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Everything posted by inugrey

  1. Would you mind posting what you learn? I'm very curious about this but don't want to inundate them with questions either.
  2. Just wanted to add another "you're not alone" post. I'm mom to a punk (not a natural alpha but he sure wants to be) and a reserved girl. We see a lot of what you described and honestly sometimes we just feel so bad for Salem. We want to intervene and move Inu away from intimidating Salem off a bed but we try hard not to because it's how their order has been established from day one. Like I said sometimes I hate watching it but these scenes are increasingly rare so I just wait it out. She takes treats gently whereas he's been known to take skin along with the treat so we actually usually give her a cookie first to give her a chance to get away before the machine gets going.
  3. inugrey


    Biscuit had a great life lived with you. What an amazing mom to all of your puppies.
  4. Trying to turn off the water works. I'm sorry for the whole family at the loss of Bailey Boo.
  5. Doesn't that bill just suck! You are at Pender right? I think this year will be our dental year and that's right around our estimates. Since Inu's nickname is "trainwreck" we never got rid of our VPI and it's been very useful for him. Of course he's other nickname should be "Dr. Collin's Mortgage"
  6. inugrey

    Goodbye Petey

    Oh my what a shocking and sad thing to read. I am sorry for his sudden loss
  7. my aggression comment was not directed at you specifically, I apologize for coming off that way. I can see you are doing right by your pup. I just often see that word applied to many different behaviors, it was a general comment.
  8. In a perfect world I want the word "aggression" to no longer exist. Alas Anyway, what you saw was resource guarding, not uncommon. Do a search for trading up or resource guarding in this forum it will help.
  9. Over the years or wearing thera-paws Inu has bald spots on his knuckles. I just deal with it but I know a lot of people swear by a newer product called neopaws instead of therapaws. Oh and I never had a problem with the boots coming off either you need to be sure to pull them snug and velcro closed from the bottom up. The strap is just extra security and not the way the boots actually stay on. Good luck
  10. Arnica gel as I know it is an external rub so there is no dosing. I didn't realize arnica had an indigestible format
  11. I agree with Chad she may be more excited than scared. My boy goes nuts when we visit friends with an automatic garage door opener. It sounds a lot like the mechanical lure. It may be a good idea to bring along dog treats to keep her engaged with you or distracted while the alarm is going off and eventually teach her to sit at the sound of the school bell. I over simplified it but it is probably time to teach her that sound doesn't mean run it means wait for the little human to arrive.
  12. Kristin, I've got nothing but cyberhugs (I'm a hugger). I like the sounds of "relatively benign" but I don't know what it really means either.
  13. Thought I'd wish you a happy birthday here too!

  14. Bummer she wasn't interested in the kong toy, which one did you get? Mine won't touch a toy unless it is plush .period. the end. do not even try putting a plain rubber toy in his sight. I do not even buy new toys unless I feel like throwing away money, which I do sometimes. WAIT A SEC!!! I just remembered the one other toy we still have and is still squeaking away and I have yet to need to repair it. mother bunnies I have one bunny and two tribbles. The tribbles tend to be more popular but I think the plush bunny I chose was almost too furry.
  15. I honestly think there are other greyhounds out there who are better suited to live in a home with children in the future. He would do better in a quiet household. If he is in foster care right now then he's living in a home environment and doesn't know/care whether his legal status is adopted or fostered. I would be honest with the group that you intend to have children they will probably steer you to other dogs as well.
  16. Swifthounds, thank you so much for that post. the advice that a relatively new greyhound owner can use to learn.
  17. I highly recommend Kong Friends Link They are fuzzy like a regular toy and have the kong rubber on the inside. Unbelievably the toys are still nicely squeaky and have been in my house for two full months now. This is the only toy that has ever survived in tact. The good dog toy was silenced within minutes and destuffed in short order afterwards. I need to ask for my money back. Good to know I can get that.
  18. I recently had a freak out related to a new bump too, I so know where you are right now. The most important thing people said that helped talk me down was that osteo is extremely painful the most stoic dog would still let you know s/he was in pain. I don't know enough about an IV site developing scar tissue, but I will say that we determined the bump I found was just that, scar tissue. If he's comfortable or doesn't freak out when you touch the site the possibility of just scar tissue is high.
  19. I've only been able to figure it out by watching my boy's body language, and going on five years together I still don't get it right all the time. Basically if he's in a posture I recognize as playful and comfortable I let it go. If he tenses then he's uncomfortable. In my very very humble opinion the growling on lead as you describe it sounds like a more uncomfortable/warning growl than play. The play bow growl and bark sounds like an invitation to play to me. Good luck.
  20. drama queens and kings definitely My favorite is the scream, leg lift and hobble around. Salem does this whenever Inu steps on her foot. Then there was the time she got scared because she fell asleep during a home visit and woke up confused with her leash around her foot. My gosh you would have thought we were amputating her tail. There is nothing physically wrong and greyhounds are pretty hardy, just some tend to over react.
  21. Glad you are ok. That sounds like a something a spookie type dog would do, bite with no warning. I've had enough experiences with my kids to always muzzle and also always do stuff while they are standing. I even make my poor vet use a cloth muzzle.
  22. inugrey

    Honey Velvet

    I'm so sorry, Karen.
  23. Yes interdigital cyst, thanks! I've been thinking since we've got great xrays of his front feet it's probably time for the back, sigh. And no I haven't thought autoimmune..hmmm like SLO, which Sasha is dealing with as we speak.
  24. My poor Inu has had such a time with his feet. He does have a huge corn on his front left foot. I'm probably gonna remove the toe this summer. This post is actually about what is happening on his back left, which is not a corn. The webbing and skin in between his two biggest toes has a flare up of a blister and infection every six months or so. I've seen pictures of other greys getting this but I forget the term used. One of the toes with this affected blister problem is always a good bit larger than any other toe. When he gets the blister flare ups we treat with cephalexin and iodine soaks. Thing is this time after the two weeks of treatment the obvious signs of infection seem to be gone but he's still holding that back leg funny. He walks like it's sensitive on the back and when he stands he seems to put all of his weight on the back right leg and use the left as a kick stand. I see nothing obvious except that the toe is still larger. His pads are fine and the wound in between is healed. Any ideas?
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