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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Did you have an avatar yesterday? If so, the instruction are in post 1 on how to get it back. If not, you can't have one At least until we get the ticket system working as it should again.
  2. You using a crap browser? This software isn't compatible with IE6, so if you are at work, you are going to see funky things that can't be fixed.
  3. In the meantime, ADQ is the airport code for Kodiak... we will be accepting plane tickets out of here somewhere warm. No donation button needed
  4. You mean like this: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=243676 It is 3 posts below this one....
  5. It would go much smoother if we were sitting on a balcony in Hawaii.....
  6. Rx meds can not be advertised by the general public, free or not. Ask your vet where you can donate them.
  7. I'm ordering tomorrow. So if you want one and haven't been able to order it because you are in Canada (or any other reason), use the links created in the calendar thread in the calendar forum - it brings you to paypal and automatically submits a support ticket so I know what you have ordered and can order enough to get them to you. I need to have a committed answer - meaning you have gone through that link and already paid, or if you are ordering more than 3, you have confirmed with me how many you are ordering and we'll figure out the shipping once it gets here and then you pay. But I need confirmation that you are asking me to order X number of them. So, go to the thread on ordering calendars and click on UK, US, or Canada to order if you are ordering through me.
  8. Look it up before you need it. http://www.talktothevet.com/ARTICLES/DOGS/chocolatetoxic.HTM Toxic Levels The good news is that it takes, on average, a fairly large amount of theobromine 100-150 mg/kg to cause a toxic reaction. Although there are variables to consider like the individual sensitivity, animal size and chocolate concentration. On average, Milk chocolate contains 44 mg of theobromine per oz. Semisweet chocolate contains 150mg/oz. Baker's chocolate 390mg/oz. Using a dose of 100 mg/kg as the toxic dose it comes out roughly as: 1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate 1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate 1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.
  9. Milk chocolate is about an ounce per pound of boy weight. So he can eat lots of it without really bad ill effects. Since he's already puked some up and seems fine, just keep an eye on him and I wouldn't bother feeding him until later tonight if he shows interest in eating again. Just make sure he has water around all day
  10. No, but now take the time to look up chocolate toxicity and dogs and see how much chocolate and what types has to be ingested to be a concern for your dogs.
  11. I add water, but not very much and I don't let it sit, so it is still crunchy. For T's food, we have to add water for his meds and with one brand, have to let it sit for 15 mins so he get soft mush stuff. I much prefer kibble in bowl, add a little water, put it down for them to eat without waiting.
  12. Check the calendar forum for details http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=243955
  13. Ryan has been on it for over 2 years for whatever his issue is and he'll be on it for life as well. His last blood test looked great, so even if it isn't working, it isn't doing damage
  14. Wendy will not be moving to the new board :lol
  15. When you have "HOT" news that a group is closing and X number of dogs are going to die unless you help right now, right this minute, as I type, etc... Please look before you post. I am willing to bet somebody else already posted about that hot news. We don't need umpteen threads about a track that is closing. One is plenty and does the job of helping to find groups that have room for some extra dogs. We've removed lots of them in the last few days and yet this news has been around for a bit and we already have a 10 page post about it... on page 1 each time we've removed/deleted another thread about it. So please, LOOK before you post your "HOT" news about the impending doom of X number of dogs.
  16. i will close the photo threads on 20 NOV. If you have photos to post in there, do it before then. If you are having issues, please try the pinned threads for posting photos in the tech forum or in C&F and check out the tutorials in the help section. If you are a supporter, put them there. Or create a photobucket act and upload pics there. I think I also have the calendar forum set up for direct upload as well if you are a supporter (I think). If after trying all that and you are still having problems, start a thread and explain what you've tried and what/how it isn't working for you.
  17. Because they are large boned dogs and the incidence of osteo with large breeds is higher to begin with. A responsible owner with a large breed dog would be likely better off waiting until ~18 months or so before neutering their dog. Allows for growth to be done and the increased risk of osteo is no longer there (at least not to the extent it is in neutering them very young). Doing a search of neutering and osteosarcoma will bring up lots of stuff to read through.
