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My Conner

Guest koolaidnconner

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Guest koolaidnconner

We just got over an episode of diaherra because he has IBD. We are now on 20mg of prednisone once a day, we were on 40mg.


Tuesday evening he barked only once at me and then stood there and peed on the floor. No leg lifting, he never does he pees like a girl. Only this time he never even slighting extended his legs like he normally does. He was just standing there normally peeing. I quickly got up and called him and tried to grab his collar to get him outside but he was frozen and would not move. So that was chalked up to be he just had too much and could not hold it.


Wedenesday morning I wake up and when I get up I step on Conner's dog bed as it is right beside my bed and my foot is wet. He has peed his bed. So I started thinking that is not like him. No matter what time of the day or night he lets me know, now this is twice. During the day he was let out several times, I told the kids to let him out every hour ad to please keep checking on him. They did that no accidents.


Conner laid on our bed last night with my DBF, Conner never stood up, just laid there every once and awhile crying now. He finally got off the bed and when he got up there was a big pee spot. He had peed the bed laying down. These are not small ones either. It literally soaked right threw a comforter, sheet and matress cover sheet and into the mattress.


At that point I called the vet but she was not there and not answering her cell. After about an hour I was sitting on the computer and the other dog bed is right beside the computer I caught him once again peeing on the bed laying down.


This morning I woke up to pee on the floor beside my bed again.


I have had to wash him a few times because he was soaked in pee.


Could he have a bladder infection? What could be doing this? This is not like him at all. I am taking him to the vet today.


Please give my boy good thoughts. He has been threw enough.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Could it be the pred?


When Memphis messed his foot up (bumped toe) and was on pred, he literally had to pee at least once every two hours. Even with the dog door we had a few accidents in the house. He'd just stand there and pee and pee and pee....


I hope everything turns out ok. Sending lots of good thoughts for your boy!

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Guest Energy11

Could be a BAD bladder infection. Hard to say. Yes, Conner definitely needs to see the vet, so you can get to the bottom of this. I am sorry you and Conner are going through all of this!


Hugs from here! D

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Oh Jeez- I am hoping for a UTI that antibiotics fix up.


Remember, with the pred- his kidneys are in overdrive, When Beau was on the higher dosage of pred, he would have to pee at LEAST every 3 hours. That is when we would get up in the middle of the night with an alarm clock and let him out and feed him.


He would pee for 3 minuts straight. That is NO exaggeration. I would start making sure he goes out every 2 hours to see if that helps. It's the pred.



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Guest greytexplorer

I would go to the vet, too. S/he will have answers/plan of action.

I'm sorry you have to deal with all this.




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Guest greygirls2

Peeing....a lot....is a side effect of the pred. It may just be that he's on too high a dose and needs to be brought down a little. I'd also check for a UTI just to be safe though. My Tessa went through that when they put her on pred.........sometimes the effect of peeing is so great it just comes out and they don't even realize it. Maybe you could use a belly band in the meantime to decrese the mess on the beds etc. I hope the vet can help out with this.....good luck to you and your sweet boy....give him a hug from us.

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Guest koolaidnconner

Conner has always been a big pee'er. Every morning he goes he stands for along time going and going. I kinda thought it might be prednisone the thing is he is not drinking anymore water than before. Conner has never been a huge water drinker. I actually mix his food once during the day with water to give him that extra water that he does not drink.


I am definitly not ruling out the prenisone and I sure hope it is that.

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When Misty had to go on a high dose of Pred she was peeing constantly, although your post says there's been a decrease in the Pred.


Please let us know what the vet has to say. Poor guy, please feel better!!


I don't know how long Conner has been on the 40mg of pred, but I would suggest checking his kidney values as well. Misty's hit the roof after 10 days on that much Pred


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Guest Energy11
When Misty had to go on a high dose of Pred she was peeing constantly, although your post says there's been a decrease in the Pred.


Please let us know what the vet has to say. Poor guy, please feel better!!


I don't know how long Conner has been on the 40mg of pred, but I would suggest checking his kidney values as well. Misty's hit the roof after 10 days on that much Pred

That (40mg) IS a lot of Pred. I know Curfew drank and peed a ton when he was on the 20 mg/daily, but there were never accidents in the house. I just had his kidney and liver values checked, because of the use of Pred, prior, and the phenobarb. Good Luck!

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Guest koolaidnconner

So I just talked to the Vet and she said she definitly thinks it is the prednisone. I am going to get a pee sample and take it in just to be sure though.


She told me to just make sure I let him out more often than normally. He needs to stay on 20mg for the next week and then we are going to try every 2nd day and see if he continues normal bowel movements.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

I've gone through this several times with Spencer. Because of his back problems he would be on and off prednisone. When he was on it, he had no bladder control at all. I don't think he even realized he was peeing. I have lots of belly bands and put the extra strength Poise pads in them. I had to come home every day at lunch to change him and then do it frequently when I was at home. Spencer has also had several UTIs but I don't think they were the cause, I think it was Pred. Once off Prednisone Spencer would slowly gain bladder control again. He's been pretty good now for several months except for a UTI that is now cleared up. Spencer still doesn't have perfect bladder control. When he's outside peeing, he can't tell that he hasn't stopped and will walk and pee. It's like he can't feel it still coming out. Every once in a while he will do it inside when he wants to go outside but all in all he's okay now. Hang in there. The sooner you can get Connor off Pred the better the whole bladder thing will be.


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The only time Burp went in the house is when he was on pred. Happened just like you said. If he didn't get out asap, he would just start peeing. Then he would look at me and glare until I cleaned it up.....


It won't hurt to take a urine sample in to see if there is any bacteria in it.

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Guest sorenkkg

IMO it's the prednisone... Haka was on it for an ear infection, and he peed in the house-- the vet said he'd have to go more often, and it was true.


our solution (luckily the prednisone was for about 3 days though) was not to give him water after 8pm... he made it through the night ok after that.


your boy doesn't want to pee in the house, it's the meds that make him drink more (I believe) and have to pee.


Once he's off he should be fine... hang in there :grouphug

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I see you've already spoken to the vet. Hoping this side effect subsides quickly.

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I know how stressful this must be---for you both! Hopefully, you can get everything under control, and he'll be feeling better. My Polly is just starting pred (she was licking her privates and got it all swollen), so I guess we'll be going through the increased peeing too.

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