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Could You Spare Some Good Thoughts For My Boy

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I want first say thank you to all those who stopped and read about Nadir's problem. Whether you posted a note in response or just read it and wished him well in your thoughts I thank you. In response to pain meds I did call my vet yesterday after your suggestions and he said that all they had available to give him was NSAIDs. I ask about Tramadol and he said they didn't have any, they weren't the class of clinic to carry that type of drug. Really not sure why they couldn't have given me a prescription for it. Anyway I have reluctantly been giving him a 1/2 dose of Deramax and watching closely for signs of trouble. This does seem to give him a measure of relief. I also want to mention that I also took him in about 2 weeks ago because I had suspected a UTI was possibly causing the incontinence. At this point though he wasn't urinating on himself while he was laying down. The alkalinity of his urine did indicate an infection, which I ask be treated with Baytril. I've had him on Baytril since then and things seemed to be getting worse which led me to believe that the incontinence is linked to the suspected problem with his spine. On days I didn't have to work, if I didn't take him out every 2-3 hrs, even at night he would end up urinating. On a positive note, the past two nights he has managed to stay dry through the night for a 6 hr period. I've also been preparing meals for him instead of feeding dry food in hopes that a better diet will help improve things.

Regarding accupuncture, I will take him back again once I know from Auburn what his actual problem is. The reason I haven't taken him again sooner is because the clinic I took him to is a 6 hr round trip away and I need to save the time I'm going to have to take off work for any necessary treatments after our consultation Monday.



Mom to Greyhounds Nadir & Beanie,

and American Bulldog Bruiser




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What Remolacha said. Call the vet back today and ask for a prescription for the Tramadol that you can fill at a people pharmacy.



Well I think I know now why they wouldn't give me any. I just looked it up and it is in the opioid class of drugs. When I talked to him last night he said they would only administer an opioid if the animal was hospitalized. With that in mind, quite frankly, I believe Nadir is better off on the Deramax and being home to sleep on his own comfortable beds right now then having to stay there. Quite honestly I wouldn't trust them to make sure his bedding is always clean and dry. Maybe they think I want to get the Tramadol for myself, who the heck knows. It pisses me off though because I have been taking him there and they now he's been having problems. So its not something I'm making up. I've already spent close to $2,000 just this past year on this issue. Nadir did have a fairly good night last night though. His biggest issue is when he initially gets up after he's been lying down.



Mom to Greyhounds Nadir & Beanie,

and American Bulldog Bruiser


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Here is an article on tramadol:linky. It's not a scary opiod like fentanyl (which my boy had a bad reaction to). I've given it to 2 dogs with no problems whatsoever. It is inexpensive & helps with pain that NSAIDs don't reach. And both can be given at the same time. It does not need to be administered in a hospital. Any chance of finding another (better) vet?



Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Sounds like once this crisis is past it is time to find a new vet. Where are you located?



I'm not going to voice my opinion about the vet care, but I sure will keep your boy in my prayers.



I do believe you'll are right. The bad thing about it is there's not a lot around her to choose from. Let's see there's the clinic I currently take him to for most things. They want to treat everything with either NSAID's or antibiotics and charge you out the a$$ for anything they prescribe, and they refuse to write a prescription so you can get it elseware A few examples are $80 for a month's supply of Nadir's soloxine vs. $20 from another clinic I buy it from. Charging me $30 for worm medicine for my last foster. I thought it might be a good idea to have some more on hand in case my three picked up anything from him. I called another clinic in town they charged me $20 and gave me enough to treat all the dogs. The trouble with the other clinic where I live is that I've heard they give you a real hard time if you need them after hours. They will do about everything to try to dissuade you from making them come in. That is the one good thing I can say about this vet. No matter what time of day or night if I call they have always come in. But I do believe that I need more than that. There is a clinic in the next town, in fact its where I get Nadir's soloxine from. I think I'm going to try going to them and see how things go. I know someone who has greyhounds that uses them and she is fairly satisfied with them.



Mom to Greyhounds Nadir & Beanie,

and American Bulldog Bruiser


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Guest luckydog

There's nothing wrong with using more than 1 vet for different purposes as long as they each know about the meds/shots/treatments that your dog(s) are getting. And if one of the vets has a problem with this, then they shouldn't be your vet anymore.


I'll keep you and your doggie in my thoughts for a pain-free weekend.

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$80.00 for Soloxine? Something wrong with that picture.The strangest thing I'm hearing is not wanting to give you Tramadol. It's a very safe drug.Some dogs can not handle NSAID's and Tramadol is the drug of choice.Lots of prayers that Nadir is comfortable

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest wilsontrixie

oh i get it...

you have all the good thoughts i have..my boy died today and i don't wish this on anyone else...

so here they are


good thoughts, White healing light.good thoughts, White healing light good thoughts, White healing light good thoughts, White healing light good thoughts, White healing light good thoughts, White healing light good thoughts, White healing light good thoughts, White healing light good thoughts, White healing light good thoughts, White healing light....to be continued.




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How's he doing?

[/quot Thanks for asking about Nadir. He's doing okay. Right now I'm not really sure if he's walking so strangely when he first gets up because he's in pain or if he's having a lot of loss of feeling in his hind legs and is having trouble finding his footing because if this. One of my biggest concerns Monday is him having to go under anesteshia(sp?). He's already had a bad episode with it. I really appreciate the concern you have shown and I know with people like you and others in his corner who care things will work out. I don't know if I'll be able to post a picture but I'll try.

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I sure hope he isin't in pain, and I'm sure many of us share your concern about having him put under. Nadir is tucked in my prayers and I will pray for a good update


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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How's he doing today? We're thinking about him

[/quot Claudia it is so sweet of you to keep inquiring about Nadir. He is actually doing quite well today. Nadir sends Wayne a hello from one black hound to another. I'm not able to post a picture of my boy right now but if you care to check him out in the database he raced as AMF Adam. Hugs to your sweet Misty and also to Ekko who I once honestly thought was a miniature goat that lived in your house.

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I just read your thread, I'm sorry Nadir is having such a rough go of it. I'm also sorry you're having vet problems, I can commiserate with that.


I hope all goes well for you and Nadir tomorrow, that this all gets worked out and he bounces back without pain.



As an aside, from everything I've been reading, Soloxine appears to be the same medication as the human medication, Levothyroxine. It is included in the Target $4.00 formulary. I would ask a pharmacist first, just to make sure that it is exactly the same thing. I did this when Carl needed Clomicalm, it is the exact same medication as the human version - clomipramine hydrochloride. I'll try to remember to ask the pharmacist at work to see if Soloxine is EXACTLY the same as Levothyroxine and get back to you on it. If that is the case you can request a prescription and have it filled at one of the major chains that will fill it for much much less.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Prayers and good thoughts coming your way for Nadir. Hope you find all the answers you are looking for soon.

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.


Living a GREYT life at the Hound Hacienda - Clarkdale, Arizona

Always missing our angel hounds; Parker, Lacey, Bella, Figgy, Macho, Aspen, Kingman and Tillie

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We'll be watching for tomorrow's update and praying for the very best. On a side note..Ekko is a goat ;) Oh and Connie has a good point about the Soloxine, I don't think it's the same but I'm not sure.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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