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Possible Misdiagnosis

Guest ss556

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Guest ss556

Alan's doing better - actually we (DH and I) believe it's the acupuncture he had on Tuesday. He's more alert, a bit more energetic, awake more and overall seems more comfortable. Amazing, isn't it? With all of his problems that I can only do my best with, it's good to know that the acupuncture is helping him feel better on a daily basis. I just have to keep up w/ it at least every four weeks! I'm glad the weekend is almost here so I can spend more time with him.


If anyone here has any knowledge of greyhounds with hypertension and sedation or anethesia, please let me know. As far as the tie back surgery, I don't know if we would do that. We're not up to that yet.

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Guest MyCody

Susan that's what our vet with Cody and he let us stay in the room with him. It sounds like Alan is a lot like Cody with the trembling and panting when we just pull into the vet's parking lot. Vet opened his mouth wide while he was under sedation and showed us where both sides of his larynx are paralized. I've emailed Dr. Suzanne Stack for advice on alternatives to tie back surgery because we don't think Cody would do well and she mentioned very small doses of prednisone which I said no to and my vet agreed. She also suggested a low dose of torbugesic in a shot that I could administer if he has another attack like he did last week. Our vet has given me a syringe with the proper dose and instructed us on how to administer it. It is a cough suppresent that would help bring down the swelling in his throat, but is not a cure.

I've been trying to find other opinions and will follow your treatment of Alan and if I come across anything I will let you know.



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My 14+yr senior girlie, Darbee-Doo had tie-back surgery for LP last July. She has done incredibly well!!! I really don't think she'd be alive today had we chose NOT to do the surgery. I understand your boy has other issues when it comes to sedation.. I would like to suggest, that if you can find a way to resolve those other issues,, do not hesitate to do the tie-back surgery!! It seems like a scary surgery, but for only 2 days post surgery is it kind of scary,, the benefits significantly outweigh the alternative!!!


good luck! :grouphug

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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As far as hypertension and surgery.....vets usually won't operate on a hypertensive dog. It depends exactly how high his BP is. If it's currently under control then they would. But if it's really high even with meds, most vets don't want to put them under.


My local vets, the GPs won't put Pearl under. But the specialists at big hospitals felt comfortable.


I'd try a hosptial or university for Alan.


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Guest ss556

I would do only what is best for Alan. This new issue is scaring me and is a lot to digest b/c I've been managing him well for the past 2.5 years for GLN and HBP and then starts the rear leg weakness. I think my next plan of action will be the xrays.

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Is there any urgency for the xrays if the acupuncture is working? Hugs for that handsome fella!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Sending more good thoughts for Alan! :candle:grouphug :grouphug :goodluck :goodluck


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest ss556

Thanks again - the good wishes are helping him. Alan's been doing well and happy and playing with his stuffies. He does get a little winded if he overdoes it. Since I am going away next week (DH will take excellent care of him) I will schedule the xrays when I get back. I hope and pray he will do well. I will post pics of my handsome man this weekend.

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Guest TBSFlame
Susan that's what our vet with Cody and he let us stay in the room with him. It sounds like Alan is a lot like Cody with the trembling and panting when we just pull into the vet's parking lot. Vet opened his mouth wide while he was under sedation and showed us where both sides of his larynx are paralized. I've emailed Dr. Suzanne Stack for advice on alternatives to tie back surgery because we don't think Cody would do well and she mentioned very small doses of prednisone which I said no to and my vet agreed. She also suggested a low dose of torbugesic in a shot that I could administer if he has another attack like he did last week. Our vet has given me a syringe with the proper dose and instructed us on how to administer it. It is a cough suppresent that would help bring down the swelling in his throat, but is not a cure.

I've been trying to find other opinions and will follow your treatment of Alan and if I come across anything I will let you know.




I have heard of some people keeping a small tank of oxygen on hand to use when an attack happens.

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Guest ss556

Today, Handsome, His Royal Handsomeness as I call him, was coughing/choking a bit more than usual:( He was out of breath easy today as well, especially when he gets excited, but his spirits are good, he wants to play, he's very happy.


I hope he does good this week as I am going away to see my son until Thursday night. If you can, send some special prayers and good thoughts for my Alan! (DH will be taking care of him). I will plan on those xrays after I get back.

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