  18. How long ago did he come off pred? We have a dog door because of how often Ryan pees, but his is med related. He can go out every 30 mins and pee a good long time each time as well. If he pees on walks, we stand there a good 2-3 minutes while he leaves his river/lake of pee.
  19. yes. 2011 will work differently. Once you "win" a image, you can't submit for any following months (this will be by size of image "won" though). Each month, I'll announce who won and post the winning images and will post which members can't post images in the remaining months.
  20. I'm going to quickly create a Dogs of GreyTalk 2010 calendar. I'll have it available by mid December so you can order it if you so desire and it can arrive in time to be used If it is done sooner, I'll post the link sooner. It will be created on MyCanvas and the calendar will be $19.95 (not sure if shipping is included, I didn't see a separate rate for shipping it, so it may be plus shipping as well). I will post threads with a theme for pictures. You can submit ONE photo. One, that's it. One. For now, you can submit ONE for each theme as we won't really have time to collect photos and vote on them for each month or it will take too long. I will NOT use a photo from a member more than 2x (and if I do just one photo for the month, that member will not have another photo show up in the calendar on the month pages). Depending on the photo response, I'll either decide on my own which ones to use this year or narrow it down a bit with some help and have GT vote on them. Either way - I won't be using a member photo submission more than 2x in the calendar. Please make sure they are HIGH QUALITY RESOLUTION images. I will not use them if the resolution is too low for it to look good when printed. You can submit a resized/reduced version, but if we opt to use the pic, it needs to be available as a high res image. A full page image is 8.5x11 - so we'd be looking for 3000X2400 for images that size. I probably won't be doing many months with just 1 image, but still, the bigger the better. If you are editing with some type of editing software, keep the editing to a minimum to make the pic show better, please don't add stuff or text or things like that - edit to fix your pic (I may do that as well if it seems images need that), or remove leashes, etc. If you are cropping, keep it as big as you can for the image you have to submit to me if we select your image. If you have questions ask, this may be a large learning experience for all of us For the 2010 version, I will likely start ONE thread and pin it and in that thread I'll post the links to the individual threads that way you don't have to hunt for them when they fall off page 1. Even if you don't want to buy a calendar, feel free to submit pics. Buying one isn't a requirement for entering pics For the pic submission threads - you can submit ONE image. ONE. Please don't comment on the submissions or quote pics in responses. On another board where this is done, one image was quoted 15 times with comments and nobody felt like they were allowed to submit anything after that (it was a great pic, but still, the comments dissuaded others from even bothering). So no comments about the pics or quoting them in your responses in the submission threads. Photo submission should be of your PETS. The focus being YOUR greyhound(s). Please don't post pics of somebody else's dogs. If they are in a pic with your dogs, I'm ok with that. Pics with other pets in the household are ok, but the focus should be GREYHOUNDS. No formal racing pictures (by that I mean no pics of dogs racing at the track, but if your dogs are racing each other in the back yard, that's fine) If you post a pic from a photographer, make sure you are allowed to do so before posting that pic. For 2010, you can submit ONE image for every month. This will change a little when we do the 2011 one and can do a month at a time. There is a 2010 calendar forum where all this stuff will be done
  21. We have been closing threads when you hit 4 pages. Theory behind it being it keeps is fresh and you don't have to wade through pages of posts to find current info. But really, this seems to only apply to a few collar and art people threads. Instead, we have people that have a thread that has fallen off page 1 with a few responses in it starting new threads, so we have to find the old post to close/remove it to keep the pet merch forum clutter free. So instead of automatically closing threads at 4 pages, I'll start leaving it up to the vendor. If you want a new thread because your existing one is getting cluttered, report the old one and start your new one. We'll delete the old thread and then approve the new one. This goes the same if your old thread has 1 response or 60... if you want a new thread, report your old one or bump it up with a post so it is right there toward the top with the new one.
  22. 4 minutes and 28 seconds a couple of weeks, but the sooner the better. So start now
  23. Are you giving a snack before bed? With a belly like that happening that often, I'd work on preventing it rather than settling it once its started. With Jet, feeding a small snack before bed usually prevented the gurgling stomach overnight. But we do give 1 tab of pepto or 1 tab of pepcid
  24. Now take the time to look up dogs and chocolate toxicity so you know when you need to worry next time.
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