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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Ryan is stoic as well. He had a twig go through is foot and not a peep out of him. He's yelped when Jet bites his ear in the car, but other than that, not a peep for pain out of him. That's how we knew something was wrong a month ago when Jet bumped him and he yelped. He never does that.
  2. If it requires surgery, there is likely a tumor there that needs to be removed. My understanding is they are non cancerous tumors.
  3. You must reveal yourself as I'm not revealing 200+ people worth of packages. If you send teasers, that's one thing, but you need to let your person know who you are in your package so they know who to thank.
  4. I've never spent so much before to not have answers. But I heard some wonderful words this afternoon when I picked up Ryan.... "no blood and I didn't see evidence of anything fatal" Still doesn't know what is going on, but he thinks it very well could be something with his liver, so we did another set of bloodwork, some clotting testing, fluid testing, xrays, ultrasound (saw no tumors with what he could see), enlarged spleen even for a greyhound, and a bile acid test, urinalysis. He'd like to possibly do a biopsy of his liver and spleen, but wont' touch him until he has results back from the coagulation profile. And his radiologist has said the same thing as all the others about the MRI... "What the hell is going on with this dog?!" and hadn't seen anything like it. He's confident it is all related - neck, seizure this weekend, fluid - all progression of one disease that they don't know what is yet. We should know more starting tomorrow and later this week as the results come in.
  5. He's with our vet this morning and afternoon. He doesn't feel it is cushings (I left a msg for him last week about it and he's been trying to get in touch with the neurologist), but is going to do some xrays/ultrasound and a tap to figure out what the fluid is in his belly. Then we go from there.
  6. I'm now calling Ryan - Eeyore Pudge Eeyore because that's about the pace he's taken on and Pudge... well, if you look above, it should be rather obvious. No idea if this is related to his neck issue or not, but something is going on and since the vet/office hasn't called me back about some thoughts I had, we'll just call in the morning and make an apt for tomorrow - and deal with it all then.
  7. All packages that were matched last week were matched. Not everybody visits the forum on a daily basis and many do not visit on weekends. We will worry about the people that haven't acknowledged packages. I've looked at your package and it is a person that isn't around every day.
  8. There are currently 17 unmatched packages (those that singed up since the first match). I'm planning to do the next match mid to late this week. After that, we'll do one more round of matching mid November and close the entries. So, if you are considering entering, please do so soon.
  9. As others have mentioned, seizures does not automatically mean epilepsy. That diagnosis is made only when you've ruled out everything else that could cause the seizures. If you don't know what testing he's had while he's been waiting for a home, start fresh with your vet. There is a huge range of things out there that can cause seizures that can be easily treated. I'd make an apt with your vet and go over what you know has been done for this dog already and figure out where to go next. Are there any blood tests to show the levels of pb or KBr in his blood (though if he just started KBr, it isn't worth the blood test just yet to determine that level).
  10. I don't think it has anything to do with seizures or epilepsy specially. I've had 2 seizure dogs (both epileptic) and neither had abnormally large pupils.
  11. My vet used to give me their sample cups. I'd break it out of the package when we needed to and drop the sample off with them.
  12. Same thing I do my other dog. A good quality kibble
  13. If somebody wants to make some truffles and send them my way, I'll try them! It doesn't hurt to send, but realize maybe the person won't eat it and don't be offended if they don't say how fabulous your treat was. And may be nice to include the recipe or at least the ingredients and what it is so they can determine if it is safe for them to eat. We sent Diane stuff one year, including fudge. It arrived at least 4 months later. Fudge was hard, but still good
  14. If there are a lot of people in your area, then your return address (without name) will be fine. If you are sending teasers, please don't mark your package as sent until you send the real gift, but it would be helpful for me (so I don't have to answer "I received something, was it from GT, my package wasn't marked as sent" or "can you tell me who this was from? there was no indication on the package" So, if you are sending or vendors are sending, please indicate that it is a GT Secret Santa and this is not the "main" gift. THanks
  15. If he's only been weaned off phenobarbital since he's been with the greyhound group and put on KBr (potassium bromide), then I'd expect some seizures to be happening. KBr takes a while to get into the system and work and it won't do much in 2 weeks and I'd take my time dropping the pheno dose. Often times, a dog may need a combo of both to keep their seizures in check. I don't think I'd stop the pheno, but work with a vet to reduce the dose of pheno and add in the KBr to make up for it. For us, dropping Ryan's pheno by even 30mg will often lead to a seizure. He used to be on 360mg of pheno and was a very drugged out dog - which is why we've reduced that and added in KBr as well. My mom has had good luck getting her dogs off pheno and not having seizures by making sure her dogs get a sugary snack in the afternoon - which may be why your avacado trick worked with your last dog. I don't know if there are studies to support this, but my mom's vet suggested the snack with sugar to her.
  16. A few things. You copied the link to the PAGE, not the image. For the image, you need to right click on the image and select properties - then copy that url. This is what you want it to look like before you add your post: [img=http://www.greytalk.com/~photopost/data/3333/DSCN0909.jpg]
  17. In the future, please don't post on GT asking if anybody would like medication that requires an Rx. It's illegal to give that to somebody else.
  18. Some dogs are just weird like that. Mine will walk to the cows come home or their legs fall off, which ever comes first. But if he just stops, I'd stop with him for a few seconds, look to see if you can see anything around he may have stopped for and then all happy and chipper, say "Let's go" and start walking again.
  19. Depends on the content... but realize many people signed up multiple times, so posting questions publicly (if not personal in nature) would allow others with that name to get some ideas as well if they are looking for some. If it is posted and the person doesn't want to answer publicly, then I'd suggest they PM the elf that posted so the message can be relayed to the person looking for the info.
  20. Simply Treats will be doing something with treats and chocolates and the two combined. I haven't put it on the site yet, but thinking along the lines of limited selection of treats for $6.00/pound + shipping (likely chicken stew and fluffernutter muffins) and something with chocolates and then I'll do a combined $10 package + shipping for dogs and humans (likely a package of chicken stew or fluffernutter and 2 solid chocolates)
  21. Yes - you will need to keep your "packages" you are shipping out updated as to their status so we know when to pester people But right now, since everybody still has a status of "new" you can't update anything until we can get that status changed to matched for you. We send out reminder emails to people that haven't acknowledged their matches after a bit or when we are close to the shipping deadline and people haven't shipped.
  22. You'll see waiting on another member in your packages (the ones you are waiting to receive) as well - but the little box stuff isn't correct because the status didn't change when we matched. You all have the correct info to shop with, but you will not be able to update things as you go along just yet. Please make sure you check the events section so you can update to acknowledged when the option appears and shipped once you have done so.
  23. Ok, if you signed up before 7:30 this morning, you are matched. Unfortunately, the status didn't change to matched when we did this. Jeff will try to get that fixed on his own tonight. You have all the info you need to start shopping Please check the system often as once we do fix the status, you will need to acknowledge you have received your match. And then update again when you have shipped. So the info you have - this is who you are shopping for. Now go shopping already If others are wishing to sign up, please hold off until we get this bunch adjusted to a matched status - otherwise I think we could have a lot more issues - I'd like to avoid that. We will hopefully have this little snag fixed tonight (hopefully, but we've seen how these fixes have gone so far - slowly) and then I'll let everybody know it is safe to sign up again. If you sign up anyway, I'll just have to pay extra attention as will you - if you see you have a status of matched and you have no info for somebody to shop for... let me know
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