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Sick Grey

Guest koolaidnconner

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Guest koolaidnconner

I have a 7 year old greyhound named Conner who I am so worried about. About 5 weeks ago he started straining really bad to go to the bathroom, and when he pooped he cried. We took him and found out he had hook worms, and possibly whipworms. Now since I am Canada, our Vet said these are more previlent in the states and that he had to have had them since he came. He has been in Canada for 2 years. I think they would have been noticed before that, but I had no sign before 5 weeks ago that something was wrong, anyways we treated that and it still continued, 5 weeks later and 10 prescriptions later he is in so much pain that when he moves he cries. He is now on Morphine, and on Monday May 25/08 he will be going for a colonoscopy. We have done blood tests, which were good and tested his poop a 2nd time which came back negative for worms. I am at a loss. We have also been given a high fibre food to treat him for colitis and this is not working. He has a semi normal bowel movement once or twice and then back to diaherra. He has been on antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, worm pills, prednisone, and now more aniti inflammatories for chrones(prescription for humans), and morphine.


Any ideas?



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Guest greytexplorer

My heart hurts reading your post!

Bless all of you....

What does he eat? Have you tried raw feeding?

If he's on kibble, maybe you could try adding a raw chicken leg or two as a meal? and see what happens?

Others on this board are more knowledgeable, and will chime in.

I am so sorry about this, and will pray for your baby!!!




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Wonder if he's got IBD? :blink: What food are you feeding him?

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
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Guest koolaidnconner

We have tried med cal(high fibre), with soft food as well. We have tried some raw meat, baically everything he does eat he does eliminate within 20 mins, and now he is eating next to nothing. We bought some shaved ham to give him his pills with cause cheese and peanut butter he wont touch anymore, and he is starting to put his nose up at the ham as well. He has lost about 9 lbs in the last 4 weeks as well

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Along the lines of what greytexplorer has to say- provided the vet says he can tolerate it, I would suggest raw food. Fiber = bulk, and quite frankly, if it's excretion that pains him, a raw diet would provide reduced stool volume. However, it would make it considerably firmer, and I'm not sure if that might injure him.


It is interesting to note that there may be considerable changes in the intestinal flora of carnivores that are fed high-fiber diets- and these changes are not for the better. A diet of meat may improve things dramatically. If you need more info on the raw diet, try Food and Dietary Discussion, just down the hall and to the right. :)

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest grey_dreams
Have they done xrays and ultrasound? Sounds like it could be an obstruction or twisted bowel.


Sending prayers.


Agree, or maybe polyps or something like that? Poor boy sounds like he's really hurting. Hope you can find out what's wrong fast.

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Have they done xrays and ultrasound? Sounds like it could be an obstruction or twisted bowel.


Sending prayers.



Exactly what I was thinking--it seems a pretty quick jump from fecal exam to colonoscopy without some tests in the middle. Sounds lke the classic symptoms of a partial obstruction to me.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest koolaidnconner

We have had no xrays or ultrasound, we have had fecal examed 2x, blood test and rectal exam. All I know is I want my boy better. He is breaking my heart and I feel so bad for him.


Thank you for all your good wishes and ideas.

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Guest mandm

My greyhound also had undiagnosed intestinal worms for a long time. I posted about it in the recent Possible Worms? post. My greyhound had other, very serious things wrong with him that sidetracked us, so that we did not immediately treat the most obvious cause of his intestinal distress. But we did finally treat the worms, and all the other more serious problems, and now my greyhound is more or less OK. I say "more or less" because his stomach remains weak and he requires a special diet. As long as I feed him a lean, raw diet with plenty of bone, he is absolutely fine. I don't even want to try feeding a cheaper or more convenient diet because I am loathe to "rock the boat" since he is doing so well.


I have been told that a long, heavy infestation of Whipworm can damage the GI system so that even after the worms have cleared, the dog's stomach can never be good as new. I think this is what happened to my greyhound, but I'm not sure, he may always have had a weak gut. Whatever the reason, it's fine because I have been able to fix the problem with diet. I'm not sure if Hookworm can cause the same damage as Whipworm. I'm guessing it can.


Good luck getting through this. If I may offer advice, I would say to look at diet in addition to meds. A change in diet may bring immediate relief. In my greyhound's case, it was carbs & fat that was difficult for him to digest. I originally cooked for him, but found that raw was much easier for him to digest. You'll have to figure out what works best for your greyhound, but raw is a pretty common solution for many.


ETA - My greyhound did not want to eat raw at first. He was underweight & very hungry, but his stomach hurt and this made him very fussy. I seared the raw meat to lure him into eating it.

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Does anyone know if they can see the twisted bowel on a colonoscopy?


They didn't see mine, unfortunately. (I had a cecal volvulus last Feb.) They did a barium enema, xrays, and then two CT scans, which showed it. They must be tough to see.


Take it from one who knows; if that's what it is, he needs surgery NOW.


A friend had a greyhound years ago who screamed when he pooped. He needed anal surgery but I can't name it. I'll try to find out what it was. He had a large incision to the side of his anus. It worked but it was a dicey surgery.


If it's whips, Panacur should take care of them.


Marcia in SC

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Guest koolaidnconner
Does anyone know if they can see the twisted bowel on a colonoscopy?


