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Everything posted by Josie

  1. I started bathing the paw in salt epsom water twice a day, put the drscholls remedy, wrap it up and put the thera-paw... it still seems to bother Elliot but last night he did zoomies in the yard... tonight DH will check to hulled the corn... Thanks yes when it's not your grey it's even more concerning..
  2. ok I'll get the drScholl's corn remover and start hulling it out... bathing in wter and epsom salt too... My friends was sad (and me too) to see her grey limp like that, with evrything that's going on in her life with the divorce she did not need this too..
  3. yes I check the leg over, bending it and touching it everywhere, no responds of pain... can a corn produce pain that quick? he was ok in the morning..
  4. I'm doggy-sitting my friend grey for some time now (she is going through a divorce). Yesterday morning I left Tuffy and Elliot as usual to go to work, the boys were ok. I return home to found Elliot walking on 3 legs. .. just usingthe tip of his toes of his right back leg to walk, switching his weight fast to the other leg, holding it up when standing... I have experience with corns with Tuffy so I check his paws and did found a corn... I dont know for how long he has that...If I sqeeze hard the corn he will try to remove his paw... I'm not sure is it's the corn that make Elliot limp or did he fell during the day and pulled a muscle? how could I tell?
  5. I gived one pepcid yesterday and work well... the gurgling stop... the poop got softer a little last night and this morning, but no bi-D... just soft... but I think I found the reason for that tummy ack! Tuffy got into... cat poop-sicle ... dammit neighbor's cat again...
  6. ok.. is there many doses of pepcid?
  7. hunger.. well Tuffy is a food driven grey.. Ill' get pepcid at the pharmacy today... It's the liquid one you are talking about?
  8. This morning I let the greys out (I doggi-sit Elliot, a friend grey), the 2 made their number 1 and number 2 business in the yard, it's real cold this morning here.. coming back inside I started to ear weird noises... I investigate and found that it's coming from Tuffy belly!!! lound weird noises.. things moving around... his poop were great this morning, he is alert and responsive... wants his breakfast now.. but I'm worried... do I feed him and see what happens today? His poops are ok.. so food is coming out... but those wierd noises are scary... thanks for your advice! edited to add that the belly is ok at palpation, no swollowing or hardness...
  9. At 32F it's the automn coat (a coton hoodie), at 14F it's the winter coat, at -13F it's the double coat... at -22 we add leggins...
  10. Hi from Montreal! Everything will be fine, just remember all this is new for you grey and take it slow
  11. I'M so sorry! Run pain free beautifull Cyah, go play with Tilt and give kisses to Trish for me.
  12. Bonjour!!! what a cutie!!!
  13. Hi Vince! just saw that your are in Chambly!!! I did not see you introduction post... I would love to see pics of Bentley... :) since you are new you dont have PM (private message).... I hope you see this post!
  14. Bonjour from Montreal (Verdun)!!!! Conan is real handsom!! great to see other Montrealers here!!! when you get enought posts we could talk via PM (private messages)
  15. I made a big pot of macaroni and ground beef... gived 1 cup of EP and 1 cup and mac and beef in the feeding bowl on the raised feeder in the living room.. Tuffy rush to it and eat it in 2 minutes.. and even try to get more.. so that's it.. he got tired of eating EP.. or loves softer food.. I'll get his teeth check just to make sure they are ok... so I go with that.. and switch to adding some canned food also every few days.. just to make changes.. mysteries solve...
  16. Thanks guessing you have lots of different eaters in your pack! yes I add water... warm water not too hot..
  17. thanks for your replies! I think it's a combination of spoiled and getting older... Just remember that I did not mention something... Tuffy went to my frined house this past week-end, and He refuse to eat is supper there too.. my friends grey eats the same food (EP Lamb)... so it's the kibbles... our rescue group lady tells me to start adding canned EP in the kibbles OR start doing a stew (macaroni, meat, caroots, patato) to mix with the kibbles... that older greys switch to softer food... guess Tuffy is getting old..
  18. Thanks GentleHugs..here some answers.. bowls are wash every week in the dishwasher. The poop is superb, firm and easy to pick up...
  19. Thanks The thing is that he drinks ok from the second bowl (it's a 2 bowls raised feeder, stainless, the same one from the day 1 Tuffy came hom, 4 yeard ago)... and if I add canned food of anchovies or cookies or what ever to his kibble He will eat in the bowl! everything is pointing out to the kibbles...I think... but EP lamb makes real nice poops!! Does getting older get Tuffy to become a picky eater?
  20. Sorry this is long.. I hope I will explain this ok.. English is not my first language ok so.. Tuffy is a born food driven pup... loves to eat and will eat anything... since 1 month ago... It started 3-4 weeks ago.. He refused one kind of cookies.. hard snap cookies all natural ones... He will just eat soft chew cookies or hard one form a special dog bakery place (special treats) and milk bones. or other that smell strong (like liver or trippe cookies).. since last week He started to stop rushing to his meal too.. but will still eat... Here is a description of Tuffy meal time for you to understand: For supper last night: I put his bowl in the kitchen, on the raised feeder as usual... Tuffy did not eat..Looks at me not knowing what to do.. later in the evening (around 8h) I put it in the livingroom (on the raised feeder).. He did not touch it... later I got in the kitchen with Tuffy, I sat and took little kibble in my hand ans he eat them... I put some on the floor and He eats them... I took the bowl in my hand and he eat half the meal...then stop... I put back the bowl in the living room... wont eat.. after his evening pee out (at 10h) I put 2 little soft cookies in the rest of the kibbles in the bowl on the feeder in the living room and Tuffy eat it all... This morning: I put the food in the living room... Tuffy looks at me and wont eat...but he does act like he is hungry (when I ask him he barks and get excited) I got him in the kitchen and sat with the bowl in my hands, He eat a little.. I put a little on the floor he eats... little in my hand and he eats.. after several time like that he finish the meal in the bowl (that I was holding)... 12 minutes later he finish his meal..... and He drinks in the other bowl on the raised feeder WITH NO PROBLEM!!! Tuffy eats EP Lamb, with yogurt and he takes glucosamine pills for his arthritis.. He is 7 years old.. Is this a behavior reaction to the bowl? (it's the same old bowl and raised feeder, nothing new!) I check his teeth and di not see anything wrong.. exept maybe gingevitis.. I have to brush more his teeth.. Does Tuffy starting to be picky for his food?? He will eat "normally" (quickly) if I give him some can food or anchovies in the kibbles!! I really "amazed" and worried about this behavior... thanks for your ideas and toughts...
  21. How is Logan doing? cant wait to see the video you talked about...
  22. Godspeed beautifull Loca... Robin
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