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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Fiona.
  2. I'm sorry. My sympathies to her family and friends. She sure had a precious face. Godspeed Miss Heart.
  3. on the consultation, and I hope he feels better soon.
  4. English. Spanish. Doglish. I don't care: you're cute in any language. And that third pic--if you didn't already have a great home, you'd be on your way here. I hope you and your mumu had a good vet visit.
  5. Yup. Tally has been on both on and off for a couple of months because she's had giardia.
  6. Every animal in this house has a chip. The poodles (two) were done by the breeders. The cats (two) were done by the adoption agencies. The greys (six) were done by me. Perry has two chips because the one put in by the breeder's vet is not easy to find. None of the other 10 chips has moved. I have collars and tags on the dogs, but collars can come off and tags can be lost. The chip will ensure that the dog will be returned, and the process is far faster and more reliable than trying to read tattoos and track through the various agencies. My vet clinic is on a fairly busy corner and gets a lot of "found" dogs without tags: those with chips go straight back to their people; the others are picked up by Animal Services. As far as I can ascertain, the link to tumours is specious.
  7. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Mabel.
  8. I'm so very sorry. She left much too soon. Godspeed Towie.
  9. Congratulations!!! I'm so glad you decided to go ahead. You will love having a broodie.
  10. hrm.. Methinks I'll continue for a few days with half a tab daily to see if any changes appear.. will give it time to get going in his system, without a dosage high enough to leave him worse for wear. Sounds like a good compromise to me. The whole tablet might be OK for a day as a loading dose, but half is the regular amount. My vet has told me that it's a little like aspirin, which can be used as needed. But I find that it sometimes seems to be more effective after 2-3 days--probably because it's had time to have an impact on the inflammation. Please let us know what you discover.
  11. Meloxicam maintenance dosage from the (Canadian) Metacam box: .1 mg / kg body weight. Half a 7.5 mg tablet is 3.75 mg, which is enough (divide by .1) for an 37.5 kg--82.5 lb--dog. A full tablet would be enough for a 165 lb dog. As for the warning:
  12. I disagree. If there is blood, be it tar-like or red, the vets need to know. If Minnie (IBD diagnosed via scope Feb 02) has any blood in her stool, my vet hears about it.
  13. for Miss Bug--you need to get better soon sweetie.
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