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Obsessive Paw Licking

Guest Chels

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Guest Chels

Franklin has started a new habit of licking his feet. It started a few days ago, but today it is non-stop. He's got two paws that are becoming raw now. I am freaking out. We just lost our sweet Meadow last night. Today Franklin has gotten obsessed with licking his paws. We don't officially know what killed Meadow, and now I am watching Franklin like a hawk because I am so scared it will happen again. We're feeding Canidae. That wasn't recalled was it? I feel like I've checked a zillion times, but now I'm getting worried. Please help.

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My first thought is allergies.

Have you used a new carpet/floor cleaning solution?

Have you used any chemicals on your lawn?


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guest Chels

We have wood floors and haven't changed the cleaner. And I don't think my husband has done anything to the lawn. I will have to ask him when he gets home. I know actual allergy season is awful here right now. But, I can't think of any changes we've made to cleaning products. I'll keep thinking.

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it sounds like an allergy, did you just recently switch to Canidae?



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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Guest nerak254

Missy does it too. There is one paw she licks a lot. When we were at the vet this week, he didn't see anything and when I asked if it could be OCD, he said that was possible. After everything I read about allergies and corns I'm paranoid. :blink:

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My guess would be allergies. Did you just recently change foods?? New treats?? You might try giving Benadryl to see if it helps. You can safely give one mg/lb 3 times a day. The OTC tablets are 25 mgs each. So, a 75lb dog could get up to 75mgs 3 times a day. If that doesn't help you may need to make a trip to your vet as another medication may be more beneficial to your houndie. Sorry to hear about Meadow.

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some thoughts:


1. Allergies - Herbs for Animals or Azmira have herbal, natural products to help with allergies. Could be environmental or food. If not having big D, then probably environmental.


2. Arthritis - one of the signs is paw licking - check out - Greyhound Gang and click on Arthritis Help to read about joint supplements and how they can help.


3. Immune issues around his toes and feet. I use supplements that boost the immune system - like Omega 3 fatty acids


4. Stress related - Exercise the snot out of him. A tired dog is a happy dog. If he's now the only dog, and he's picking up on your sadness and stress, then get another dog. Or foster one.



Whichever this is, don't let him do it. wrap his paws in towels when he's laying down. put a E-collar on him to stop the licking. He can do a lot of damage if you don't prevent it. A muzzle with a stool guard will work too.



Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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The sudden onset is suspicious, particularly in conjunction with what happened to Meadow. Although it certainly could be any one of a number of issues, I would be very suspicious if it were bilateral (both front paws, or both rear paws)- as if he had stepped in something that has caused a chemical burn. Other than having licked them raw, is there any sign of damage or discoloration? Check the fur between the pads; has it changed texture or color?


Is there anything they might have stepped in on recent walks? Some runoff from someone's yard or driveway?

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest Chels

I think I found it! I just checked all his paws. His back left paw has a big open sore (that's the best way I can think to describe it) between two of his toes. I wonder if he stepped on something? I don't think he could have caused that just by licking and chewing. It's so deep in between his toes. Poor baby! His fur looks normal and his pads. He's been licking so much his fur is coming off some of his toes on that foot. I feel like I saw him licking his other back paw (there is some fur missing there too- not as much), but maybe I'm wrong. I'll have to watch. I guess we better get back to the vet. If his licking is increasing, it must not be feeling better! Is there anything we can do in the meantime to help? Thank you so much!


(Sorry for all the edits, I'm so tired and sad from Meadow passing away yesterday- my mind is just tired.)

Edited by Chels
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Guest SillyDog
I think I found it! I just checked all his paws. His back left paw has a big open sore (that's the best way I can think to describe it) between two of his toes. I wonder if he stepped on something? I don't think he could have caused that just by licking and chewing. It's so deep in between his toes. Poor baby! His fur looks normal and his pads. He's been licking so much his fur is coming off some of his toes on that foot. I feel like I saw him licking his other back paw (there is some fur missing there too- not as much), but maybe I'm wrong. I'll have to watch. I guess we better get back to the vet. If his licking is increasing, it must not be feeling better! Is there anything we can do in the meantime to help? Thank you so much!


(Sorry for all the edits, I'm so tired and sad from Meadow passing away yesterday- my mind is just tired.)



Don't worry about the edits -- we understand.


