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Let Me Show You Why They Give Us Those Muzzles

Guest JudiK

Do you muzzle?  

825 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use the muzzles that came with your hounds?

    • I never muzzle.
    • We use muzzles in the car.
    • We use muzzles inside fenced areas.
    • We muzzle new dogs & fosters.
    • (Other) please explain.

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Muzzles to us are like safety equipment. Just as a football player wears a helmet, my pups wear their muzzles to keep them safe. I can't tell you the number of times I have been standing right there and my pups are playing and someone takes something personal and all heck breaks loose. Before I can get to them to break them up, without muzzles, they could have seriously hurt themselves and someone else.


My pack is a very stable pack, but it just takes one thing to set them off and usually it's when two pups start to play and at that point everyone wants to join in, which is fine, but the minute someone becomes unhappy, an injury can happen at any time.


To be honest, the only time any of my pups have hurt each other, it's been in the house, when they weren't wearing muzzles. Heart and Emmy both injured each other in a fight over a toy and Emmy and Jilly Bean hurt each other over the same thing, and I was sitting right there when it happened. Both were little nips but it happens so fast though that you can't stop it. Imagine if we were outside and I had to cross the yard to get to them, they could seriously hurt each other.


Even Jilly Bean wears a muzzle if she's outside and wants to play with the dogs.





I would rather be safe than sorry. I've seen what can happen in a pack attack and it isn't pretty and I don't ever want any of my hounds injured that badly just because I didn't want to use muzzles.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Earlsmom

I just joined. It is so helpful to read the posts. We have a 2 year old sweet gentle boy, Earl, who recently passed his test for his therapy dog cert. He lives with 5 cats and they rule the house; he has never made the slightlest move towards any of them. He is such a gently soul that I have never even considered muzzling him. He loves the dog park and we go there often, but I have noticed he is getting rougher in his play, and he is usually the largest dog there. Today he was playing hard with 2 boxers who also play rough and twice he got one of them by the ear and started really pulling the dog around, even shaking it a bit. He is a total baby, very timid and has never hurt a fly, and I was absolutely shocked to see him so rough. After reading the posts I am soooo grateful no one got injured today and will never allow Earl to go into the park again without a muzzle.

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Guest Energy11

I, too, learned the hard way with muzzles. When we first got Oakly, he "ripped up" Curfew three times! I always muzzle with we are away, and especially, when five are in the back of the van.



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After reading the posts I am soooo grateful no one got injured today and will never allow Earl to go into the park again without a muzzle.


If the other dogs aren't muzzled, Earl shouldn't be muzzled, either. He'd have no way to defend himself, and other dogs couldn't read his facial expression. What you might want to do is go to the park when there are fewer dogs and you can monitor Earl's behavior a bit better, and time him out if he starts getting too excited.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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I only muzzle if i am leaving them unattended for a while...(in the yard..say if i go to shower) oooorrr when cutting nails, my boys r scared of the dremmel :)

Katy....Mom to Retired Racers Hinder, John Carter, Hobsen, and Kodama, Galgo Espanol Gichin, and the Village Idiot...Teko
Missing terribly my fawn dog with the pretty ears Chance (Ale Seeyoulater) 6/21/05-6/23/15 Gotcha day 4/6/08 and my fuzzy baby boy Snacker (Tyville Snacker) 7/4/04-10/23/15, and all three of my IG babies, Isen, Tien, and Java.

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Guest LindsaySF
After reading the posts I am soooo grateful no one got injured today and will never allow Earl to go into the park again without a muzzle.

If the other dogs aren't muzzled, Earl shouldn't be muzzled, either. He'd have no way to defend himself, and other dogs couldn't read his facial expression. What you might want to do is go to the park when there are fewer dogs and you can monitor Earl's behavior a bit better, and time him out if he starts getting too excited.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Lindsey. I think when we post the Kathleen Gillies (sp? "of all breeds" article, this should show up as well. A 2- for!



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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  • 1 month later...
Guest FastDogsOwnMe

I muzzle in the yard. The exception is when everyone is sleepy and we go out for a fast "last call pee break" but any other time, absolutely!


I muzzle when I free run them (no other dogs around)


I muzzle in my van.


No dogs are loose alone together in my house, ever. They are with me when I am home and are crated when I am not with two exceptions- one is loose in the huge master bedroom where the crates are, and one has run of the rest of the house.

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Guest 4dogscrazy

I muzzle in the yard. The exception is when everyone is sleepy and we go out for a fast "last call pee break" but any other time, absolutely!


I muzzle when I free run them (no other dogs around)


I muzzle in my van.


No dogs are loose alone together in my house, ever. They are with me when I am home and are crated when I am not with two exceptions- one is loose in the huge master bedroom where the crates are, and one has run of the rest of the house.



I do exactly what she does. I grew tired of them coming in from outside with small wounds that bled all over the place, plus I consider those my warnings that something big was bound to happen. To add: I also muzzle every time I am handling them, like cutting nails, cleaning ears or checking on small cuts.

