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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. I'd be insane without our dog door. The current set up is a patio pacific door with adjustable rise for our sliding door. I blocked it off about 1.5 hours ago. I've gotten up to let Ryan out 3 times since then... This is why we have a dog door - I'm not a door man/lady!
  2. Mine didn't gain anything and both are below their race weight.
  3. That is high, but if he gets super stressed at the vets, that could account for some of it. Our old vet needed to get Ryan's measurement and his cuff could be about 50-100 feet from the unit, so he told us we could camp out in the grass outside the building so Ryan wouldn't freak out. Unfortunately, it was way too cold to do that on the day we showed up, so he gave us some blankets and we settled Ryan on the floor of the OR with a marrow bone and then he came in about 5 mins later to put the cuff on and then 5 mins later to start taking the readings and looked at them over 10-15 mins. Each time he walked by the door and Ryan could see him, it went up
  4. Jet and Ryan made deals with me when they moved in... they won't die. Ryan thought about reneging that deal, but I reminded him and he decided to stick around.
  5. Is the research just in greyhounds or other breeds as well?
  6. I don't kennel or otherwise separate Ryan. He's always had his seizures in the early hours of the morning and I have always woken up as soon as they start - even if he's not in the same room or on the same floor when he has one. Jet does not wake up for them. She wakes up when I run to Ryan to make sure he doesn't hurt himself during his seizure.
  7. You'll want some antibiotics, re-wrap daily, but also soak in Epsom salt and let dry before re-wrapping. I leave Ryan wrapped for 5 days or so as long as there is no quick exposed or just a very very tiny amt. And last time he got pain meds to because you could tell he was hurting.
  8. I miss sidewalks We could go at least a month, usually longer with Jet and Ryan when we had sidewalks and pavement to walk on. Gravel just isn't the same.
  9. Hello from an previous upstate NYer
  10. Your vet can suggest where it can be done. Ryan had his done in Rochester, NY at a mobile MRI after the humans were done - the vet office had time in the evening until they got theirs set up in their hospital. Ryan's MRI was $1900 with everything. The MRI itself was $1250, but that was just the machine, not anybody reading the images and not the sedation or anything else required.
  11. xray - $100 for a set MRI - $1500 If you want an MRI done instead, have one scheduled instead. I always used to drop Ryan off for xrays and they'd get to him when they had time to get to him and they'd try to get what they needed without any sedation, but I was always told it was a possibility. If they want anything other than a laying on his side image of the neck, I can understand why they'd want to sedate him
  12. If he still has issues from both ends this evening, bring him to an e-vet that has somebody there. Leaving him with your vet who is NOT there at night to monitor the dog isn't going to be much help.
  13. What has your vet suggested for him?
  14. Since you've already done it. When in doubt or you don't know... call your vet. That's what they are there for.
  15. I use hotdogs for really nasty meds. Cut a chunk out of the middle and fill it up with the Tylosini powder. Give him a med free piece and then give him the med filled one.
  16. Give the last round of meds he just started a chance to work while you wait for the results of the blood testing.
  17. Ryan was on it for a while as a pain killer, but it also helped as an extra seizure med in his body when his liver wasn't processing his normal seizure meds. I really didn't see any difference in his pain level or anything else while he was on it. He was still in pain and having more seizures than normal for him.
  18. Is the quick still exposed? If so, how much? If a decent amt, you might want to bring him to the vet on Monday and have him sedated and cut it back. If not much, keep it clean and keep him from licking it for a few days. You can also soak it in Epsom salts too. First time Ryan did this, the vet just wrapped it - a few times since he bled through the wrap a couple of times. And I keep it clean and wrapped and dry for a week or so. Last time (in Feb), the vet wanted to put him out and trim the last itty bitty tiny bit of quick that was still exposed. I said no. She kept pushing it. I said no. I kept it clean and wrapped for a couple of days. epsom salt bath a couple of times and it's fine. You might want some pain meds and/or antibiotics. Ryan was in a lot of pain this last time.
  19. For those that I matched last night, please make sure you are showing that you are receiving the correct number of packages. There was an issue with the match last night and when I 'fixed' it, it broke differently. I fixed it by hand tonight - in theory. So please make sure you are receiving the correct number of packages in your events tab info. And sending the correct number. If something is wrong, let me know please
  20. They are different, though I think I may have read that many bouts of pancreatitis can lead to EPI - but not positive on that. The treatment for EPI is ANIMAL based enzymes. Normally pig. The enzymes are kind of expensive and the vast majority of dogs will be on them for life. Instead of buying the enzyme powder, you can also just grind up some pig pancreas or even beef I think can be used. We use Pancrezyme. There is a generic that is cheaper and there is also another brand that is more expensive. I don't know if that type of enzyme will help with pancreatitis.
  21. all matching has been completed. Make sure your packages get out in time.
  22. Tomorrow is the last day for Secret Bunny sign ups.
  23. You will see that it has been acknowledged - I think. Not everybody has yet.
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