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Swelling In Legs

Guest Fasave

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Guest Fasave

It's not good. Safari has been in the ICU since last night. The swelling in his abdominal cavity rea-appeared suddenly so I rushed him in to the e-vet just 5 hours before his scheduled IM appointment. He had a tough night. Lots of diarhea which by the end had blood in it. He's not eating today and in general just looking plain sick. He's currently getting IV fluids.


Here's the part where I need some help. They are telling me that because he has PLN and now PLE, his situation is grave. Even if we can find the cause of the PLE, he's likely looking at adding months not years to his life. They would like to do a endospoce tomorrow to see if it's cancer (lymphoma) IBD or lymphangiectasia. I've been told whichever the diagnosis, it's still months.


So, I'm sort of stuck. If we're only talking months, is it worth the procedure? They are prepping him tonight as though they are going to do the procedure. I've been dealing with the e-vet who has been consulting with the IM doc but we have arranged for me to talk to the IM doc prior to full authorization.


If anyone has any thoughts or advise, I would love to hear it.

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If anyone has any thoughts or advise, I would love to hear it.


Here's a longshot, purely anecdotal stuff.


Some raw food advocates walk the line between wacko and science- some of it is superficially pretty weird stuff. But how many stories are out there- pure anecdotes, I know- where dogs that were decidedly "too far gone" or only had months to live that- much to the surprise of whomever "inherited" them from owners that gave up- did so much better on raw food? Or a homecooked diet?


I'm not saying it's a panacea, I'm not even saying for sure it'll work. But if it *is* PLE, getting the starch out of the diet might be enough to do it if it hasn't advanced too far. No wheat, no rice, no corn- just meat, eggs, and other animal protein.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest Fasave
Doing the scope may lead to them finding something that is causing the PLE and can be treated.


Did they do a urine test and tell you the protein/creatinine ratio?


Yes, the protein/creatine ratio is 1.6 which I find interesting. I thought normal range for greyhounds was 1.6 - 1.9 but the doc told me it should be less than .5. This to me seems like it's a relatively good sign but they're telling me it just means it's under control with the Enacard. How do these numbers sound to you?



Also, thanks for the tips on other article.

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Doing the scope may lead to them finding something that is causing the PLE and can be treated.


Did they do a urine test and tell you the protein/creatinine ratio?


Yes, the protein/creatine ratio is 1.6 which I find interesting. I thought normal range for greyhounds was 1.6 - 1.9 but the doc told me it should be less than .5. This to me seems like it's a relatively good sign but they're telling me it just means it's under control with the Enacard. How do these numbers sound to you?



Also, thanks for the tips on other article.



Should be around 1.


Ryan's was above 9 (off the charts) when he puffed up and seems to be steady around 6 now (still very high, but stable). Haven't tested it in quite a while though since we can't do anything else other than his enalapril that he's already taking. Vet was confident we'd never see normal levels with him again.




Did they pull any fluid to test it? Not sure if that will give any really useful info at this point.

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I'm sorry to hear that things have taken a turn.


Sending best wishes :grouphug

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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:( Oh Melissa I'm just seeing this. Could they do something less invasive like an ultraound instead of a scope - I'm just guessing here. You always make the right decision for your boys. Can they consult with Dr. Jill in Sutton Animal Hospital?
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Safari had an endoscope yesterday and the procedure went well. They found significant abnormal tissue is his stomach and small intestine and were able to grab several pieces of tissue. While they won't have results until the middle of next week, they are feeling like this is lymphoma. I understood this was a possible outcome going in and moved ahead because it does sound like there are some options for treatment that will give him some time, but also quality time without a lot of evasive treatments.


I'm hoping to bring him home today. While he was under, they put a feeding tube in through his nose so that we can start getting food in him if he doesn't start showing interest on his own soon. They've started treatment as if this is severe IBD for now and started him on steroids (doxy something). They are administering the drug via injections as they can't count on his system to process drugs orally at this time. So I will need to learn how to administer his food and injenctions before I come home. Luckily, I have a friend whose a nurse, greyhound fanatic and only lives a couple miles away who is going to run shot gun on this trip. I'm waiting for an update this morning but they said that they usually react very quickly to the steroids and I'm hoping for good news this morning.