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never muzzle, I have 3 other non-greys, so this, I think, makes the difference, the other 3 put a stop to the "snarking" on their own, THEY would not tolerate that behavior :shakefinger , so the grey stopped it, never been to the e-vet for any bite injuries from what I read greys do this "snarking" activiy to each other,and in a non-grey pack the pack sets the "rules" :nod

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Guest LindsaySF
from what I read greys do this "snarking" activiy to each other,and in a non-grey pack the pack sets the "rules" nod.gif

Non-Greyhounds nip all the time too, it's not just a Greyhound thing. The only reason it comes up with Greyhounds is because they run fast and they have thin skin, so their injuries are likely to be worse, not because only Greyhounds nip. The Greyhound can EASILY be the victim in a pack of non-Greys.


I would again reiterate that this nipping we are talking about is not just aggression or snarkiness. It includes perfectly innocent play and wrestling behavior, of which ALL breeds participate.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Was thinking about bumping this too, Lindsey. Lots of newbies on the board and of course, a good reminder for all of us.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest bluefawn

I never had a muzzle for Penny simply because her face/snout are so tiny, there is not a turnout muzzle that will fit her. I bought the smallest one they had at Mt. Hounds last year. It covers her eyes and she just stands there and won't move with it on. Enter Candi last week, who came with a muzzle and is fine with it. So.. Penny gets snarky, and I get out the too-large muzzle and put it on her anyway. So, to answer the question:


When they are both in the car

When I leave them in the house, even to walk out to the road to the mailbox

When they go out into the fenced back yard


Also - if Penny snarks at Candi when they are right here in front of me, I say "Penny, no!" and put her muzzle on.


I am not willing to take any chances. Like so many others, been-there-done-that! I have pics of Penny with many stitches, but no point in posting them, as we have all seen enough..........


Lindsey and Robin, I agree with bumping this too, but I'm pretty new here, and don't know how yet :) Time to go to the help forum again rolleyes.gif

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Guest LindsaySF

You "bumped" the thread back to the top just by responding to it. :)


For your pup with the too-large muzzle, is the problem the plastic "cage" part, or the strap?

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

I'm glad the thread got bumped too!


I always watch my dogs when they'e out in the yard, but since Harley and Joanna left me in 2002 (8/14 and 12/30 respectively) I haven't had two that actually played and raced -- until December 13 when I brought Bravo home. First time Ever that my little staghound has had someone to play with! before that time, he lived exclusively with seniors. The first couple of times they actually RAN together, I had been assured by Bravo's owner (his adopter was his owner and trainer and knew his dog well) that Bravo would NEVER start anything even if provoked -- so I didn't muzzle. Callan, my staghound, was genuinely Shocked the first time they ran together -- Bravo could actually Keep Up with him -- he actually kept looking back over his shoulder with a look of -- well, maybe horror. (Mom! what is that Thing catching up to me?!) I was just about to start muzzling but I soon found that when Bravo "caught him" he simply ... stopped. No mouthing, no escalation of excitement.. just .. stopped.


When they're in the car together, Callan rides shotgun (I've got the wheelwell filled with pillows) and Bravo gets the back seat. Right now I'm discouraging running because the back yard is a mudpit.. but I think that when we're dried out I will try just letting the two young ones out to run as much as they want, and I will muzzle -- just to be on the safe side. After that I'll probably unmuzzle (once they're a bit worn out) because they honestly do like to play with toys out there and share nicely.. Bravo started a tug of war game the first week he was here and both of them are careful not to get too close to the other dog's nose (plus they stop when asked). I Think that sounds like a safe plan.

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Guest LindsaySF
After that I'll probably unmuzzle (once they're a bit worn out) because they honestly do like to play with toys out there and share nicely.. Bravo started a tug of war game the first week he was here and both of them are careful not to get too close to the other dog's nose (plus they stop when asked).

They can play with toys (stuffies anyway) through the kennel muzzles. They can pick them up through the holes, once they figure it out. :) I have some 'outside' toys that my guys play with in the yard. I also keep everyone's muzzles on when we play with the lure pole.


Even if only one dog is outside, I keep their muzzle on for lure pole play, to protect the lure! I ran Teagan on the lure pole without a muzzle once, poor Mr. Fox Tail ended up in pieces before I could get him back! rolleyes.giflol.gif






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Guest bluefawn

You "bumped" the thread back to the top just by responding to it. :)


For your pup with the too-large muzzle, is the problem the plastic "cage" part, or the strap?


It's the cage part (see pic). If I tighten the strap any more, it puts the cage over her eyes, and she can't see!



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Guest LindsaySF

It looks like it fits her fine. Sometimes the muzzles are a lot longer than their noses are. As long as it doesn't fall off I think you're good. :)






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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest swindypops

I voted other we mussle on walks only or if a new dog comes into the house otherwise our jim is ok without one :colgate

Edited by swindypops
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Guest JudiK

I haven't been in this thread in a long time... but since I am a wee bit crafty, I wanted to share that all of our muzzles now feature sheepskin inside the top, to prevent rubbing. You can buy real sheepskin on E-Bay for a song. It only takes about a 2" square piece per muzzle. Rough up the muzzle with some sandpaper, then just use Tacky Glue to glue the sheepskin on. I stole the technique from Carol Becker - and she uses some kind of funky "spring clip" from Home Depot to hold the sheepskin in place for 24 hours. I've never had one of hers fall off - but if mine do, I will simply re-glue.

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Guest LindsaySF

Thanks Judi. I tried putting moleskin on my guys' muzzles and they actually developed rub spots from it. blink.gif They were fine without any moleskin. I might try sheepskin instead, though I'm thinking if it ain't broke don't fix it....

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