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Strychnine Poisoning...

Guest LdiSaphire

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Guest LdiSaphire

UPDATE: I just spoke with the vet again...still tremoring but they aren't as severe...he's still not able to eat or drink or sit up....he tries to get up and falls over so they are keeping him down...but he said they did go from 10 last night until 7 this morning without needing another dose of meds...so even though the vet isn't wanting me to get too hopeful at this point...that is a good sign..thanks so much for the prayers...keep praying for my big guy please....


unfortunately being down for so long, the vet told me he's developed some bed sores....and is on antibiotics because one is pretty nasty on his right shoulder...he said they have him on padding and are flipping him every hour...sigh...it hurts so bad...I can't go see him because excitement or too much stimulation causes the tremors to get worse...which I guess is common in strychnine poisoning....he said if he was doing ok and still holding his own this afternoon I may be able to go in and see him for a very brief visit...I'm torn because I want to see him and let him know momma's here and loves him...but I don't want to make things worse for him...what to do....I hope nobody EVER has to deal with this...it's tearing my heart out...

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Guest jettcricket

Oh, I bet it is tearing your heart out, but that's good that he's doing better!!!!


Stay strong...I know how hard it is. Sending more prayers and good thoughts for your baby.

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Guest spider9174

I'm so sorry and will keep Dude in my prayers.


I know you wanted him to know you are there, but might not get to see him...what about taking an old shirt of yours that you have worn and giving it to the vet to put with him. That way he'll recognize your scent and know you're with him even though you aren't physically there.

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Guest EmbersDad

strichnyne is a natural occuring chemical in the mold Ergot. are you or your neighbors rye bread eaters? could there have been crusts in the yard? hope dude is feeling better today.

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strichnyne is a natural occuring chemical in the mold Ergot. are you or your neighbors rye bread eaters? could there have been crusts in the yard? hope dude is feeling better today.


Old myth about strychnine, back from the days when people moved their VWs out from under hippie pads for fear of flightless hippies jumping out of windows. Strychnine is not found in ergot. Strychnine comes primarily from seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica.


From Alexander Shulgin, PhD in pharmacology: "But [ergot and LSD] come from totally unrelated plants; there has never been a report of strychnine and an ergot alkaloid co-existing in a single species."


Hopefully there is a sample of vomitus available for analysis by a lab; it's a straightforward test, at which point the police can be involved as an intentional poisoning should be taken very seriously.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest gottaluvgreysindy

I'm just seeing this and want to say we are so glad you are back! I am sorry you have to go through this. I did say a prayer for you and Dude and will keep you on my prayer list until he comes home. I like the idea of taking a shirt of yours instead of making the visit in person. I know how heartbreaking this is......sending white healing light for your boy.

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Guest LdiSaphire
UPDATE: The vet called about 2 and said we were headed in the right direction but had a long way to go....he also told me again, we're not out of the woods yet...He said I could go for a brief visit...I was hesitant but I did...I took one of my shirts with me to leave there also...he still looks so bad...shaking...unable to stand up or even adjust himself in the kennel...and definitely not eating or drinking...and the bedsore on his shoulder is awful....I crawled right into the kennel with him and loved on him and told him he had to get better...momma and his kiddos are waiting for him...we miss him...he did so well...and the minute I felt he was starting to react to me being there I kissed him and left....the vet said if we keep improving we'll be ok and that there would be no long term affects from this...but originally he had said after 48-72 hours we would need to see LOTS of improvement if he would make it...well at 3 Wed. morning it will be 48 hours...I'm just sick thinking his life could be hanging by a thread...I held it together while I was there and have since been crying all afternoon....I will talk to the vet again at 8 in the morning unless something drastic happens between now and then...so I pray for good news....
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What a terrible, terrible thing. I know you are consumed with thoughts of his recovery, and this must be mentally and physically exhausting. Can't tell you not to worry, but please know that you and Dude are in the thoughts and prayers of everyone here. I'm going to keep visualizing him eating and drinking---and you getting some much needed rest! Please keep us updated.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
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Guest VelvetEars

I just saw this, and am glad you left a Tshirt for him - that's what I was going to suggest.


This must be so scary for both of you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both.

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