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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. What a beautiful tribute to such a special soul.
  2. My deepest condolences to you for your heartbreaking loss. Godspeed, sweet Noza...
  3. Hopefully you can get Sophie started on treatment tomorrow... great that you got her in to the vet this evening. Keeping your precious girl in my prayers.
  4. Oh crap. My heart goes out to you and your baby boy. Please consider joining Circle of Grey, an incredible support/info group. Explore your options and search your heart for the right path to take for Tiger. Keeping prayers and light flowing to you and your precious boy.
  5. Oh no... I'm just heartbroken for you. Sending many hugs your way. Godspeed, precious John E.
  6. I'm very sorry to hear your news. No personal experience to share... just will keep all of you in my prayers for a successful course of treatment and MUCH more quality time with your brave Bonnie girl.
  7. OMG. You must be a nervous wreak! My heart goes out to you. Holding Carrier in my prayers, surrounded by loving light for his highest good.
  8. Sending good thoughts and light for your girlie.
  9. Oh no.... Can't help you with the bilirubin question, but know that Milk Thistle can be a helpful supplement for liver problems. Keeping Andy in my prayers...
  10. I'm sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Was so hoping you'd have more time together. Just know that you gave her that final gift of love, freedom from pain, and she's now running like the wind at the Bridge with all her new angel pals.
  11. iluvgreys


    My deepest condolences to you and your aunt & uncle for the loss of their beautiful girl. Godspeed, precious Athena.
  12. I'm so very sorry for your loss. He will live on forever in your heart. Godspeed, Harley... go run like the wind with the angels.
  13. What a dear boy he is... and so very brave.
  14. No experience with strokes in canines... my heart goes out to you. Sending loads of prayers and light to your girlie.
  15. Sending good thoughts and light for all your puppers, and especially Grandpa.
  16. Welcome! You've got a handsome fella there. Would definitely crate when you're gone, and keep him on a leash inside so you can instantly correct if he starts to lift his leg. Do you go outside with him and give him TONS of praise when he does his business there? Positive reinforcement works great, including yummy lil' treats.
  17. Sending light and good thoughts to your pretty girl. Hope this is just something minor.
  18. Awwwww... what a lucky girl. She's a beauty! Hope she and Jax become fast friends.
  19. Could be vestibular syndrome if she's dizzy and nauseous, or a stroke with the weakness you describe. Would definitely get her into the vet tomorrow. How old is she? Sending lots of prayers...
  20. My deepest condolences to you for the loss of your precious boy. He changed your life in many ways, and will always live on in your heart as a beloved family member. Godspeed, sweet Presto...
  21. My deepest condolences to you for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Ford...
  22. I"m heartbroken for you. Cherish your remaining time with your sweet boy, take lots of pictures, and spoil him rotten with his favorite treats. I pray for a gentle transition to a place with no pain.
  23. I'm so sorry you were robbed of extra years with your clever boy. He sounds like he kept you on your toes! Know that he's free of pain, running like the wind with all of our beloved Bridge angels.
  24. It's terribly hard to do, and also the most loving thing to do when your hound is in such pain. My prayers are with you... may Jazz transition peacefully, surrounded by those who love him dearly.
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