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Eek! Bald Spots On Ends Of Robin's Ears!

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I've noticed that the ends of Robin's ears--which are jet black--have kind of bald patches on them. The skin on the ends of his ears feels scaly. Anyone have any idea what this could be? He doesn't have fleas or ticks on him. Could this be some sort of skin allergy or allergic reaction he's having? I'd take a picture but it's too dark to get a good shot right now.

Edited by fsugrad

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Gosh! I hope it's not mange! :(


I have no advice, Rita, but I'm sending good thoughts and hope you figure out what's causing this. :goodluck


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest mickie37

Is your dog bothered by FLIES? We have a lot of flies in my area and I have to spray a preventative on my dogs ears if they are going to the park or will be outside for awhile. The result of fly bites sounds a lot like what you are describing.

Hope the cause is an easy fix like spraying a preventative.wow.gif

Good luck.


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Thanks, everyone, for your responses. No, I don't think he's bothered by flies very much and he hasn't been scratching like crazy either. But I googled mange and now I'm wondering whether he has that or not! So we are off to the vet monday morning. Since our 15 yr old volunteers at the humane society I am paranoid about what he might be 'bringing home' and we walk the hounds in wooded areas, nothing would surprise me. I will keep you guys posted. Thx again for your help.

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest BatesieGreys

I volunteered at a local shelter for years and managed to avoid bringing anything home to my critters. I always washed my hands as I was leaving the shelter. When I got home, at the very least I washed my hands again and changed my clothes. Usually, I took a shower too just to be sure. That seemed to take care of it. Wishing you good luck on Monday.

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If you have noticed any tufts of hair coming out, also consider lupus. That's how Cutie's started and the spots on her ears had that scaly appearance. It took quite a while to get diagnosed and put her at an disadvantage getting it under control.


Hope it's just allergies or something else that goes away quickly.!




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Got back from the vet. She did a skin scrape and determined that it was not mange. Whew!

She is also doing a culture to test for ringworm. That will take a few days to get results. She also found a pink spot on his neck, under his collar, with red dots on it; looked infected.

In meantime, Robin's been started on antibiotics--Cephalexin--twice a day for 3 weeks.

Hopefully this will improve his condition.

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

the ends of chilis ears are scaley and gross she shakes her head to hard that she is building up a calous on her ears. maybe it has something to do with that? hopefully it isnt anything too serious.

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