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Dogs On The Couch

Guest Maddyr24

Do you let your Grey on the Couch?  

568 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you let your dog on the couch?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
    • Undecided

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fortunately both hounds stand and stare at the couch until the "couch quilt" is in place, it is quite funny. felix needs to pass out at 9pm and will only start is beauty sleep there. he stands, and stands, and waits for the placement of the quilt. a friend was hysterical laughing as she saw him standing w/ his eyes closing at exactly 9 pm.


i will admit that i put plastic carpet runners upside down on it during the day and use not a baby gate but 3 antique leather clamps which stand around 30 in tall and are 6" wide at the edge of my durrie rug at the entrance of the living room. the dogs dare not walk near the tall skinny wooden clamps and that keeps lounging at bay when i forget to cover the precious mega dog/human bed.

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I voted sometimes becasuse we have a den and a formal living room. Den yes, living room no. The dogs have never stepped foot in the living room cause neither do we.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest PhillyPups

One of the highlights of my journey with my beloved Stepper was coming home from work, one day last December. A brindle jumped up from lying on the couch, then I did a double take cause a brindle jumped up from lying on the loveseat - Stepper had finally found the couch at 13-1/4 years old - I was so happy!! Once he found it he never got off - his last night with me he slept on the couch and I slept on a dogbed in front of him - how I miss my goofy boy :wub:



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Guest jessicaksu125

I didn't allow it in the first few days with either. At the very beginning with both they both had instances where they thought they owned the couch. I corrected them, they learn, and now we all share nicely. (Except when I dare take up more than one cushion, then I get slobbered on!)

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Two of our get on the couch. They know as soon as we say off, that means move. Our other two dont even really try or are not interested. Bilbo is the only one allowed on the bed, but he doesn't even get on it anymore. I have to ask him to get on wiht me.


Jennifer and the crew

The crew Desi, Comet, Theo, Memphis, Belle, the 2 adult humans, and the kiddo.

R.I.P. Bear, Bilbo, Tippy, Guinea Pig Paige

Desi (TNJ By Design), Comet (Corpus Comet) Theo (Gable Thinsulate)

Bear (CS What A Bear) Dec. 3, 1999 - Dec 22, 2008 Bilbo (CTW Buffalo Bill) July 2001 - Aug 17, 2011,

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I would love to have Lucy on the couch, and I think she'd be fine there (no space aggression issues here), but my husband is dead-set against it. :( I invited her up one time a few months after we brought her home, and then she jumped up on her own the next day and he freaked out. Sigh. It only took one "No" -- she's never tried it again.

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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No. We decided against letting Heidi on the couch because I won't want to have to fight with a dog to get a spot on my couch. She has a dog bed right in front of the couch so that she can get scritches while we are on it. She does get up on our bed when we aren't using it, but has to get off at my request. She also has a dog bed on the floor at the foot of the bed.

Christine- Mum to Betty (Nitro Ugly Betty), Hannah (Rj Have I Told U) and missing Heidi (Sendahl Eve) 04/21/2005-06/19/2013

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I voted sometimes becasuse we have a den and a formal living room. Den yes, living room no. The dogs have never stepped foot in the living room cause neither do we.


Same here... our girls are allowed on the family room couch, but not on the living room couch. Our living room is gated off (mostly to keep the cats out), but our dogs are allowed in when we have company. They seem to know the furniture in that room is off-limits. Our girls also enjoy hopping in our bed. Humans always come first. We haven't had any issues pushing them off when a human wants to sit or lay down.


We didn't let our first two greys, Celeste and Darcy, on furniture at all. Then, we got our failed foster grey Bonny. Bonny was used to being on furniture in her old house. We discouraged it at first. Then, following my wisdom teeth surgery, I gave in to her. Our other two quickly followed.


Bonny - first time one of our greys allowed on furniture...




Our home today...







Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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Guest GreytfullDad
First, the couch! Next, THE WORLD!!!!!


All mine are allowed wherever they want unless the space is already occupied. Dude got on the furniture the first hour he was in the house and now has his own chair - though he shares that with Toni now. Copper and Cash only get on our bed, but only want to stay there until we come to bed. Dude (and Toni sometimes) is the only one allowed to sleep with us through the night.