They didn't see mine, unfortunately. (I had a cecal volvulus last Feb.) They did a barium enema, xrays, and then two CT scans, which showed it. They must be tough to see.


Take it from one who knows; if that's what it is, he needs surgery NOW.


A friend had a greyhound years ago who screamed when he pooped. He needed anal surgery but I can't name it. I'll try to find out what it was. He had a large incision to the side of his anus. It worked but it was a dicey surgery.


If it's whips, Panacur should take care of them.


Marcia in SC


We just finished Panacur last Tuesday and Thursday is when he started crying when he moves. I don't know if maybe with the worms he had they damaged his insides somehow??? I am sure hoping they will find a quick fix on Tuesday and everything will be good.


Does anyone know if they can see the twisted bowel on a colonoscopy?


They didn't see mine, unfortunately. (I had a cecal volvulus last Feb.) They did a barium enema, xrays, and then two CT scans, which showed it. They must be tough to see.


Take it from one who knows; if that's what it is, he needs surgery NOW.


A friend had a greyhound years ago who screamed when he pooped. He needed anal surgery but I can't name it. I'll try to find out what it was. He had a large incision to the side of his anus. It worked but it was a dicey surgery.


If it's whips, Panacur should take care of them.


Marcia in SC


We just finished Panacur last Tuesday and Thursday is when he started crying when he moves. I don't know if maybe with the worms he had they damaged his insides somehow??? I am sure hoping they will find a quick fix on Tuesday and everything will be good.

I beleive it was Panacur. The vet said that if he has whipworms it would kill them

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Guest paulamariez

Keeping Connor in my thoughts and prayers that they figure out quickly why your poor baby is suffering and treat it immediately. Praying for a quick and complete recovery. Tiger, Bueller and Domino ares sending Connor some healing doggie kisses as well.

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I'm wondering why a colonoscopy. If his small intestines are having the problem the colo won't show it. An ultrasound or a CT scan might be more productive and have the advantage of being uninvasive. I know CTs are expensive but the poor boy has suffered so long, it would be worth it if you can swing it. You'll probably get a diagnosis fast.


So sorry Connor is going through this. Bowel troubles can be terrible and difficult to diagnose. Whips often need several treatments to clear them out. They are nasty.


PS Tylosin is often very useful for stopping cramping and diarrhea. (There are days I wondered if I should take it!) It sure worked for my Cullen.



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Where in Canada are you?


You can send an email to Ohio State Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and a vet there will consult with you for free.





Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Where in Canada are you?


You can send an email to Ohio State Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and a vet there will consult with you for free.




They're in Winnipeg. That's an idea too Amanda. You just need to send all the medical info you have to them or have Nancy do it. I would think an ultrasound would be useful too. Hugs to you. How is KoolAids leg?








Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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Guest koolaidnconner
Where in Canada are you?


You can send an email to Ohio State Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and a vet there will consult with you for free.




They're in Winnipeg. That's an idea too Amanda. You just need to send all the medical info you have to them or have Nancy do it. I would think an ultrasound would be useful too. Hugs to you. How is KoolAids leg?



I know she said she was sending her file to an outside doctor as well who had more experiance in this sort of thing. I don't know if it was the doctor at Tuxedo or a doctor who was experianced in the hook worms in the USA. We have talked about so much I can't remember. Well we have to drop Conner off in the morning at Tuxedo animal hospital and then I have to drop Kool Aid off for his stitches I will talk to her then. ***Kool Aids leg is ok, I think he may have ripped the flapping skin off though, not sure, we will see what Nancy says***


I am hoping that they find what ever it is with Conner in the colonoscopy, which is Tuesday. If that does not work then I guess an xray and ultra sound. I am going to have faith that this will work. This is kinda draining us emotionally and well money is getting a little tight....lol..These colonoscopies are not cheap.


Hugs to you, Jack and Jill

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Just a thought..... If colonoscopy costs something similar to an ultrasound, you might get more bang for the buck by going directly to the ultrasound.


It's worrisome that the colo won't show you something wrong if the problem is really in the small intestines or in an abdominal organ.


Connor's symptoms sound just like mine. The only thing that helped my bowel troubles -- mainly diarrhea and cramping for the last *7 years* -- was Entocort until I had the emergency cecal volvulus operation. Once the surgery fixed it, the D has essentially stopped.


I have to wonder if he has a mechanical problem, i.e., obstruction/volvulus, and not an intestinal inflammation/parasite problem.


I feel so bad for you guys!



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Guest koolaidnconner

I will definitly being asking them tommorrow about the ultrasound when I take him in the morning.


Right now Conner is just crying and won't stop, he is walking in circles around the house. He has gone out a few times already but just won't stop crying and whining. I have tried getting him to lay with me but he does not seem to want to lay down. Not sure what is up. I don't know if I am being paranoid but I am so scared, he is not acting himself at all. I want my little goofball Conner back.

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Guest koolaidnconner

Well only 2 hours before we leave for the doctors for an over night visit. I am going to need it since I just caught a 45 min nap and I was up again with Conner screaming and crying and this is on morphine?? How much pain is he in?? I pray to god he is ok. I have only had him just about a year but darn it he is my son and I don't want to lose him.

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