the same kennel (they were seperated the whole time, or so we thought). What blows my mind is that the boarder called me on Saturday to say she thought Bea was acting more lethargic. Well, I am sure it was because she had all those wounds and infection was starting. I am sick over this, the poor girl must have been scared out of her mind and in pain and no one noticed. Now, here's my question, she had 8 wounds on both sides of her body. Could my other grey have done all that at once and not have a scratch on her from poor Bea trying to defend herself? I am baffled. Please pray for my bumble Bea and that she makes a full recovery. And please give me some thoughts on if this was all possibly done by one mildly, space aggressive grey!


Thanks all!



Bea is doing ok. She is eating very well, swelling has gone down a lot. She seems to be ok. Follow up with vet on Saturday. Thanks everyone! I love greytalk!

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Unbelievabe! I hope Bea recovers quickly and I agree the kennel needs to come clean on what truly happened and they should compensate you.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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