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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I used a sling with Cora when she returned home from the repair of her femur. It worked well for supporting--even lifting--her back end. I'm not sure how easy it would be to use on a male. When she was a bit steadier, I used the Ruffwear harness. It's excellent for providing extra support. It does sit a bit forward on the dog, and so is not quite as easy to use to lift the back end right up. (Perhaps if I'd needed to lift her back end, I'd have been able to do so by changing the adjustment or angle.)
  2. I'm glad he's coming home. I hope he recovers quickly and well.
  3. I'm so very sorry. She was much too young. Godspeed Paris.
  4. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very very sorry that your handsome goof is gone. He was much too young. Godspeed Dodge.
  5. That sounds pretty positive, all things considered.
  6. What a pretty girl! I hope her progress is swift, and that as soon as she is ready, she finds her new home.
  7. Congratulations! Sometimes failing fostering is a very good thing--especially with an almost-11-yr-old.
  8. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed King.
  9. Robin, I am so very very sorry. I wish the outcome had been better. Godspeed Loca. You will be sorely missed by your Mom, Phene, and all of GreyTalk.
  10. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Merlin.
  11. Maybe, just maybe, the remaining Fentanyl OD will clear overnight, and she'll great the vet in the morning without tremors or falls or any other affliction. At least, that's what I'm hoping for. You and Loca have been through much too much already.
  12. I have an erratic eater--Piper the broodie--and I second what Judy says. If Elsie is not on meds, seems happy, and holds her weight (even if it's a bit under what you'd like), don't worry about her. Give her some time to eat, and if she doesn't finish it, just pick it up. Don't increase the next meal--she's deciding how much she needs. And don't switch foods to tempt her. Sometimes a switch is a good idea: Perry was underweight for the first seven years of her life and I tried everything to get her to eat, only to have her gain weight when I switched foods because Minnie had to change. But frequent switches and topping changes seem to make the picky eaters even worse. [she says, 'ing herself because she learned this lesson with Perry, and then got suckered in again by Piper.] You've been through the wars with Beau and Polli so your sensitivity is perfectly understandable. But try not to assume that Elsie is going to turn into a walking skeleton if you don't jump through all the hoops. You have lots of time to panic if she starts losing weight.
  13. I have cedar mulch covering the back 1/4 of my yard because the grass couldn't survive the hounds. The dog bathroom is in pine mulch. Both are just basic garden supply bulk mulches.
  14. Oh Crap. I'm so sorry, but I'm also hoping for the very best. Tina - You're a peach.
  15. Oh dear. Even being "prepared" can't help you when you see your dog fall. I hurt for Loca and for you. I sure hope she starts to feel better soon.
  16. I'm so very sorry. Another so soon... Godspeed Hunk.
  17. I'm so sorry. I hope that Rascal has a lot of good time left.
  18. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. He was so young. Godspeed Senator.
  19. Welcome and congratulations!
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