It's been a difficult series of decisions. I was able to visit him before the scope after I made the decision. During that visit, he actually cockroached next to me because I was apparently not doing a good enough job rubbing his whole belly. I went back after the scope and it was hard to see him so groggy last night. I hope this all will lead to some good times ahead even if the time is not long.

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Forgot to add that I also have his littermate, Avalanche. One of their brothers, Jerry, died in September of suspected lymphoma. Ave was treated for hemangiosarcoma in June of last of year. Lymphoma is genetic so trying to not let my mind jump to what this all means. Please keep supporting the work going on at OSU. We can't get our arms around this quick enough.

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Keep the faith--they gave my PLE?/IBD boy horrible odds that he would survive--that was 3 years ago! How are his blood protein values now--he may need a plasma transfusion to get him back on track so he'll be able to let the meds start to work. Get him on Budesonide (forget the pred-blah)--it's a steroid that for the most part stays in the GI tract.

Ugh-late for work but, feel free to pm me--I'll see if I can be of more help---Oh, BTW GI Lymphoma is rather rare in dogs (More of a kitty disease)--IBD would seem more likely.

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Update from the night is that he is doing pretty well this morning. He pulled out his feeding tube overnight BUT ate some chicken this morning :colgate He even rolled over so the doc could rub his belly. This guy is such a flirt. :rolleyes: The update is that he is much more comfortable but it is still unclear if he'll be released today. They want to make sure that he can hold his food down first. Also, the Boston area is expecting 5-10 inches of snow overnight and the hospital where he is at is 12 miles from my home straight through the city. Without traffic I'm there is 20 minutes, rush hour 50 minutes, snow storms.....? So, I will also need to have a comfort level with bringing him home as I don't want to end up with any type of critical situation where I can't get him to the necessary care. There is another vet hospital only 2 miles from my home but they are the ones who told me this summer he had a back injury and that the only thing left to do was an MRI for $2500. I'm not at a place where I can even walk in the door of that place at the moment. I even tried on Wednesday when Safari went critical. I made it to the parking lot and just couldn't walk through the doors. Still way too angry. :angryfire

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No advice, just sending big prayers for your boy and hugs for yourself.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest zoolaine

Sending prayers for your sweet boy. Sunny was diagnosed with PLE last July and the "expert" said he would be dead in three months. He is now doing great and his albumin is back into the normal range and his total protein is just below normal. During his endoscopic biopsy the intestines looked very abnormal. Keep fighting for your boy. We are praying for his recovery.

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omg Melissa, I'm still shaking my head. I am so sorry you are going through all of this. Make sure you take care of yourself, eat, rest and don't surf on the computer too much (I know it's seems impossible). You need to stay strong and be well for your boys. We'll be thinking of you all weekend... If there's anything we can do, just call. I'll keep myself posted here and not clog up your email ;) Extra belly rubs to Safari from us and XO from Rizzo and Kiwi too. :kiss2



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Sending prayers for your sweet boy. Sunny was diagnosed with PLE last July and the "expert" said he would be dead in three months. He is now doing great and his albumin is back into the normal range and his total protein is just below normal. During his endoscopic biopsy the intestines looked very abnormal. Keep fighting for your boy. We are praying for his recovery.


I keep hearing stories like this so I'm trying to stay positive and take it one day at a time. Did Sunny also have PLN? What type of treatment did you pursuit? I'm thrilled that Sunny is doing well. It helps a lot.

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Safari is home. It will be a full time job medicating him :blink: He's lost a lot of weight but he just ate a good small dinner so in time, we can get the weight back on. He needs to pee a lot and when he does, it goes on forever. I'll likely be up during the night but what a great reason. His follow up in on Friday with the IM. Hopefully we'll get the biopsy results and know what we're dealing with and put a plan in place.


One side note, I was so distracted about going to pick him up, I forgot to put Ave out. Poor guy had a giant accident in the living room. He was pretty upset when I got home. Such a sensitive guy.


I'm off to cuddle with my twins. Keep the stories and good advice coming.

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Glad to hear he's home and doing better.


He needs to pee a lot and when he does, it goes on forever.


Ryan is a marathon peer now. Since he was put on a bunch of meds and even now when we are down to just his seizure meds and the enalapril, he pees for several minutes almost all the time. Very rare is it for him to pee for any less than 60 seconds. Normally it is well over 2 minutes and many going for more than 3. And many many times a day.

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