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Worst News Ever...

Guest Laura76

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I'm so sorry. You absolutely did right, letting him free from the pain. It's so hard for us, left behind, but you did the compassionate, impossible job.

Hold onto that as you move through the pain, and hold him in your heart with your memories of the good life and love you shared with him.

:bighug :bighug :bighug


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest fastdogs

I'm very sorry :f_white


You did the most loving thing you could for him, you took away his pain. Our beloved hounds live for the day, they do not mourn the lost of the future. That is a human emotion that we so often transpose onto them. The here and now is what is important to him. If he was miserable, then that was all he knew. You knew that wasn't going to change and you released him from his misery. You did the right thing, but it still hurts like hell.


Wishing you and Ken peace.

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Ken said he went very peacefully. I feel horrible for doing this. I lied on his bed for an hour this morning. I haven't stop crying since I got up at 7. I just wonder if it was the right choice to let him go.


As hard as it is, it is the right choice. If you cannot control the pain, it's time. If it's any consolation, I've had to do it 16 times (Trevor went at home from a LP attack) since 1998 and I feel horrible every time. It doesn't get easier, and it shouldn't :cry1



Diane & The Senior Gang

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Guest mdituro


I am so very sad for you - it is a very hard decision. However, you ABSOLUTELY did the right thing. It may not feel like it right now with all the hurt & loss you are suffering emotionally, but know intellectually that Darryl relied on you to care for him: that he did not understand the "why" of it - he just knew it hurt and he needed you to help him. And you have done that. You have given Darryl the greatest gift of all; one of self sacrifice. We do this for those we love BECAUSE we love them. You could not cure him, you could no longer help manage his pain, and you did the only thing you could for him to help end his suffering. That's what a TRUE friend does, no matter how much it hurts them to do so.


Cancer blows, that's for sure! But don't let cancer define what Darryl was to you - don't let it win in that way. Remember your sweet boy for all the things he did that made you smile, for all the times he taught you something that only he could teach, and for the love he gave to you, unconditionally. Then, in some small way, maybe months or years from now, you can look back without tears of sorrow for having lost him, rather, with the joy in your heart that Darryl gave TO you each day you were together.


Please accept my deepest condolences.

:f_red :f_red :f_red


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Guest HeatherDemps



I'm so sorry that this time came so quickly. I wish I had words to comfort you. Please know that you did right by Darryl. You knew what was best for him and that he was in pain- it was the most loving thing you could do for him. This cancer is increbily painful and aggressive. Please know that he is running free of pain now and that he knew how much you love him.



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So sorry for your loss. It happened so quickly, you must still be in shock.




Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes



Do not doubt yourself. Making them whole and pain free is the most selfless gift you can give. It hurts so much, it really does. But as time goes on and the good memories come flooding back, you will begin to feel at peace with your decision.


:grouphug To you



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Guest dwolfe711

Laura and Ken - I am so sorry you had to go through this with Darryl - and had such a short time left with him after diagnosis. We have lost five to cancer - it is always devastating. But you gave him the ultimate act of love when you let him go - osteo is very painful and if the meds were not helping him and his leg was swollen, then he was in pain and there was nothing else you could do. I know that is little consolation but he is now free of pain and waiting for you at the Bridge. He is only a breath away - I hope that your wonderful memories of him can help to lessen the pain in your heart as you grieve his loss. Please continue to share with us here and on COG - many of us have been where you are now - our deepest sympathy to you both in your loss. :bighug



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Guest Sula

Laura and Ken,


Like everyone else, I am ***so*** sorry. I think nearly all of us here can truly feel for you. We all love our guys so much and dread having to say goodbye.


Cry your brains out, scream, feeeeeeel everything--this is the way we grieve and the way we heal. Letting him out of his pain was the best thing for your sweet Darryl. I was really sick a few months ago and I reflected pretty hard on how I would really want to "go" if I felt this lousy all the time. What you did was unselfish and loving. It's just damn impossible to see it through a flood of tears but we all do.


Planting a tree or doing something to honor him if you can.


With much sadness for you both...





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I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts. Please know that your baby is running with all the Angels that passed before him...he is free of pain...and looks down upon you with love until you meet again. He knows that you have set him free of his pain. :grouphug:f_red


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

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I am so sorry for your loss. Please post a eulogy in Remembrance when you are able.





Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
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