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Zoe Is In The Hospital

Guest 4baddogs

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I'm so sorry you are still going through such an agonizing time, and I'm saying a prayer that she will continue to improve. Also, I just wanted to add that I share your confidence in Northview. They are indeed state of the art, and though I'm not a client there, I know lots of people who are, and they love them.

Please let us know how your sweet girl is doing---and how YOU are doing.

P.S. I'm in Pgh. too---if there is any way I can help, please PM me!


Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest Greytluv
I'm trying to compose myself in a way that my head won't explode when I walk in.

Well, you're a better person than I. They would be sorry they ever saw me and my dog. I'd be writing letters to everyone I could think of :angryfire


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Guest 4baddogs

Well, Zoe's finally home!


She's still pretty tired and is sleeping right now. She looked really, really great when we picked her up at the hospital. She panted a bit in the Tahoe and then circled and laid down, snoozing the entire ride home.


She's kind of unnerving me a bit though - she looks at me in that "who are you?" look. And, the lower part of her back legs and one front leg are really swollen. I called the hospital and a tech told me it's probably due to the fluids she's been on for the past 5 days. She told me to apply warm compresses and massage her legs. I second guess EVERYTHING, so does that sound correct?


I'm working from home tomorrow because I'm scared to death to leave her. Of course, Glenn thinks I'm insane and need to stop being so pessimistic. I'm sure he's right, but I've been through this too many times and am not missing a minute with her.


So now it's snowing like crazy and we're going to build a nice big fire in the fireplace and settle in for the night. We started to do this last Monday, but things never panned out. :)

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Guest SoulsMom

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that she is home and doing well! I totally understand the working from home to be with her. I've done that a lot myself recently. As for the fluids, Soul had the same thing after he came home from the hospital. They eventually absorbed, but they worried me. His were in his chest area, and the "man-boobs" really made him uncomfortable.


You both get some well needed rest together :grouphug

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