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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. I'm an allergic mess with other dogs, but always just dealt with it growing up and was good for my allergy doctor. I could not do baths for my mom's dachshunds because I couldn't breath when I was done. I have no problems with my 2 greys - I just don't let them in my face. They do shed. They blow their coats just like other dogs, but for me, it's not been an issue. I have one that sheds very little (he has very little to shed) and another that I can at times build other dogs out of her shedded coat.
  2. Ryan's symptoms 1+ years ago were similar to PLE. Still don't know what is wrong with him, but we now just treat symptoms as they appear. Anyway... enalapril helped with him and our vet also suggested adding Derm Caps as a supplement since they had the correct omega 3 v 6 ratio While he still loses protein much faster than he makes it, his ratio isn't super sky high anymore... just really high.
  3. Check with your vet and/or local Humane Society. They will let you know what can legally be done with it.
  4. We remove them when we see them. If you are seeing people with sigs 220k, let me know, I'll be more than happy to remove those too.
  5. Sounds like he's bleeding. An ultrasound shouldn't cost too much. Carafate - Ryan has had it 2 hours before meals and also been told that it is fine to give WITH meals. But you can dissolve it in a bit of water first - I used to have to use a syringe and get it into Ryan that way. Last time around it went in a piece of hot dog since I was told it was fine to give with food/meals.
  6. Nope And if there are people advertising breeders or kennels other than their own for their adoption purposes, please report it as that isn't allowed either. Greytalk is an ADOPTED GREYHOUND board, not a racing or anti racing board, plenty of those to go to for those looking for that.
  7. There is a support ticket system to ask things of the mods. The PM feature is not available to you yet. If you read the TOS again, you will have the answers to your questions
  8. We added KBr with Ryan maxed out on Pb Waited for him to adjust on the new combo and then started reducing levels to get some quality life back. We take the occasional seizure over the perpetually drunk dog that can't stand up or walk without bumping into things, but have also been able to drop both levels over the years.
  9. Ryan eats poop Jet eats dirt Ryan decided he'd like to try eating dirt too. Let's just say the boy has interesting poop...
  10. The only treatment so far is acupuncture and pain meds? And there are lots of pain meds out there, if the one he's on when it is a problem, isn't strong enough, try a different one or a combination (talk to your vet) If they think it could be a disc problem, they should try some steroids. 24 hours and he should have some relief from the steroids if it is a disc problem (not sure how it will help for degenerative disc problems).
  11. If they are doing another urine check, have them do the protein/creatinine ratio - the raw protein value/quick dip test doesn't tell you much.
  12. you are missing the / in the last img tag [img= link ] if you are doing it from photobucket, just click on the bottom link and paste that in - it already has the image tags
  13. what are the protein values in the urine? Ryans were sky high and are still quite high, but stable and we don't worry about it anymore. We still don't know what is causing all his issues. Good luck figuring it out.
  14. You will have an email from me tonight if I was able to do any embroidery on your shirts. If not, my current feeling is that there will NOT BE ANY MORE DONE. If that means you don't want your shirt, let me know and I'll see if there is somebody else out there that wants a plain one that won't be eaten by my machine or #(*#@*#@ up in some other way by my machine.
  15. I'll be sending emails to determine if you want any embroidery. Shirts needing nothing will be sent out once payment is received. If you want embroidery, it will take a bit longer to get taken care of... hint hint.... you want them plain T-shirt with BACK IMAGE ONLY Fitted Short Sleeve: $13.75 Short Sleeve: $11.50 Long Sleeve : $12.75 Please add $1.50 for 2X and above OPTIONAL customized embroidered front (price PER SHIRT): One item - $2.00 Two items - $3.00 Three items - $4.00 (options - embroidered running grey, GreyTalk.com, GT username) Shipping $5.00 in the US if you ordered ONE shirt. Might be more if you ordered more than 1, I have to package them and weight them to determine that and need a zip code.
  16. I'll be making the last round of matches in a week. If you wanted to participate and haven't signed up, please do so soon. Once I make the last round of matches on the 20th, that's it.
  17. Did everybody receive their tshirts from Round 1 (other than the 2 people waiting for replacement shirts to arrive to me)?
  18. he'll be fine piggy for not sharing. Ryan will eat a loaf of bread if there is one within reach. Never worse for the wear. well, other than the issue from eating bread made with wheat, but that's not a problem for all dogs
  19. sounds like it If he's fine now, just keep an eye on him. Call your vet on Monday and see if they want to see him. Keep an eye out of other seizure like activity. He could have gotten into something epilepsy can show around this age or it could be other things
  20. We had to carry Ryan in and out. He'd yelp, but it was the only way since he couldn't do the stairs on his own and had a hart time getting up or down on his own as well. And a trip or two a day to the vet for injected pain meds to help the pill form.
  21. OMG....Jeff....where did you come from??? Aren't you out at sea??? I know!! I know!!! When the phone rang it said California, but he's not there. He's not here either
  22. I'm going to have the datacenter reset it, so it might be until Monday, but could be sooner. If they do it, it shouldn't be down too long.
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