Also, if they get growly or possessive they have to get down right away and are not allowed back on until I say so.


greysmom :D

Same at our house. Dogs are allowed anywhere but if the forget who the "BIG DOG" is then its back on the floor until the remember. B):couchjump

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Guest FatCatSkinnyDog

Yep. Couches, beds... whatever. We had to buy a sectional couch because I wound up on the floor while DH and Rajah shared the couch. Now, Rajah prefers the couches in the living room to the sectional in the great room. I don't like that it's covered in drool, but that's why we got microfiber. I don't appreciate that he completely disregards the pillows and kicks them everywhere, but what can you do? He will wait until he hears the shower in the morning and then hop into bed with DH... I feel so loved. But he's happy so .. whatever :)

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Hounds are allowed on the couches but only the bitch Tru gets up there regularly. The two dogs show no real interest in being up. Sonny has jumped up a couple of times but doesn't stay and Benny has never even put a paw on to try it out yet.

Sue from England


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Guest Dillymom

I would be ok with it but my fiance says no dogs on the furniture. I do allow them on my bed during the day but at night they sleep on dog beds on the floor. Both of mine are big nesters and I bought new furniture 2yrs ago.

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Enza isn't allowed on the bed when I'm in it - and she's never tried it.


As for the sofa - she loves it in Winter and when it's cooler in the fall/spring. In the summer, she has no desire to get up on the sofa with me. However, she's had her privileges revoked for a bit when she stood over my friend who was sitting on the sofa and sitting in Enza's "spot". And god forbid anyone try to take a nap in the house when it's cold out - Enza will snuggle up next to you no matter who you are.


I should note it took me 6 months before I was comfortable allowing her.

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No the boys aren't allowed on the sofa, it was something we agreed on prior to adoption. We only have 1 sofa too so if they got on they'd be nowhere for us to sit and we thought it may cause problems when we have guests or visiting other peoples houses. Instead they like to lay on their beds alongside the sofa, occasionally i have to pull Hector out from under the sofa because he starts off hiding his head and gradually as he's dreaming works his way under it. He just whines if he needs rescuing.


Neither Hector or Throp has ever tried to get on the sofa to lay down, Hector will put front paws up if it allows him to reach/see something and Throp will put his front legs on like he's laying but with his butt still standing trying to worm his head under your arm for snuggles.



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Guest andrealynch
Sagan has been with us for just shy of 3 months and he is starting to come out of his shell (its so cute!). He has lately been trying to snuggle with us on the couch and I am all for it. My hubby is all for it too, but we just want to make sure we aren't letting him get away with too much...meaning..once we start giving into his requests...what else will he want?


So, comments, thoughts, and any funny stories.


M, J, and S


My only comment--what a CUTE dog!!! He's adorable!!!

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Guest moniques_zoo

well of course the kids are on the couch. I am not going to cuddle with them on the floor or in the creat :) we don't have 2 legged kind of kids so our 4's are spoiled, wouldn't have it any other way

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Guest Judynyc
Sagan has been with us for just shy of 3 months and he is starting to come out of his shell (its so cute!). He has lately been trying to snuggle with us on the couch and I am all for it. My hubby is all for it too, but we just want to make sure we aren't letting him get away with too much...meaning..once we start giving into his requests...what else will he want?


So, comments, thoughts, and any funny stories.


M, J, and S

Yayyy for Sagan!! :colgate and you too Maddy and Jeff!!

I love to cuddle with any of my dogs and if its on the couch, its OK with me.


BUT...I have to draw the line at allowing a long legged greyt dog to take over my bed!! :lol and she did try and still tries.

At first, I didn't want to see that face she gives me when I tell her NO to something....so I'd ask her quietly to get off my bed...but no luck :rolleyes: Then I found myself asking her real nice for 20 minutes to no avail. :blink: I finally stood up and commanded her off the bed...that worked!! :colgate

Our compromise is that she gets to lay all over the bed until I'm ready for it....and then she has to go.

I wish my queen bed was big enough for all of us but its just not. So they've got great beds all over my apartment.

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Guest knitkass

Callay is allowed on certain couches. The game room with the 70's pit group? absolutely. The formal living room with the newer couch? nope.


The papasan?



maybe. . . :D

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We tried to let cookie on the couch, but she decided to give us some 'tude about HER couch, so that was it. There's one downstairs she could have laid on, but she won't go down there.


Mac the dachie is allowed on the couch, but he doesn't have an attitude problem.


Waiting at the bridge: Buddy James, Cookie Dough, Shelby, and Mac. My angels :angelwings:angelwings:angelwings:angelwings

New dog mom to dachshunds Ginger and Ruger :banana:banana

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