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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Jet's grumbly belly can wake up the neighborhood. A snack before bedtime often prevents it, but not always. She just doesn't feel good and if I can entice her to eat something, it helps calm her belly and she's good to go again. If not, an acid reducer is given to her (pepto or pepcid) and she'll eat when her belly has stopped rumbling.
  2. Mine are both 10, so only Rabies from here on out unless we find a need for any of the others for something.
  3. Jet sheds enough to build an IG pretty much every day.
  4. My old vet will not give a greyhound aspirin. He also won't give them prednisone either. Too many bad experiences with greys when he worked with them to use either of them in private practice. Prednisone was actually confirmed for Ryan when one of his specialists said it was fine and to give it to him. Personally, I wouldn't give it without talking to the vet first.
  5. Doesn't sound like a seizure nor bloat. Get yourself set up with a vet and find out who to use for an emergency vet from them. And if you need an evet before then, just show up at your closest evet. If he's fine now, I wouldn't worry much about it.
  6. Do you know what he hit himself on? Looks like a bruise to me, but I am NOT a vet. If you know what happened, I'd not worry too much about it. If you didn't see anything happen and this just appeared, I'd be concerned (less so if he had the opportunity to do something to cause bruising that you just didn't witness) Ryan had bruising like that when he decided to not use the stairs on the deck, but jump up and hit the edge before the rails were put on... Those were taken right after he did it - they got a bit darker and spread a bit more by the next day.
  7. Ryan thinks anything above 55 degrees is hot. Heat and humidity aren't really something we have in Kodiak. The dogs will have to adjust as we go on their trip south next year. T likes heat - he camps out smack dab in front of the woodstove soaking up all the heat in the winter.
  8. Ryan has an enlarged spleen - his is just bigger than it should be and has been for years.
  9. It can take up to 6 months for the hormone level to even out after a snip.
  10. The dog needs to visit the vet to rule out a medical reason for his sudden change in behavior. Then it is time to find a qualified trainer to work with. There is no reason you have to live with an aggressive dog.
  11. Did you look at the pinned post how to post a photo? Video tutorial in the help section?
  12. Trudy

    Kiowa Sweet Trey

    I find it rather annoying that I have to delete posts out of remembrance threads and have to remind people THIS IS A REMEMBRANCE THREAD, keep the crap out of it!
  13. Greys adopted as pups that never raced get cancer as well.
  14. Woolite pet solution (either with the carpet cleaners or the spray cleaners (resolve, etc)) It's always removed bile stains for us.
  15. Just a reminder to fix your signatures before they are removed.
  16. It is much safer than other weed killers. I don't advise drinking it, but spray it, let it dry and then let the dogs back out. Roundup is not causing most of what is shown in those "non-Monsanto" studies, at least not when used as advised. Disclaimer - I've worked with Monsanto products in my job and I've also worked with a company that helped Monsanto build a new company. I don't see Monsanto as an environmental evil #1
  17. They can sell it because it isn't that bad.
  18. Yes, we are aware the board is hanging. It will be rebooted tonight (which may or may not help the issue). Please DO NOT hit add reply 239328 times. Just hit it once and be patient and wait. It will post ONCE. Unless you keep hitting add reply, then it will post 32893223 times.
  19. bleeding time - much research seems to focus on diabetes in humans here's a quick blurb about bleeding time on humans....
  20. Ryan gets Derm Caps per our old vet since it has both Omega 3s and 6s in the ratio he needs for his issues. I get them from EntirelyPets.com It hasn't ever really helped with his coat/skin... he's flaky and naked and getting more naked each day.
  21. No - that's been since the beginning.
  22. And if you ask a different vet, they will say to use them.
  23. No reason to. Something caused the seizure. Get to your vet on Monday. If she has another seizure before then, CALL your vet or call the evet. I'd skip the vet tech if a description of a seizure to her sounds like a dog is dying and she tells you to have the dog put down.
  24. Please take a look at your signature - does it meet the guidelines? If not, fix it before we remove them. I'm noticing quite a few signatures not meeting the text portion of the guidelines - this is your chance to fix them before we start deleting them If you have more than 4 lines of text/blank lines, you need to reduce it to 4 lines If your combined image total is greater than 15k and 150x500, you need to reduce it If you are advertising somebody else's business, you need to remove it
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