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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. System still shows 35 packages needing to be sent out or marked as sent if they have already been shipped. The shipping deadline was Dec 10, so please get those packages out ASAP. If you for some reason are not going to be able to follow through on your obligation, let me know ASAP so my team of extras and myself can get something out before Christmas. Still lots of people waiting on packages in transit - please mark them as received once you get them.
  2. When packages are sent to my house, they are opened unless instructed otherwise. SS package was opened and placed under the tree until I had time later in the day to open the packages with the dogs.
  3. The seizures are likely a result of the other things going on with him. Seizure meds may help. I don't think Valium is worth it if his seizures are only 2 minutes. That's not dangerous and by the time you get the valium and are ready to administer... seizure is over. I don't consider 1 seizure a month to be well controlled seizures. If that's down from 1 every week, that's good progress, but if you are standing at 1 a month, I would consider meds. But before meds, I'd consult with a neurologist to get their opinion. Talk with your vet and consider consulting with a neurologist.
  4. Ryan's meds (other than Tramadol because it tastes like crap apparently) go in his food. This morning he missed one. I picked it up and told him to eat it. He did. He's easy to pill
  5. When Ryan got sick, he had a little pharmacy of pills to be taking. Some of them couldn't be taken with the other ones he was taking. We just had to wait a few hours before giving him some. Was quite a PITA, but it worked.
  6. only a few of the names showing up are vendors.
  7. still show up in the system as needing to go out. If you sent them and didn't mark it as so, please do that now. If you received them and didn't mark it as so, please do that now (if it was changed to sent). If you didn't send them out yet, you need to do that ASAP. As of late this morning (13 Dec), 45 packages still needed to be shipped.
  8. Almost all of Ryan's pills go in his food dish if they can be taken together. Amox should be fine to give along with KBr and Pb. In the future, when you get new meds from the vet, be sure to ask if they can be given with his seizure meds... some meds will inhibit the absorption of other meds.
  9. ok, now that I will no longer be getting the reminders... maybe I'll send them out a few times a day :
  10. There is a little dinosaur also that makes a less loud noise, but I've only seen little ones that make that "better" noise. I haven't picked it up for Jet yet, but likely will for Christmas - will make a good outside toy when we can play out there too.
  11. When Ryan has his second seizure, it is usually about 7 days after the first unless his seizure was stress induced and then it is just the one. I posted what we do in your other thread. I guess I don't worry about seizures as much as many other people. I don't give extra meds, we've never seen him cluster, so no valium on hand. I just keep him safe while he's having his seizure and keep my eye on the clock so I know if I need to call my vet and have him meet me at the office. His early seizures before we started medicating were about 5-7 minutes of violent seizing. With meds they are still quite violent (though he's not knocking TVs over anymore), but they are about 3-4, sometimes 5 minutes. I know my vet's number, so it isn't on speed dial. If you don't know your vet's number, get it programmed into your phone or post it somewhere easy for you or a family member to find it and make a quick call if you need to. Moving a seizing dog is a PITA to do alone, so ahead of time, figure out how you'd get him into the car and to the vet if you need to while he's seizing (sheet and 2 people if you can). I did that the first time he had a seizure as I had no clue what was going on and I still think he stopped breathing until I dropped him on my way out the door with him. He seized way different than our border collie we had while I was growing up. I've never iced Ryan. He can cool off on his own. If his temp is that high, I'd get him to the vet. I don't give him extra meds without my vet suggesting it first. He's doped up enough. All I do is keep him safe during, watch the clock and help him outside when he's done and hang with him until he's not so wobbly on his feet and goes back to bed. I also give him a little snack that has some sugar in it after he comes back inside. This is his first seizure since he's been on Pb and KBr - the KBr may help enough to only have him having the one seizure - he may be fine for a while. Once he has the next one, you and your vet can decide if he needs more meds, or additional (gabapentin is also used for seizures in dogs - ryan was on all 3 while he was sick, but not for that reason.... but he still had a break through seizure while on all 3 meds since the meds weren't making it to his liver to be processed). Good luck and try not to stress out about it.
  12. The mark receive reminders have also been going out with the shipping reminders. I won't send those as frequently yet though.
  13. Use your judgment. I'll be sending mine out in the next day or two. I have a couple packages for other GTers that will go out on Tuesday.
  14. Make sure you get your packages shipped out in the next couple of days. I will start sending out the reminders daily after tomorrow.
  15. If he pooped and peed this time, does not mean he always will. Sometimes Ryan does one or the other, both or neither. Either way, I always let him get his balance a bit and help him down the stairs so he can go outside and potty and cool off a bit. I give him a little snack with sugar in it when he comes back in. Ryan isn't restless for very long, so usually within 30 mins he's back in bed snoozing away. When he's peed on himself, I usually just get a washcloth and clean him up. I'm not tossing anybody in the tub in the wee hours of the morning. I usually have a robe close by the bed and when I jump out of bed when we hear him going into a seizure, I put it on and sit with him to keep him from hurting himself until he is done. Then I help him get to his feet and not hurt himself too badly until he's got full control of his legs again. Last time he ran into the hall and head first into a built in cabinet - then head first into the refrigerator after he came inside from his potty and cool down trip. During a seizure, their body temp rises - which is why long seizures can be problematic - they are overheating which can be dangerous to their organs if it goes on for too long. You've experienced a seizure with him, so now you can start the seizure log and also if/when he has another, it won't be as bad for you.
  16. Yes, Nutro was bought out by another company, but their formulas have not changed in the last almost year.
  17. Diane - they likely are not at the delivery area yet. My understanding is they are scanned as delivered when they arrive at the delivery local. If they went to PO boxes, they would show as delivered by the time the slip was in their box. I had one scanned as delivered at 2 am one morning. But we are also in the USPS "slow down" time. Priority packages will be about as fast as regular mail now.
  18. USPS will only intentionally open media mail if they open anything at all (to make sure you are indeed mailing media for the media mail prices)
  19. Those flat rate boxes should be much bigger. I'm still trying to figure out if they will notice if I tape two together
  20. Insurance is a gamble - up to you to decide if you want it or not. But be sure to read what it covers and what it won't cover and how much of what it covers. Jet is my almost 9 year old girl. She's been to the vet for her normal once a year check-up and for a couple of quick stitches in her back and to sew up her foot after she degloved it. She has not been an expensive girl, total, probably around $1,000 for all her vet visits. I've had her almost 7 years. Ryan is my 8 year old boy. He also goes for his normal once a year check-up. He is on 2 seizure meds for the rest of his life and has been on them for a few years. He's been to the vet for a very expensive belly ache (he ate a ball and 9 months later, the center of the ball managed to create a blockage... which he was able to finally work out on his own, but still had a bunch of tests done to figure out what was going on - toy didn't show on x-ray). He's been for a lump on his leg for more x-rays. And in the last 2 months, he's been to the vet weekly, sometimes 3x a week including specialists and MRIs and ultrasounds and all sorts of bloodwork. He's still got a few more vet visits to go in the next few weeks. Ryan is my expensive boy, this last illness alone will be about $5,000 - total for him is probably over $8,000. I've had him 5.5 years. It's a crap shoot
  21. And now your neighbors are wondering why your dog is getting mail
  22. I will start sending out the reminder emails soon about shipping. Dec 10 was the date to ship by in the sign up stuff, so you still have time, these are just reminders so you don't forget Doesn't mean you have to go out and ship tomorrow... yet....
  23. That goes for Simply Treats and Burpdog's as well Simply Treats boxes should be opened with supervision if the dog is doing the opening... some may contain chocolate.
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