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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Your reason for getting a greyhound should be that you want a greyhound, not just to help with the 'problem' There are lots of animals at shelters that need homes as well. What do you want in a dog? Then read some posts and search online and with some books and see if greyhounds will meet your needs. They may, they may not - in which case shelters are overflowing with animals as well.
  2. 9 packages left to be delivered/received. One person has been contacted that their package has been lost by the postal system and another will be shipped out at the end of this week to replace it.
  3. Great - so 12 packages to go (13 still in the events system, but we know one is waiting for the person to see what dog it was for first - that mystery has been solved this morning). Maybe a few more will be delivered today too!
  4. Simon's package should be there very soon. PO promised the sender it should be there before Christmas. If it isn't there tomorrow, I can't imagine they'd hold it hostage any longer than during the week. If it doesn't show up this week, let me know and the sender will ask that it be tracked to figure out where it is.
  5. It is indeed for Joe - there should be a letter in there from the sender.
  6. Do you have tracking on it? If so, does it say it has been delivered? There are 14 packages still waiting to be marked as received. I know 1 of those is at the person's house, they are just waiting for conf on who the package is for so they can mark it. The other 13 are still in la la land for now. If you sent it, could you please check on it if possible.
  7. There are people that adopted greys as puppies and have lost them to cancer. Osteo seems to be more genetically related than environmental.
  8. My guess is Joe - you have 2 packages marked as sent. One person that sent has a location in their profile that is not WV. The other person does not have a location in their profile, so process of elimination would say it is them unless they had the package shipped from somewhere that isn't where they live.
  9. Down to 19 packages. Hopefully many of those are in today's mail and the rest will be on doorsteps and mail boxes Monday.
  10. Or at least 26 not marked as received yet. I've been contacted by a few senders.... packages were sent a while ago, but aren't showing as having been delivered yet - some are crossing borders. Hopefully we'll have everything where it belongs by Monday
  11. I think it may be a first that all have been sent before Christmas. Now let's see how many arrive before then as well.
  12. Tomorrow is Friday - the neurologist may not want to do much - they might be able to quickly diagnose it without having to do much and give you meds to bring home.
  13. When we did Ryan's BP study, his values were similar to what mine would be over the course of 20 mins or so. Our vet thought those were fine. (mine is usually 110/70)
  14. A couple isn't going to do anything to a greyhound.
  15. harness or carry her. Ryan LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES food. He's not so interested in it at the vets. But when we had to go in for a BP study, I needed a way to keep him relaxed and it was just too cold to be outside (vet suggest that when we set up the apt) to do it. So the vet set up some blankets for us in the OR and I brought in a big nasty disgusting fresh bone. Dangled it in front of Ryan and he followed me right into the vet and down the hall into the OR. He only stopped when the vet was in the room (can't trust the vet to not poke you with something sharp even if you are enjoying a bone... or maybe the vet was trying to steal it). But I'd go with a harness or carry her in option. Can you take a different route to the vet (Ryan also managed to figure out when we were almost there and by the time we hit the vets driveway, he knew what was up)? Does the vet have a little red wagon or something to move larger heavy things around? If so, go in, get that, see the beating thread in SB, beat her to a pulp, put her on it and drag her in. If they have something like that with wheels, see if you can figure out a way to strap her to it so she won't injure herself when she figures it out and bring her in that way.
  16. From experience, not having a cut off date or using a realistic one leads to way too many packages not showing up before Christmas. We know people will not send packages out before the date we put in the information, so we put it early enough so that most will get them shipped out with enough time for them to show up at their destination because they get tired of the reminder emails from the system.
  17. If they do not reveal themselves by Christmas, let me know - I can dole out names
  18. It will shrink over time, but likely will always be something there.
  19. Try washing some favorite toys and see if you have a very sad dog watching said toys go in the washer and a head in your dryer pulling it out when done 2 toys get this reaction out of Ryan. SS gifts. I usually don't participate on GT since I spend my time making sure it goes as planned. But I do participate on another board. Last year J and R got separate packages. This year since at the time, we were unsure if Ryan would still be with us at Christmas, I put them both on the same entry and played on the GT SS (even though I knew who had us). Toys included in packages are quickly taken away and put through quality control by the dogs, then they come back looking for more.
  20. Those that mark receive and you hear nothing more - my guess is maybe they haven't opened their box/package and are waiting until Christmas. I wouldn't worry about it yet But once all packages have been opened, I would hope you all get at least some little note of thanks - regardless of what they thought of what you sent.
  21. We get 100 capsules of 1000mg - for about $90.00
  22. Seems Verizon put out some new anti-spam stuff today because all your emails are bouncing through the system. Please change it so your email will allow emails from greytalk
  23. By the looks of many of the pics of gifts received... the USPS was pretty busy with Greytalk priority mail packages. I think they should give us a cut of what they made off us all
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