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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Ah Robin, I wish I could help. But I'm sort of in the same boat.
  2. I hope you get some answers. Some helpful answers. Fast. Something has to make her feel better soon.
  3. I just watched the videos...playbowing to the donkeys :rofl
  4. GreyPoopon

    Cousin Minnie

    I'm so sorry. Minnie was a special girl. My sympathy to you and your family. Godspeed Minnie.
  5. Re tacking the carpet: another method, albeit more labour intensive, is to get brass screws and finishing cup washers, like these ones: from Lee Valley Tools. I use them to hold the stuff on our ramp. No rust. No cut feet.
  6. That's a wonderful ramp. Nice and gradual. The slats will help if the ramp gets wet, and especially if it gets snowy--snow makes carpet very slippery (not sure where you are). I wouldn't worry about the last slat--I don't think it will do any harm, and it might help. I like the lawn chair idea too.
  7. It's wonderful that Maggie got to spend her last year with you. I'm so very sorry that she's gone. Godspeed Maggie.
  8. It's odd, isn't it, that the human mind manufactures guilt even when one did not cause a beloved pet's illness, and even though the lost pet would doubtless approve, were it possible to ask. I'm glad that you received the sign that you needed. Welcome home Bully, you handsome devil. :confetti
  9. Yeah, what a week. Ugh. I hope it settles down soon. to all your babies.
  10. Oh, she was just a baby. I'm so very very sorry. Godspeed Peaches.
  11. Yes, we used both flagyl and Tylocine (Tylan) with Tally. When the flagyl didn't do the trick, we extended it and added several rounds (three rounds of 5 days, separated by three weeks) of Panacur. Giardia can be a bear to get rid of. Tally's poop didn't firm up until after the final round of Panacur. I hope Ollie/Cassidy's is less entrenched.
  12. And sometimes nothing shows up in the U/A or culture, but antibiotics work. It's happened here a time or six.
  13. Rats!!! I'm so sorry Hilda. I'm hoping you get your birfday Valentine.
  14. Still hoping for the best. C'mon Happy! In any event
  15. I'm so very sorry. My sympathies to your family. My heart aches for your mother. Godspeed Quincey.
  16. Just a followup to what Batmom said about the meds. It may not be relevant, but who knows at this point. Piper recently had a serious bout with a recurrent UTI. I won't give you all the details (it's a very long story), but she wouldn't eat, was very very thin, and had the shakes. I thought I was losing her. I didn't think she was strong enough for the MRI that was being proposed. We decided to pull her off almost all the meds to test my hypothesis that we'd turned her into a little old lady by adding drugs to treat side effects of other drugs... It took a few days before her appetite returned. She's not 100%, but at least she's eating.
  17. I hope you're wrong, but I understand. I've lost track: is she still on antibiotics? Is it time to stop and see if she'll eat? Did you try an appetite stimulant? Grasping at straws here... Sending "Happy, Please Eat" messages. Whatever you decide .
  18. That's what happens when Minnie goes sour. I hope the vet can help him.
  19. and Been there. Every time Minnie is off her food--even just a little--I start to worry. Waiting is very hard. The increase in pred is probably a good idea. But mostly, and
  20. Betsy (65 lbs) is taking 1 10 mg cetirizine hydrochloride 2 x / day. The best known brand here is Reactine, but I've been buying the generic.
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