One of my guys gets what looks like blisters between his toes. He has very bad feet structurally and the blisters seem to be caused by his knuckle bones rubbing together. Allergies & irritants may play a part in this process, too, because sometimes he has no blisters and then sometimes he has several. He licks these blisters like crazy. So far, they've only been a larger problem once -- some of them got infected and he needed to be put on an antibiotic for awhile to clear that up. Prancer is very touchy about his feet. If he weren't I'd soak them in a mild saline or chlorhexiderm solution to help the blisters. He's so touchy I have a hard time getting him to let me look at his feet, but I try to so I know if there's infection or not. So for your baby, I'd say maybe soaking and definitely watch the sores for infection. And listed to what the others say -- everyone here konws so much!


Good luck.

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Guest Greensleeves

We have two allergy hounds, and I know both of them can lick their paws more when they're stressed, as well. Also, Whistler once had a wound like the one you've described--looked like a puncture wound right between two toes. I forgot what Doc told me about it (I want to say it was some sort of foreign object--like a seed pod--that got imbedded and then worked its way free, leaving the wound). It healed *really* fast, though, once we got it cleaned up.



1. Wash them. Either wipe them down with baby wipes (I like Wet Ones antibacterials), or a wet wash cloth. Do this every time he comes inside.


2. I put powder on my guys' feet when they can't stop licking--either prescription NeoPred-F powder, or OTC ear powder (looks like this: http://tinyurl.com/2nmg8b) from Petsmart. The first is an anti-inflammatory with antibiotic properties; the other has an anti-itch agent; they both work well. The ear powder, particularly, is unpalatable--so that will stop the licking IMMEDIATELY.


3. Benadryl, if the itching is absolutely out of control. But, really, if it's NOT allergies, and is primarily pain/stress-related, the washing and powder will take care of most of it. The thing is, foot-licking can become chronic, because it soothes the feet... but it also *inflames* the feet, so they lick more... etc. So it's best to stop it sooner rather than later.


(Hugs to you for the sudden loss of Meadow--we lost Whistler Saturday with very little warning.)

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We have two allergy hounds, and I know both of them can lick their paws more when they're stressed, as well. Also, Whistler once had a wound like the one you've described--looked like a puncture wound right between two toes. I forgot what Doc told me about it (I want to say it was some sort of foreign object--like a seed pod--that got imbedded and then worked its way free, leaving the wound). It healed *really* fast, though, once we got it cleaned up.


An interdigital cyst, perhaps?


Searching on this forum using the key word "interdigital" comes up with some pretty useful hits. :)

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest Planet

The past day or so, our Roadie has been licking his rear paw like crazy. I finally took a flash light and made a close inspection and discovered that one of his paw pads has a little tear on the side. We took him for a long walk the other day (3 miles) and I wonder if he stepped on something along the way. Whatever happened, I washed it off with some antiseptic rinse, slathered some Neosporin on it, and wrapped it up so he won't lick it and irritate it further. If it's not looking better in a couple of days, I guess I'll call the Vet as I've read that their paws are susceptible to infections and can be slow to heal (makes sense since they're bearing their weight on them).



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Guest Chels

Thanks everyone. We took Frankie to the vet today. It wasn't healing since he kept licking it (obviously!) She put neosporin on it and wrapped it. His licking has stopped now thank goodness. And he's walking so goofily! With each step on that foot, he lifts it all the way up to his stomach and then puts it back down. (It's nice to smile again!) Now if I could just get him to eat. I know he's grieving too, it's just hard to see him so down.

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Guest greyhound_luv

My first greyhound, Brie, had sores between her knuckles. I was a new grey owner and I had a wonderful vet who did everthing to try and heal the sore. Still, after 3 months of padding and wrapping in vet wrap, Brie sore opened up all the way to the bone - and she didn't even limp, poor baby.


My vet did some reading, and found that Preparation H (yup, I know, it sounds hokey!) is clinically proven to accelerate tissue regeneration. Brie spent a week at the vet, and they changed her dressing daily and applied the Preparation H. When I picked her up after a week, she was walking on only three legs - the vet said that she was finally feeling the pain now that the tissue was healing.


I continued applying Preparation H and wrapping her paw, and she was totally healed in a few weeks. Ever since, I have used Preparation H to heal toe sores, and they have all healed quickly.


Also, another tip - if the sore is on the knuckle, corn pads (with the hole cut out in them) worked really well.


If you have any questions, send me an emai.

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